Amazon, in partnership with our Black Employee Network and a coalition of non-profit partners, has launched the Black Business Accelerator (BBA) grant program. This program will help to build sustainable equity and growth for Black-owned businesses by explicitly targeting barriers to access, opportunity, and advancement created by systemic racism across America. Backed by a $150 million commitment, this initiative aims to drive economic equity for Black entrepreneurs by providing them with resources to thrive as entrepreneurs and business leaders. Amazon’s BBA program will provide access to financial support, strategic business guidance and mentorship, and marketing and promotional support to help both current and aspiring Black small business owners grow their businesses and maximize the opportunities of selling in Amazon.
Amazon, in partnership with our Black Employee Network and a coalition of non-profit partners, has launched the Black Business Accelerator (BBA) grant program. This program will help to build sustainable equity and growth for Black-owned businesses by explicitly targeting barriers to access, opportunity, and advancement created by systemic racism across America. Backed by a $150 million commitment, this initiative aims to drive economic equity for Black entrepreneurs by providing them with resources to thrive as entrepreneurs and business leaders. Amazon’s BBA program will provide access to financial support, strategic business guidance and mentorship, and marketing and promotional support to help both current and aspiring Black small business owners grow their businesses and maximize the opportunities of selling in Amazon.
I would think any short-term empowerment will be quickly devoured by the massive influx of offshore sellers, poor support, badly programmed bots, excessive buyer fraud, etc.
I do not agree with treating any group differently based on their skin color, nationality or religion. Excluding any group from a program designed to promote business is promoting racism. If I were Black I would be embarrassed and angry at Amazon for perpetuating this notion that I need special treatment to succeed and can’t do it on my own merit.
I also feel like 150M is a paltry amount. This is only meant to create a perception among consumers as a marketing tactic.
As a black man, this is bs. Is this an Amazon lie or an American lie? That money is spent and not on anyone or anything black
they have the same opportunities as the rest of us so how about some help for the rest of us I sure could use some
I have never had an email from a prospective customer asking me what my race, gender, sexual orientation or favorite football team is prior to placing an order. Nor do I ask these questions before accepting an order, or placing my own order. DO YOU?
It’s all a publicity stunt. I don’t see how this helps black folks. However, it will be announced in the news.
Amazon should empower innovators and true entrepreneurs, period. Instead of virtue signaling, they should put their focus into helping entrepreneurs fight knockoffs and pirated products instead.
Amazon, in partnership with our Black Employee Network and a coalition of non-profit partners, has launched the Black Business Accelerator (BBA) grant program. This program will help to build sustainable equity and growth for Black-owned businesses by explicitly targeting barriers to access, opportunity, and advancement created by systemic racism across America. Backed by a $150 million commitment, this initiative aims to drive economic equity for Black entrepreneurs by providing them with resources to thrive as entrepreneurs and business leaders. Amazon’s BBA program will provide access to financial support, strategic business guidance and mentorship, and marketing and promotional support to help both current and aspiring Black small business owners grow their businesses and maximize the opportunities of selling in Amazon.
Amazon, in partnership with our Black Employee Network and a coalition of non-profit partners, has launched the Black Business Accelerator (BBA) grant program. This program will help to build sustainable equity and growth for Black-owned businesses by explicitly targeting barriers to access, opportunity, and advancement created by systemic racism across America. Backed by a $150 million commitment, this initiative aims to drive economic equity for Black entrepreneurs by providing them with resources to thrive as entrepreneurs and business leaders. Amazon’s BBA program will provide access to financial support, strategic business guidance and mentorship, and marketing and promotional support to help both current and aspiring Black small business owners grow their businesses and maximize the opportunities of selling in Amazon.
Amazon, in partnership with our Black Employee Network and a coalition of non-profit partners, has launched the Black Business Accelerator (BBA) grant program. This program will help to build sustainable equity and growth for Black-owned businesses by explicitly targeting barriers to access, opportunity, and advancement created by systemic racism across America. Backed by a $150 million commitment, this initiative aims to drive economic equity for Black entrepreneurs by providing them with resources to thrive as entrepreneurs and business leaders. Amazon’s BBA program will provide access to financial support, strategic business guidance and mentorship, and marketing and promotional support to help both current and aspiring Black small business owners grow their businesses and maximize the opportunities of selling in Amazon.
I would think any short-term empowerment will be quickly devoured by the massive influx of offshore sellers, poor support, badly programmed bots, excessive buyer fraud, etc.
I do not agree with treating any group differently based on their skin color, nationality or religion. Excluding any group from a program designed to promote business is promoting racism. If I were Black I would be embarrassed and angry at Amazon for perpetuating this notion that I need special treatment to succeed and can’t do it on my own merit.
I also feel like 150M is a paltry amount. This is only meant to create a perception among consumers as a marketing tactic.
As a black man, this is bs. Is this an Amazon lie or an American lie? That money is spent and not on anyone or anything black
they have the same opportunities as the rest of us so how about some help for the rest of us I sure could use some
I have never had an email from a prospective customer asking me what my race, gender, sexual orientation or favorite football team is prior to placing an order. Nor do I ask these questions before accepting an order, or placing my own order. DO YOU?
It’s all a publicity stunt. I don’t see how this helps black folks. However, it will be announced in the news.
Amazon should empower innovators and true entrepreneurs, period. Instead of virtue signaling, they should put their focus into helping entrepreneurs fight knockoffs and pirated products instead.
I would think any short-term empowerment will be quickly devoured by the massive influx of offshore sellers, poor support, badly programmed bots, excessive buyer fraud, etc.
I would think any short-term empowerment will be quickly devoured by the massive influx of offshore sellers, poor support, badly programmed bots, excessive buyer fraud, etc.
I do not agree with treating any group differently based on their skin color, nationality or religion. Excluding any group from a program designed to promote business is promoting racism. If I were Black I would be embarrassed and angry at Amazon for perpetuating this notion that I need special treatment to succeed and can’t do it on my own merit.
I also feel like 150M is a paltry amount. This is only meant to create a perception among consumers as a marketing tactic.
I do not agree with treating any group differently based on their skin color, nationality or religion. Excluding any group from a program designed to promote business is promoting racism. If I were Black I would be embarrassed and angry at Amazon for perpetuating this notion that I need special treatment to succeed and can’t do it on my own merit.
I also feel like 150M is a paltry amount. This is only meant to create a perception among consumers as a marketing tactic.
As a black man, this is bs. Is this an Amazon lie or an American lie? That money is spent and not on anyone or anything black
As a black man, this is bs. Is this an Amazon lie or an American lie? That money is spent and not on anyone or anything black
they have the same opportunities as the rest of us so how about some help for the rest of us I sure could use some
they have the same opportunities as the rest of us so how about some help for the rest of us I sure could use some
I have never had an email from a prospective customer asking me what my race, gender, sexual orientation or favorite football team is prior to placing an order. Nor do I ask these questions before accepting an order, or placing my own order. DO YOU?
I have never had an email from a prospective customer asking me what my race, gender, sexual orientation or favorite football team is prior to placing an order. Nor do I ask these questions before accepting an order, or placing my own order. DO YOU?
It’s all a publicity stunt. I don’t see how this helps black folks. However, it will be announced in the news.
It’s all a publicity stunt. I don’t see how this helps black folks. However, it will be announced in the news.
Amazon should empower innovators and true entrepreneurs, period. Instead of virtue signaling, they should put their focus into helping entrepreneurs fight knockoffs and pirated products instead.
Amazon should empower innovators and true entrepreneurs, period. Instead of virtue signaling, they should put their focus into helping entrepreneurs fight knockoffs and pirated products instead.