Anyone else having issues with USPS Priority packages
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Anyone else having issues with USPS Priority packages

Just curious…I am a small seller and I sell 95% CDs I normally ship First Class mail with tracking using Amazon shipping. 95% of the time my packages are delivered within 3-4 days. Since Christmas I have sold 2 higher priced CDs – those I ship Priority because of the $50 insurance offered and I use Amazon shipping. I also sent a Priority package to my son using Paypal postage. All three of these packages have been “delayed” with the only tracking after the initial acceptance showing as “on its way to destination”. First Class packages mailed at the same time are being delivered as usual. Has anyone else had any problems with the Priority shipments either being delayed or not showing a detailed tracking? This is the tracking shown on the USPS website Estimated delivery was Jan 22.

January 23, 2018, 12:05 pm
In Transit to Destination
On its way to PHILADELPHIA, PA 19111
The package is delayed and will not be delivered by the expected delivery date. An updated delivery date will be provided when available. The item is currently in transit to the destination as of January 23, 2018 at 12:05 pm. It is on its way to PHILADELPHIA, PA 19111.
January 22, 2018, 12:05 pm
In Transit to Destination
On its way to PHILADELPHIA, PA 19111
January 21, 2018, 12:05 pm
In Transit to Destination
On its way to PHILADELPHIA, PA 19111
January 20, 2018, 9:05 pm
Arrived at USPS Regional Origin Facility
January 20, 2018, 11:42 am
USPS in possession of item
January 19, 2018
Pre-Shipment Info Sent to USPS, USPS Awaiting Item


9 replies
Tags:Shipping, USPS
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T%he problem is likely with Philadelphia, I recently had a shipment that I sent via Priority Mail take 3 days before it was scanned that it had been received at the Philly SFC. Once it was scanned it arrived at the delivery post office the next day then was finally delivered the next.

I ship from Cambridge, Maryland. Priority Mail goes straight to the Sorting center at BWI Airport. Tracking showed it left there the morning after it arrived there. It fell off the face of the earth when it got to Philly and still crawled enroute to final delivery.

I really believe there are problems with USPS in Philadelphia.

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had a PM package for florida get down there, then get routed back to me, then rerouted back to florida…dont know WTH is going on

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USPS has been wacky since Christmas. We had virtually no problems all Christmas season. The past 3 weeks we’ve had DOZENS of calls from customers facing the same type of delays as you. Shipments that should take 2 days takes 10+ with no explanation. Nobody knows where the package is and you have to sit on the phone with USPS for an hour to file a claim to get someone to call you back in a day and “magically” get the package found and on the way. We had one case where the package got routed to the wrong zip code (1 digit off, same town). It had the delay message and sat for 13 days. Filed a complaint and it magically was delivered the next day. It’s like the holiday season was so busy that the entire USPS system has a hangover.

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I just checked the last 30 days, and Priority has done well…I would say that say that maybe about 5% took a day or two longer than they should’ve. That MIGHT be worse than usual, but quite acceptable I think.

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I had one that went on delay and just sat for a week

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I am happy to say that the package did finally make it after a week! I talked to the PO here and they had no explanation—only that there is a lot more Priority than there used to be so it gets clogged up just like everything else does. So, I guess its just a fact of life to live with—as always!! THanks for the responses. At least its not just me!!(Misery loves company, right!!!)

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