Read onlyNews story here:
With a fleet of 40 vans and 100 employees, you can earn $300,000 a year, per Amazon
$250 a month per employee profit, or
$625 a month per vehicle profit
That’s very low profit for all of the risk and time you’d have to assume. Employee lawsuits, accidents, surging fuel costs, customer lawsuits, etc - all for a narrow profit margin.
I’m sure people will be tripping over themselves to do this.
Amazon wants $10,000 FROM you… to start your own Prime delivery service
Isn’t that the model FedEx uses in rural areas?
And not only that can you imagine how much fun it is to manage 40 employees who get no employee benefits?
I mean at $250 a month profit per employee for the small business owner, it’s impossible that they can provide benefits. Well unless they want to run the business as a non-profit.
Did an official Amazon employee make that statement or just some reporter chumming for drama.
What I seen made no mention of the terms.
From Amazon’s site they state that 20-40 vehicles will yield $1M-4.5M REVENUE and $75K-300K PROFIT.
They don’t explain or give examples of how they got these numbers and that these numbers are are projections only. I’m not even sure if this factors in a salary for you as the owner. If it’s anything like what our Fed Ex independents do, it’s not very much.
hmm , cost of buying 40 Trucks = xxxx
Employees Costs = xxxx
Insurance on vehicles and Insurance on carrying parcels XXX
Vehicle expenses xxxx
Expenses I missed Xxx
Total Return on Investment = Jackpot . I’m in .
Now just to buy those 40 Trucks . Do they have to be real trucks
what about “shrinkage”? Who pays for Insurance?
what about late deliveries harming your DDR “Delivery Defect Rate” lol at which time amazon can suspend the business you invested in
what a disaster waiting to happen
guess its better than drones though, right Jeff?