Buyer Refused Package - Help please
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Buyer Refused Package - Help please

Here is the situation.
Shipped a $450.69 item to the buyer with free shipping. Shipment via UPS cost me $201.00, no problem since I still make a profit.

Ordered 12/29
Shipped 12/29
Customer Refuses Item (I never hear from the customer regarding this refusal)
Item returned back to me on 1/8/18
UPS tracking shows - The receiver does not want the product and refused the delivery. / The package will be returned to the sender. (A charge of another $201.00 - I have lost all profit)
I refund buyer minus the return shipping fee only on 1/8/18.

Now it is 1/26/2018 and buyer messages me saying “Item was refused due to damage, I’m still waiting for my full refund”

–Any suggestions on how to handle this one? Thank you in advance.

19 replies
Tags:INR (item not received), Shipping, UPS
19 replies
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Did it come back damaged ?

If so you make a claim against UPS.
If not you inform the customer that the package came back not damaged in any way. And then prepare to defend against the A-Z claim

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As far as I’m concerned, if a customer is going to do that, he has to notify you contemporaneously that the item was damaged, and he has to indicate that to UPS, and there has to be evidence that he did so. If he did not, it’s a discretionary return and you can not only withhold shipping but restocking as well. I’m a little less clear on the return shipping cost in that circumstance, but I don’t think you can withhold it. The restocking would have to cover that as best it could.

Also on that topic, I have a strong objection to people who equate damage to a box with damage to what’s inside. There’s a reason it’s IN a box in the first place. We had a very shrill returner once who hadn’t bothered to open the box, apparently being convinced that the item was damaged given the damage to the box. It wasn’t.

bunga bunga!

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It’s typical for buyers to change their tune once they find out they will have to pay for the shipping. If the package was damaged, UPS tracking would note the item’s delivery was refused for damage. Instead, UPS tracking says the recipient did not want the item. As far as I am concerned, withhold the shipping fee and present that data to Amazon should an A-Z claim be opened. For that sum of money, I would anticipate an A-Z claim coming very soon.

Good luck…

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Remember that shipping is what you charged the buyer for shipping. Not what you paid for shipping.

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Under Amazon policy you cannot withhold your shipping charges to him if you sold it as free shipping. You may deduct the refused shipping charges as the item was returned as unwanted and is documented that way from UPS on the tracking. You may also deduct up to 20% for restocking if the item is not damaged. If the item is damaged, up to 50% of the purchase price can be witheld. You will probably get an A to Z but you can defend it as following Amazon return policy.

Edited by: KMJPerformance on Jan 31, 2018 8:31 AM

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I sold that store last summer. How is this showing up on my account? Please please remove my account from anything Experimac Suwanee purchases in the future. How did they get access to my PayPal account and be able to make a charge?

Edited by: Jake@SellerSupport on Jan 31, 2018 8:47 AM
Personal Information Removed.

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Why did you reship a product they sent back without talking to them first? I would have done that before I spent another $200 in shipping. Trust me they have been a pain for me as well. I do need that back to my account. It came out of my account not theirs.

Marie Umberger

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Could you charge shipping charges if the parcel had several delivered attempts and customer did not pick-up package at carrier store?

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I did not reship the item back to them. I paid shipping to them, and when they refused it - UPS charged me for the return shipping back to me.

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This is why I never recommend free shipping, in this case or when they give wrong address and when yo need to charge shipping to customer it can be a problem.


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