Complaint type: USED SOLD AS NEW,


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Complaint type: USED SOLD AS NEW,

I have submitted our plan of action now twice but still rejected… we accidently shipped our customer a showroom drum that was stored in the office in their original box.
this are artisan drum my supplier is the only one making them there are no others selling them

I am a sole proprior with two different ficticious business names the invoice has my name and one of the business names on it, I am listed on amazon with the other business name can that be the problem?
any help createley appreciated.

Plan of Action:

1.) Issue that caused complain:

1.1) Original xxx box used as storage box for a used drum

 The   drums arrive in their Original cardboard boxes in the Warehouse.

  I have a set of the drums in their original boxes in my office next to the warehouse that I use  as samples for visiting client.

  This sample set is NOT for Sale.

  My assistant accidentally did take a box from the Office thinking it was a new delivery with new drums and shipped one of my office used drums to the client.

1.2) Complain that the Mallets are not in the box

  The Mallets are in a pocket in the strap of the Drum bag and sometimes people do not notice the pocket.

  The pocket has a flap so the Mallets can only be seen when you open the flap and also touch the strap.

  It is very obvious if you take the bag out of the box as you can feel the mallets in the strap pocket.

2.) Aktion taken to avoid further complains

2.1) Original box will not be used as storage boxes but recycled

We have removed the original boxes as storage boxes in the office and replaced them with brown cardboard boxes

 We will not use empty  xxx boxes as storage boxes anymore.

 We have instructed our shipping staff to check every xxx cardboard box  when we receive the shipping from Metal Sounds to make sure that the box was unopened before it is put onto the warehouse shelves.

 If they find a box that was open it is marked with a RED Marker and X on all site and pulled from the stock and brought into the office

2.2) Mallets not in box- include paper explaining they are in pocket

We will include a printout that will explain that the mallets are in the pocket of the bag and ask the customer to check the pocket.

3.)Instructions for our shipping staff

  • When the xxxx shipment arrives check every box to see if it is closed
  • If the Box was opened mark the box with a red marker and X on all for site and bring to the office
  • When the shipping box for the customer is packed include the original unopened zenko box and the Mallet printout Paper
  • If we have empty xxxBoxes cut them up for recycling and do not reuse.

4.) Contact information for my Supplier

5.) invoics from the last year in pdf as my supplier sends them to me

6.)jpegs of the invoices that had the xxdrum and marked the entry with black marker

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Tags:Buy Box, Fees, Listings
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@chris_amazon accidentally created two threads can you please close this one sorry about the extra work

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reworked the POA , fixed invoice issues ( email address different from amazon account email) thanks for everyone posting their struggle and sharing information

any input greatly appreciated have not submitted this yet waiting to get some feedback on this before I attempt again ( the other 2 POA and Invoices where rejected)

RE: Re activation of ASIN #xxxxxxxxxxx

This ASIN was placed in inactive status due to a customer complaint, “Used sold as new”, “Damaged/Defective”

A). What Went Wrong, Root Cause: used item sold as new-

The xxx drum box the customer received was from a previous return we received from another order. We mistakenly sent out the returned box to the customer. Therefore when the customer opened the box the drum was showing signs of use and it was the wrong tuning.

Our big mistake was to store the new inventory, next to the Returns, this resulted in us pulling the return instead of a new box for the customer.
Another mistake we had made that we store returns and recycle them only once a month and not when they arrive at our warehouse.
We do not resale our returns.

B) What we a have done to fix the problem: Customer received a previous returned item- used item sold as new

**Taking Care of the customer:**

        The customer contacted us, we apologized  and we refunded them immediately for 
       the purchase.
       The Customer than ordered a new drum from us through amazon that we shipped 
        expedited and was satisfied with our service in making it right.

**Removing of the Return inventory from the warehouse** 
       We physically removed all Return drum sets from the warehouse area, done Jan 10th
             - unpacked all returns and put the drums in the plastic bins for recycle, outside
               the warehouse.
              - destroyed all original xx drum boxes from the returns so they can not be used 
                for shipping

     We did a thorough inspection of the xx inventory in the warehouse, done jan 10th.
              - checked all xxx Drum boxes in the warehouse if the box was in the original 
                 unopened condition and matched our inventory list.
              - discarded and cut up any xxx box that was used to store  the return sets.

     **We reorganized the warehouse storage area, done Jan 10th.
       - Clearly labeled shelves for the    xxx drum Boxes.
       - instructed our packing staff to only pull from the clearly marked shelves 

     **We changed our  Handling Return Policy, implemented jan 10th**
       -instruction of the staff to  immediately unpacked  any xxx drum return and destroy the original box and put the drum  in the plastic bins for recycling outside the warehouse.

C) What we have done to prevent the problem used item sold as new, from recurring

    -  Picking inventory:  
           We implemented a new policy and trained our packing staff to only pull from the xxx drum , done jan10th
           marked shelves in the warehouse and double check if the seal of the original xxx 
           box is intact.
           If the seal is broken, unpack the drum, discard the original box and bring drum to 
           the plastic bins for recycling outside the warehouse.

   -  Handeling Returnes: 
         First action in the morning before we start packing. immediately unpack all   

Returns and destroy the original Drum box and put the returned drums in the recycling bins outside the warehouse.
The shipping staff is trained to do this, implemented Jan 10th.

    - Inventory Storage: 
         We created a new clearly marked and labeled shelving space dedicated for the xxx drums only in the warehouse.
         We are checking daily in the morning if the inventory level matches the listed inventory on amazon. implemented on Jan 10th

   -   Receiving Inventory: 
      Incoming shipment from our supplier will  be inspected:
              are all original  xxx drum boxes sealed
               was the seal tampered wit and if so the  original xxx box that was compromised will be cut up and recycled and the drum put in the recycling bin outside the warehouse
               the shipment will be immediatly unpacked and stored in the dedicated xxx drum storage shelves only.  implemented Jan 10th
     All the above steps will help make certain that our account complies with Amazon policy, to customer satisfaction by preventing shipping errors.

D) included the invoices from our supplier with the ASIN in question

E) supplier information.

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Hello @feeltoneusa ,

Abraham here with Amazon willing to assist.

After reviewing you revised plan of action i have a couple call outs.

Overall, I think this is a strong appeal its clear you understood what caused the inventory mix up with returned products and new ones. You also understood how distinguish the new products and return products and provided proper trainings on this as well as audits.

Here are some things when I read it a few times that I’m questioning.

Maybe clarify this because the way I am reading this is that the issue that led to the problem was the “New Inventory” was stored next to the “Returns Inventory”. You stated that the returned items get recycled once a month which caused for the item to get pulled from that area as a new product. The way you are solving this is you integrated a new policy and double check if the seals are intact. If not then they will be immediately recycled.

So there is still a possibility that returned products could be integrated in the new inventory section? There isn’t a completely different area that return products are received and sent to the recycling separate from the “new” receiving section and inventory?

I would clarify this as this may still raise some concerns about the receiving of your new and used inventory and locations in your warehouse.

Lastly I would touch on possibly talk about your quality check processes once you receive your products and once you are ready to ship the products to your customers. This is to ensure we can understand if your checks will catch any possibly problems with your products before you send it to your customers, which could create a bad experience.

Thank you for your post.


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