Carrier tracking information required starting October 1, 2021
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Carrier tracking information required starting October 1, 2021

In our continual efforts to receive your shipments more quickly and make your inventory available for sale faster, Amazon has updated its policy related to carrier and tracking information. The updated policy applies for sellers who send shipments to Amazon outside of the Amazon Partnered Carrier program.

Starting October 1, 2021, FBA sellers will be required to enter the carrier name and tracking information, where available, during shipment creation so that tracking information is provided before your shipment arrives at the fulfillment center. This change is not applicable for sellers who use the Amazon Partnered Carrier program or Amazon Global Logistics since Amazon will generate tracking information for you.

Providing carrier tracking information helps Amazon receive your inventory more efficiently and avoid delays in the receive process. Additionally, if your products are out of stock, Amazon can make them available for sale while in transit based on real-time tracking when In-Stock Head Start is active. For faster receive times, ensure that the tracking IDs for parcel shipments are mapped to the correct FBA box ID label on each box.

Tracking information can be provided to Amazon through the Seller Central shipment creation workflow, the Track shipment tab on the Shipment summary page, and through Amazon Marketplace Web Service. For parcel shipments, tracking IDs will be required for every box, where available. For less-than-truckload and full-truckload shipments, a freight progressive number (PRO) will be required for every shipment.

Amazon will measure your missing tracking information defect rate at the shipment level. For more information, go to Carrier and tracking information requirements.

For instructions on uploading tracking information and tracking the status of your shipments, go to Track your shipments: Shipping Queue and Shipment Summary.

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Tags:News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Someone did not proof read this before sending it out. You cannot be both required to provide it and then say where available.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Squeezing the funnel towards Amazon Partnered Carrier Services. Brilliant!

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When Amazon contacts a 2nd or 3rd party to pickup freight 99 out of 100 times it is very smooth and the drivers show up extremely fast. However, when its one of Amazons trucks we are not notified when they are coming (no prior phone call) they tend to show up days after Amazon said they would show up, sometimes the shipment is already “picked up and will arrive at destination…” when the truck never even arrived yet.

We used to use our own carrier, but Amazon opened a new warehouse and designated all of our goods to that one further away and it was no longer cost efficient to use our own carrier options and now exclusively use Amazons partner carriers.

If I ever have to or can go back to using a carrier of my own choose that is cost effective I wont mind needing to input this information. My only wish is that from here on out Amazon holds their drivers and trucks to the same standards we are required to when it comes to being “on time”.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

IMPOSSIBLE … when having our manufacturer ship directly to FBA, first the shipment needs to be created to tell them where to ship it. We send them the FBA labels from the shipment creation. Then only after the shipment is created, they prepare it for shipment and then provide use with the tracking information. There is no way to have the shipping tracking info available at the time of shipment creation! Am I missing something?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

When I input DHL inc, 10 digit tracking number onto the track shipment tab it is still showing ‘No tracking events to display.’ even though the shipment is already in transit. DHL inc. tracking information is not integrated with amazon system.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

A lot of times, we do not have the tracking number.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

It’s just more reason to move away from Amazon entirely. Shopify makes easy to use websites.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon wants to force you to use Amazon Global Logistics because you are exempt from tracking requirement if you use Amazon Global Logistics requirements.

I ship by sea I can’t update tracking until products arrive in US

I don’t have tracking numbers at time I print shipping labels

This requirement no different than stringent holiday selling requirements during holidays for seller fulfilled orders to force you to use Amazon FBA where holiday selling requirements don’t apply

Bottom line Amazon wants to make more money

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I use 3rd party trucking after you miss a pickup appointment. Last year I let you miss 3 appointments before sending in a 3rd party.


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