Change of address after item shipped already
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Change of address after item shipped already

Got an email from a customer about an order that has already shipped:

" This was a part of a larger order that had the address changed. I don’t know what this order didn’t update but the billing and shipping address have changed to (address omitted).

It’s an SFP order, so Amazon will refund them im sure without even contacting us about it. What’s the best way to respond in this case since they won’t be getting their item most likely. It’s a $12 order btw, not much but it seems i’ve been refunding a lot of little orders for INR lately.

8 replies
Tags:Address, Billing
8 replies
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Don’t change the address, if you do, Amazon will not support you in any aftermath. We have noticed, when placing orders with Amazon, there is a communication tab the customer can click on requesting an address change. Not sure why that is there, because Amazon itself says not to do it. :train2:

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I’m with SellC - I’d follow Amazon’s published policy, which is available in the Seller Help Content’s A buyer has asked me to ship an order to a different address. What should I do? (link) .

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Our standard response:

Thank you for your email. I understand that you would like the shipping address for your order changed. As per Amazon policy, a third party merchant cannot change the order details of a customer’s order. This is to ensure that the highest level of order integrity is maintained. In this case, Amazon outlines the proper procedure that a customer needs to take should the customer want to make changes to a shipping address for an order placed through a third party merchant.

Amazon states that the buyer will need to cancel the order and then re-order with the correct shipping address. Please navigate your web browser to:

There you will see the cancellation button. Please use that button and cancel the order. Once you have canceled the order you can place another order with the updated shipping address.

Please let me know if you need any further assistance with this order. I would be more than happy to help you with anything else. Thank you.

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This is one of those costs that you need to plan to absorb, and build into the cost of your product. We sell a product that is frequently associated with customers moving / changing their address. And this happens a lot. Thankfully, we are the manufacturer (not a middle-man) so the cost of reshipping the product as a courtesy is a cost we can absorb.

Per article mentioned above, you can partially refund (and risk negative review, which you won’t be able to remove), issue a full refund (and still potentially receive a negative review as we have before), or reship the product. Seller loses in either money or review reputation in all cases where buyer is bitter about our inability to intervene and re-route an order.

Basically, you need to be prepared to reship the items or risk backlash in reviews. Amazon at least gives you the option to weigh your own risk/reward.

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