Hi Sellers,
We want to provide clarity around the display of your business name on your profile in the New Seller Forums Experience. The business name that is currently found in your seller central account (under the global accounts tab) will be displayed on your profile page in the new forums experience. All new forums members will be able to see the name of your business on your forums profile page in the new forums experience.
To provide the most choice and flexibility to you, when you migrate to the New Seller Forums Experience, you have the option of whether or not to tie your old posts to your display name. You can either:
A. Start fresh. Create a new forums display name. Your previous posts will remain associated to your previous display name and not associated with your business name in your new forums profile, and your old display name cannot be used by any other forums member. You will start the new forums without any post history.
B. Roll everything over. Keep your current display name and all previous posts. Your forums history and statistics will be associated with your display name in the new Seller Forums experience.
Hi Sellers,
We want to provide clarity around the display of your business name on your profile in the New Seller Forums Experience. The business name that is currently found in your seller central account (under the global accounts tab) will be displayed on your profile page in the new forums experience. All new forums members will be able to see the name of your business on your forums profile page in the new forums experience.
To provide the most choice and flexibility to you, when you migrate to the New Seller Forums Experience, you have the option of whether or not to tie your old posts to your display name. You can either:
A. Start fresh. Create a new forums display name. Your previous posts will remain associated to your previous display name and not associated with your business name in your new forums profile, and your old display name cannot be used by any other forums member. You will start the new forums without any post history.
B. Roll everything over. Keep your current display name and all previous posts. Your forums history and statistics will be associated with your display name in the new Seller Forums experience.
To further clarify,
If we choose to start fresh, does this mean our previous posts will continue to appear and be linked to business name?
This is not a solution. We have lost our privacy. The only way of maintaining it available to us is to delete our seller account.
This is at least some attempt to deal with the existing privacy concerns of posters.
However, this does nothing to address the issue going forward. Sellers will still be unable to use the forum in any way without linking back to their seller accounts. This means that a seller cannot ask any questions (for example about sourcing) without revealing themselves to their competitors, customers…
The larger decision is still a mistake, regardless of the fact that this news, at least, is welcome.
Kindly confirm the further clarification.
If current forum members DO NOT opt into anything will they automatically be rolled over to the NSFE? Meaning is this something members have to be proactively diligent about in order to protect their privacy?
Like I said in the other topic you posted this in - Not good enough.
You and the mods claim to advocate for us; either do a better job “advocating” because none of us want this either, or just be open and honest about wanting to get rid of most of us.
Thank You Wyatt, I am glad that you were finally able to clarify this issue somewhat.
I think you will find that many forum users are ready to go regardless, as they did not appreciate having a gun held to their heads. Many will even close their Seller accounts.
Which is a shame because Seller Support is beyond useless; actually gives bad advice that will result in account suspension. These Sellers were doing Amazon’s job for them, and Amazon just ran in with guns drawn and drove them out.
Gee, how NICE (?????) of Amazon to come up with this AFTER several of us migrated already.................
Hi Sellers,
We want to provide clarity around the display of your business name on your profile in the New Seller Forums Experience. The business name that is currently found in your seller central account (under the global accounts tab) will be displayed on your profile page in the new forums experience. All new forums members will be able to see the name of your business on your forums profile page in the new forums experience.
To provide the most choice and flexibility to you, when you migrate to the New Seller Forums Experience, you have the option of whether or not to tie your old posts to your display name. You can either:
A. Start fresh. Create a new forums display name. Your previous posts will remain associated to your previous display name and not associated with your business name in your new forums profile, and your old display name cannot be used by any other forums member. You will start the new forums without any post history.
B. Roll everything over. Keep your current display name and all previous posts. Your forums history and statistics will be associated with your display name in the new Seller Forums experience.
Hi Sellers,
We want to provide clarity around the display of your business name on your profile in the New Seller Forums Experience. The business name that is currently found in your seller central account (under the global accounts tab) will be displayed on your profile page in the new forums experience. All new forums members will be able to see the name of your business on your forums profile page in the new forums experience.
To provide the most choice and flexibility to you, when you migrate to the New Seller Forums Experience, you have the option of whether or not to tie your old posts to your display name. You can either:
A. Start fresh. Create a new forums display name. Your previous posts will remain associated to your previous display name and not associated with your business name in your new forums profile, and your old display name cannot be used by any other forums member. You will start the new forums without any post history.
B. Roll everything over. Keep your current display name and all previous posts. Your forums history and statistics will be associated with your display name in the new Seller Forums experience.
Hi Sellers,
We want to provide clarity around the display of your business name on your profile in the New Seller Forums Experience. The business name that is currently found in your seller central account (under the global accounts tab) will be displayed on your profile page in the new forums experience. All new forums members will be able to see the name of your business on your forums profile page in the new forums experience.
To provide the most choice and flexibility to you, when you migrate to the New Seller Forums Experience, you have the option of whether or not to tie your old posts to your display name. You can either:
A. Start fresh. Create a new forums display name. Your previous posts will remain associated to your previous display name and not associated with your business name in your new forums profile, and your old display name cannot be used by any other forums member. You will start the new forums without any post history.
B. Roll everything over. Keep your current display name and all previous posts. Your forums history and statistics will be associated with your display name in the new Seller Forums experience.
To further clarify,
If we choose to start fresh, does this mean our previous posts will continue to appear and be linked to business name?
This is not a solution. We have lost our privacy. The only way of maintaining it available to us is to delete our seller account.
This is at least some attempt to deal with the existing privacy concerns of posters.
However, this does nothing to address the issue going forward. Sellers will still be unable to use the forum in any way without linking back to their seller accounts. This means that a seller cannot ask any questions (for example about sourcing) without revealing themselves to their competitors, customers…
The larger decision is still a mistake, regardless of the fact that this news, at least, is welcome.
Kindly confirm the further clarification.
If current forum members DO NOT opt into anything will they automatically be rolled over to the NSFE? Meaning is this something members have to be proactively diligent about in order to protect their privacy?
Like I said in the other topic you posted this in - Not good enough.
You and the mods claim to advocate for us; either do a better job “advocating” because none of us want this either, or just be open and honest about wanting to get rid of most of us.
Thank You Wyatt, I am glad that you were finally able to clarify this issue somewhat.
I think you will find that many forum users are ready to go regardless, as they did not appreciate having a gun held to their heads. Many will even close their Seller accounts.
Which is a shame because Seller Support is beyond useless; actually gives bad advice that will result in account suspension. These Sellers were doing Amazon’s job for them, and Amazon just ran in with guns drawn and drove them out.
Gee, how NICE (?????) of Amazon to come up with this AFTER several of us migrated already.................
To further clarify,
If we choose to start fresh, does this mean our previous posts will continue to appear and be linked to business name?
This is not a solution. We have lost our privacy. The only way of maintaining it available to us is to delete our seller account.
To further clarify,
If we choose to start fresh, does this mean our previous posts will continue to appear and be linked to business name?
This is not a solution. We have lost our privacy. The only way of maintaining it available to us is to delete our seller account.
This is at least some attempt to deal with the existing privacy concerns of posters.
However, this does nothing to address the issue going forward. Sellers will still be unable to use the forum in any way without linking back to their seller accounts. This means that a seller cannot ask any questions (for example about sourcing) without revealing themselves to their competitors, customers…
The larger decision is still a mistake, regardless of the fact that this news, at least, is welcome.
This is at least some attempt to deal with the existing privacy concerns of posters.
However, this does nothing to address the issue going forward. Sellers will still be unable to use the forum in any way without linking back to their seller accounts. This means that a seller cannot ask any questions (for example about sourcing) without revealing themselves to their competitors, customers…
The larger decision is still a mistake, regardless of the fact that this news, at least, is welcome.
Kindly confirm the further clarification.
If current forum members DO NOT opt into anything will they automatically be rolled over to the NSFE? Meaning is this something members have to be proactively diligent about in order to protect their privacy?
Kindly confirm the further clarification.
If current forum members DO NOT opt into anything will they automatically be rolled over to the NSFE? Meaning is this something members have to be proactively diligent about in order to protect their privacy?
Like I said in the other topic you posted this in - Not good enough.
You and the mods claim to advocate for us; either do a better job “advocating” because none of us want this either, or just be open and honest about wanting to get rid of most of us.
Like I said in the other topic you posted this in - Not good enough.
You and the mods claim to advocate for us; either do a better job “advocating” because none of us want this either, or just be open and honest about wanting to get rid of most of us.
Thank You Wyatt, I am glad that you were finally able to clarify this issue somewhat.
I think you will find that many forum users are ready to go regardless, as they did not appreciate having a gun held to their heads. Many will even close their Seller accounts.
Which is a shame because Seller Support is beyond useless; actually gives bad advice that will result in account suspension. These Sellers were doing Amazon’s job for them, and Amazon just ran in with guns drawn and drove them out.
Thank You Wyatt, I am glad that you were finally able to clarify this issue somewhat.
I think you will find that many forum users are ready to go regardless, as they did not appreciate having a gun held to their heads. Many will even close their Seller accounts.
Which is a shame because Seller Support is beyond useless; actually gives bad advice that will result in account suspension. These Sellers were doing Amazon’s job for them, and Amazon just ran in with guns drawn and drove them out.
Gee, how NICE (?????) of Amazon to come up with this AFTER several of us migrated already.................
Gee, how NICE (?????) of Amazon to come up with this AFTER several of us migrated already.................