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Can I pay to get ungated?

So Ive been selling on amazon for about 3 months now and my sales are okay with the products I have put my brand on. However Id like to sell branded products to increase my profit. Specifically I would like to sell Xbox or Playstation consoles. I haven’t been selling for long so my trust level isnt high enough for auto approval in Microsoft or Sony. I cant get an invoice because I would be buying them used and I guarantee Microsoft isnt going to take the time to write me a letter stating I can sell there products on my amazon store.

I have done a little research and have found it is possible to pay someone to get access to you account and get you ungated. My first question would be is this against Amazons terms and services and my follow up question would be is this legit? How trust worthy are these companies and does anyone have experience with paying to get ungated in certain products? If it is legit can anyone give me a trustworthy website they have used in the past to get them ungated?

Thank you for you time and goodluck with your Amazon store!

7 replies
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Can I pay to get ungated?

So Ive been selling on amazon for about 3 months now and my sales are okay with the products I have put my brand on. However Id like to sell branded products to increase my profit. Specifically I would like to sell Xbox or Playstation consoles. I haven’t been selling for long so my trust level isnt high enough for auto approval in Microsoft or Sony. I cant get an invoice because I would be buying them used and I guarantee Microsoft isnt going to take the time to write me a letter stating I can sell there products on my amazon store.

I have done a little research and have found it is possible to pay someone to get access to you account and get you ungated. My first question would be is this against Amazons terms and services and my follow up question would be is this legit? How trust worthy are these companies and does anyone have experience with paying to get ungated in certain products? If it is legit can anyone give me a trustworthy website they have used in the past to get them ungated?

Thank you for you time and goodluck with your Amazon store!

7 replies
7 replies
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I honestly can’t believe you actually posted this… :no_good_man: :man_facepalming:

Whoever or wherever it was that told you about paying to get ungated, should be immediately reported to Amazon legal.

It is against Amazon policy, it is not legal and you will find yourself suspended before your 6th month, if you follow through and if you do sell anything, prior to be suspended, you can kiss ALL your funds Amazon is holding, goodbye forever, regardless of the ASIN purchased

Do a little more research and find out how to become an authorized distributor for major brands, such as Microsoft.

Start here: Intellectual Property for Rights Owners

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You can’t trust any of these companies. It’s all nonsense. Forget this idea and move on.

I actually can’t believe anyone would ask or post about this.

You will get busted for what you are talking about and if you do, that’s it. 1 Seller Account per individual for life.

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Thank you for your responses. Like I said my new to amazon seller so I didnt know. Im not trying to be sneaky or work around the system I was just curious after watching a youtube video and thought I could get some friendly help on the amazon forums.

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It is illegal to solicit, accept, or offer bribes.

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@ElixirBeauty101, you were right to ask first.
Definitely see this post/thread:

TLDR: A company who offers ungating services provided Amazon with forged invoices, resulting in @Bobbeegal’s account being deactivated–and they did not even hire the company. :flushed:

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Don’t pay a third-party company to “ungate” for you. Because the way they get this done is by forging invoices or doing other things that violate Amazon’s TOS. And when (not if) Amazon finds out you are held responsible and you are suspended. And nothing happens to the company you paid.

Also FYI, even if you had a legitimate invoice, if can take like 90 days for them to review your application to sell a brand. So if your goal was to get this done for the Christmas rush, I’d recommend directing your focus to other venues where you are not restricted.

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Can I pay to get ungated?

So Ive been selling on amazon for about 3 months now and my sales are okay with the products I have put my brand on. However Id like to sell branded products to increase my profit. Specifically I would like to sell Xbox or Playstation consoles. I haven’t been selling for long so my trust level isnt high enough for auto approval in Microsoft or Sony. I cant get an invoice because I would be buying them used and I guarantee Microsoft isnt going to take the time to write me a letter stating I can sell there products on my amazon store.

I have done a little research and have found it is possible to pay someone to get access to you account and get you ungated. My first question would be is this against Amazons terms and services and my follow up question would be is this legit? How trust worthy are these companies and does anyone have experience with paying to get ungated in certain products? If it is legit can anyone give me a trustworthy website they have used in the past to get them ungated?

Thank you for you time and goodluck with your Amazon store!

7 replies
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Can I pay to get ungated?

So Ive been selling on amazon for about 3 months now and my sales are okay with the products I have put my brand on. However Id like to sell branded products to increase my profit. Specifically I would like to sell Xbox or Playstation consoles. I haven’t been selling for long so my trust level isnt high enough for auto approval in Microsoft or Sony. I cant get an invoice because I would be buying them used and I guarantee Microsoft isnt going to take the time to write me a letter stating I can sell there products on my amazon store.

I have done a little research and have found it is possible to pay someone to get access to you account and get you ungated. My first question would be is this against Amazons terms and services and my follow up question would be is this legit? How trust worthy are these companies and does anyone have experience with paying to get ungated in certain products? If it is legit can anyone give me a trustworthy website they have used in the past to get them ungated?

Thank you for you time and goodluck with your Amazon store!

7 replies
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Can I pay to get ungated?

by Seller_wQQEHb8GGYf7W

So Ive been selling on amazon for about 3 months now and my sales are okay with the products I have put my brand on. However Id like to sell branded products to increase my profit. Specifically I would like to sell Xbox or Playstation consoles. I haven’t been selling for long so my trust level isnt high enough for auto approval in Microsoft or Sony. I cant get an invoice because I would be buying them used and I guarantee Microsoft isnt going to take the time to write me a letter stating I can sell there products on my amazon store.

I have done a little research and have found it is possible to pay someone to get access to you account and get you ungated. My first question would be is this against Amazons terms and services and my follow up question would be is this legit? How trust worthy are these companies and does anyone have experience with paying to get ungated in certain products? If it is legit can anyone give me a trustworthy website they have used in the past to get them ungated?

Thank you for you time and goodluck with your Amazon store!

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I honestly can’t believe you actually posted this… :no_good_man: :man_facepalming:

Whoever or wherever it was that told you about paying to get ungated, should be immediately reported to Amazon legal.

It is against Amazon policy, it is not legal and you will find yourself suspended before your 6th month, if you follow through and if you do sell anything, prior to be suspended, you can kiss ALL your funds Amazon is holding, goodbye forever, regardless of the ASIN purchased

Do a little more research and find out how to become an authorized distributor for major brands, such as Microsoft.

Start here: Intellectual Property for Rights Owners

user profile

You can’t trust any of these companies. It’s all nonsense. Forget this idea and move on.

I actually can’t believe anyone would ask or post about this.

You will get busted for what you are talking about and if you do, that’s it. 1 Seller Account per individual for life.

user profile

Thank you for your responses. Like I said my new to amazon seller so I didnt know. Im not trying to be sneaky or work around the system I was just curious after watching a youtube video and thought I could get some friendly help on the amazon forums.

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It is illegal to solicit, accept, or offer bribes.

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@ElixirBeauty101, you were right to ask first.
Definitely see this post/thread:

TLDR: A company who offers ungating services provided Amazon with forged invoices, resulting in @Bobbeegal’s account being deactivated–and they did not even hire the company. :flushed:

user profile

Don’t pay a third-party company to “ungate” for you. Because the way they get this done is by forging invoices or doing other things that violate Amazon’s TOS. And when (not if) Amazon finds out you are held responsible and you are suspended. And nothing happens to the company you paid.

Also FYI, even if you had a legitimate invoice, if can take like 90 days for them to review your application to sell a brand. So if your goal was to get this done for the Christmas rush, I’d recommend directing your focus to other venues where you are not restricted.

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I honestly can’t believe you actually posted this… :no_good_man: :man_facepalming:

Whoever or wherever it was that told you about paying to get ungated, should be immediately reported to Amazon legal.

It is against Amazon policy, it is not legal and you will find yourself suspended before your 6th month, if you follow through and if you do sell anything, prior to be suspended, you can kiss ALL your funds Amazon is holding, goodbye forever, regardless of the ASIN purchased

Do a little more research and find out how to become an authorized distributor for major brands, such as Microsoft.

Start here: Intellectual Property for Rights Owners

user profile

I honestly can’t believe you actually posted this… :no_good_man: :man_facepalming:

Whoever or wherever it was that told you about paying to get ungated, should be immediately reported to Amazon legal.

It is against Amazon policy, it is not legal and you will find yourself suspended before your 6th month, if you follow through and if you do sell anything, prior to be suspended, you can kiss ALL your funds Amazon is holding, goodbye forever, regardless of the ASIN purchased

Do a little more research and find out how to become an authorized distributor for major brands, such as Microsoft.

Start here: Intellectual Property for Rights Owners

user profile

You can’t trust any of these companies. It’s all nonsense. Forget this idea and move on.

I actually can’t believe anyone would ask or post about this.

You will get busted for what you are talking about and if you do, that’s it. 1 Seller Account per individual for life.

user profile

You can’t trust any of these companies. It’s all nonsense. Forget this idea and move on.

I actually can’t believe anyone would ask or post about this.

You will get busted for what you are talking about and if you do, that’s it. 1 Seller Account per individual for life.

user profile

Thank you for your responses. Like I said my new to amazon seller so I didnt know. Im not trying to be sneaky or work around the system I was just curious after watching a youtube video and thought I could get some friendly help on the amazon forums.

user profile

Thank you for your responses. Like I said my new to amazon seller so I didnt know. Im not trying to be sneaky or work around the system I was just curious after watching a youtube video and thought I could get some friendly help on the amazon forums.

user profile

It is illegal to solicit, accept, or offer bribes.

user profile

It is illegal to solicit, accept, or offer bribes.

user profile

@ElixirBeauty101, you were right to ask first.
Definitely see this post/thread:

TLDR: A company who offers ungating services provided Amazon with forged invoices, resulting in @Bobbeegal’s account being deactivated–and they did not even hire the company. :flushed:

user profile

@ElixirBeauty101, you were right to ask first.
Definitely see this post/thread:

TLDR: A company who offers ungating services provided Amazon with forged invoices, resulting in @Bobbeegal’s account being deactivated–and they did not even hire the company. :flushed:

user profile

Don’t pay a third-party company to “ungate” for you. Because the way they get this done is by forging invoices or doing other things that violate Amazon’s TOS. And when (not if) Amazon finds out you are held responsible and you are suspended. And nothing happens to the company you paid.

Also FYI, even if you had a legitimate invoice, if can take like 90 days for them to review your application to sell a brand. So if your goal was to get this done for the Christmas rush, I’d recommend directing your focus to other venues where you are not restricted.

user profile

Don’t pay a third-party company to “ungate” for you. Because the way they get this done is by forging invoices or doing other things that violate Amazon’s TOS. And when (not if) Amazon finds out you are held responsible and you are suspended. And nothing happens to the company you paid.

Also FYI, even if you had a legitimate invoice, if can take like 90 days for them to review your application to sell a brand. So if your goal was to get this done for the Christmas rush, I’d recommend directing your focus to other venues where you are not restricted.

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