Buyer claims item not delivered - Tracking says item was delivered, then wasn't?
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Buyer claims item not delivered - Tracking says item was delivered, then wasn't?

From the USPS tracking info:
February 8, 2018, 6:24 pm
Unable to deliver item, problem with address
USPS was unable to deliver your item as of 6:24 pm on February 8, 2018 in CHICAGO, IL 60622. The address may be incorrect, incomplete, or illegible.
February 8, 2018, 6:22 pm
Delivered, Front Door/Porch
February 7, 2018, 10:16 am
Out for Delivery

Has anyone ever seen this before in tracking? What is the next best step?

13 replies
13 replies
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Tracking errors are not over-ridden or erased. The newest report is the one you go by until you see another. If you can work with the buyer and their post office, there is hope of getting delivered or sent back to you.

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It clearly says it WAS NOT DELIVERED… Where do you see “Delivered”?

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You will want to open a case with the post office ASAP. These things can take far longer to resolve without intervention than your buyer will likely be willing to wait.
My interpretation of the tracking is that- one possibility for example- the item was on the way to the front door and the mail person encountered something that then made that not possible such as the address not having the correct apt or unit number or a mailbox or a sign on the front door saying ccondemmed stay away, or there was a big dog that ran out and chased them away. Could be alot of things. But if you wait for USPS to sort it out they could take up to a few weeks get it back to you. You never know.

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This problem will not get fixed on its own - or at least not very quickly. You have to be proactive.

Start by telling the customer that you are aware of the problem, and that you are going to fix it. Then do so.

Call the postmaster for that zip code. ( This is best done at beginning of shift, often 7 or 8 am ) Ask them to find your package. If you are polite, they will usually do it.

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I would wait until Monday or Tuesday to do anything. There was a major snow storm in Chicago on Friday so the porch was probably not accessible. It Will go out and be delivered once the snow has been cleared and the postman can gain access to the porch.

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You could put a call into their post office and see if they can trace the package.

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Yes, calling the PO was my plan tomorrow morning. I assume it was due to the snow and I have already been talking about this with the buyer. I have never called a postmaster before - is there anything to say or ask for, besides help me find this package?

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Yes, do call the persons post office, give the track number they will look up or see if its there at the PO awaiting pick up, since the could not deliver (?) for who knows what reason, and have them recheck the address too.

I have had this happen b4 …and then it 1) gets either sent back to me, 2) i request a redelivery, online, you may wish to try that, or 3) is sitting at the PO, just tell them your a seller and the issue, :slight_smile: best of luck!

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if you purchased thelabel from amazon directly, you are covered
contact the buyer tell them to check with their family members… or neighbor… but you are covered.
if you shipped it to the address he provided , purchased the label from amazon, you dno’t have to ship another one. then again it’s up to you

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