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ADD YOUR NAME HERE - Related account suspensions when creating selling accounts in different Regional Markets

Lately we have seen a rash of “We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site” on new regional accounts that appear to be related to opening a new account in another Amazon Region when going through the Global Selling Dash.

Edit to add some clarification … #1 is the only reason to be on the list. #2 is new policy and is not a glitch.

Lately I’m seeing the issue as more defined.

  1. Global Selling Dash creating an issue wherein the Newly created regional account is suspended as ‘related’. This shouldn’t happen. This is NOT the same as #2.

  2. Existing verified/un-suspended seller NA accounts being suspended as ‘related’ after opening accounts in other Amazon Region where those new accounts are suspended pending verification documents, maybe even banking or valid credit card. THIS is not because of the Global Selling Dash. It is because of a valid suspension issue in one of the regions and a new Amazon policy.

My Theory on #1

Global Selling Dash issue

In the past I’ve never seen another “Region” (call it Region #1) account suspended over being related to an account in a “Different Region” (Region #2), something which is obviously allowed.

I suspect an issue is going on where when attempting to go through Global Selling the same email address is being used for a New Region Seller account (Region #2), which can not be done.
This is reg. #1.

The seller changes the email to be different and registration goes through.
This is reg. #2.

Now the seller has multiple reg. in the same Region (Region #2), but no idea why this would be flagged in the original Region (Region #1).

… which basically revolves not around signing up in another Region but only when using the Global Selling Dash.

Then … relating to #2

Recent changes to Amazon help pages state a change to Amazon policy Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct which might have caused even more issues for sellers when implemented.

Changes showing up in the US (but not in other Regions) -

    Multiple Selling Accounts on Amazon

    You may only maintain one Seller Central account for each region in which you sell unless you have a legitimate business need to open a second account and all of your accounts are in good standing. If any of your accounts are not in good standing, we may deactivate all of your selling accounts until all accounts are in good standing.

The key here is the change to “Region” instead of “Marketplace”.

Previously you could keep your individual accounts in a specific “Marketplace” and still open a “Regional” account.

Amazon's 3 Regions and their Marketplaces

Amazon currently lists 3 Regions.

  • North America, Europe and Far East

Within these regions you have the Marketplaces.

  • NA Region - US, CA, MX & BR
  • EU Region - AE, DE, EG, ES, FR, GB, FR, IN, IT, SA &TR
  • FE Region - AU, JP & SG

Example - I might have an existing, or even new, NA Unified Account. I then open up EU or/and Far East (JP,AU,SG)

The EU and FR accounts are suspended pending verification.
The NA (US, CA, MX) is suspended as related.

So …I will point out that #2 is not a glitch. It is new policy to suspend suspend ALL accounts across all regions when another is suspended.

Finally, I have tried to get some answers on this issue … but to no avail.

I don’t know if it will help but I believe getting a list going here might be of some help in bringing more attention to this issue. And maybe even get it resolved …

So post your name and be clear that this only happened after you opened an account in a new region through the Global Selling Dash when having one with no issues in another Region.

List of sellers I know of (and will add to):


(Note: Please do not post here if your issue is not specific to issue #1. i.e. you had a non-suspended account in a region but when you tried to open in another region that new account was suspended as related. Not all related account suspensions are due to this and I will not add name unless it is #1. #2 is not a glitch.)


Also see post #45 for more names

List #2 - Post 45

147 replies
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ADD YOUR NAME HERE - Related account suspensions when creating selling accounts in different Regional Markets

Lately we have seen a rash of “We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site” on new regional accounts that appear to be related to opening a new account in another Amazon Region when going through the Global Selling Dash.

Edit to add some clarification … #1 is the only reason to be on the list. #2 is new policy and is not a glitch.

Lately I’m seeing the issue as more defined.

  1. Global Selling Dash creating an issue wherein the Newly created regional account is suspended as ‘related’. This shouldn’t happen. This is NOT the same as #2.

  2. Existing verified/un-suspended seller NA accounts being suspended as ‘related’ after opening accounts in other Amazon Region where those new accounts are suspended pending verification documents, maybe even banking or valid credit card. THIS is not because of the Global Selling Dash. It is because of a valid suspension issue in one of the regions and a new Amazon policy.

My Theory on #1

Global Selling Dash issue

In the past I’ve never seen another “Region” (call it Region #1) account suspended over being related to an account in a “Different Region” (Region #2), something which is obviously allowed.

I suspect an issue is going on where when attempting to go through Global Selling the same email address is being used for a New Region Seller account (Region #2), which can not be done.
This is reg. #1.

The seller changes the email to be different and registration goes through.
This is reg. #2.

Now the seller has multiple reg. in the same Region (Region #2), but no idea why this would be flagged in the original Region (Region #1).

… which basically revolves not around signing up in another Region but only when using the Global Selling Dash.

Then … relating to #2

Recent changes to Amazon help pages state a change to Amazon policy Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct which might have caused even more issues for sellers when implemented.

Changes showing up in the US (but not in other Regions) -

    Multiple Selling Accounts on Amazon

    You may only maintain one Seller Central account for each region in which you sell unless you have a legitimate business need to open a second account and all of your accounts are in good standing. If any of your accounts are not in good standing, we may deactivate all of your selling accounts until all accounts are in good standing.

The key here is the change to “Region” instead of “Marketplace”.

Previously you could keep your individual accounts in a specific “Marketplace” and still open a “Regional” account.

Amazon's 3 Regions and their Marketplaces

Amazon currently lists 3 Regions.

  • North America, Europe and Far East

Within these regions you have the Marketplaces.

  • NA Region - US, CA, MX & BR
  • EU Region - AE, DE, EG, ES, FR, GB, FR, IN, IT, SA &TR
  • FE Region - AU, JP & SG

Example - I might have an existing, or even new, NA Unified Account. I then open up EU or/and Far East (JP,AU,SG)

The EU and FR accounts are suspended pending verification.
The NA (US, CA, MX) is suspended as related.

So …I will point out that #2 is not a glitch. It is new policy to suspend suspend ALL accounts across all regions when another is suspended.

Finally, I have tried to get some answers on this issue … but to no avail.

I don’t know if it will help but I believe getting a list going here might be of some help in bringing more attention to this issue. And maybe even get it resolved …

So post your name and be clear that this only happened after you opened an account in a new region through the Global Selling Dash when having one with no issues in another Region.

List of sellers I know of (and will add to):


(Note: Please do not post here if your issue is not specific to issue #1. i.e. you had a non-suspended account in a region but when you tried to open in another region that new account was suspended as related. Not all related account suspensions are due to this and I will not add name unless it is #1. #2 is not a glitch.)


Also see post #45 for more names

List #2 - Post 45

147 replies
147 replies
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user profile

Also possibly @Awoogaa

Not sure how to link his thread.

user profile

Thank you for working on this! I just wanted to clarify that I never even got as far as creating a listing in any marketplace to say I was in good standing. In less than a 24hr period, I received 20 separate emails from amazon from all over, some in English others in languages I don’t even know. They all congratulated me on being a seller (the U.K. even charged me $39.99 for the hour of approval lol) and then immediately suspended my account. I do believe it is the “global seller” related issue. I contacted the individual markets telling them this was an error and I only want to register in the USA. They have all responded acknowledging my request to close it and say I need to take no further action of I don’t want to sell in that market…but I don’t think that is going to help much as it will still show as “linked to an account that can no longer sell on Amazon” I do truly appreciate your looking into this global account issue for those of us impacted by this.

user profile

I now got this response from amazon after my first appeal. I think I am going to wait to see if we can get anywhere with this problem before I go ahead and make another one. Let me know what you guys think.


Your Seller account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will be held in your account while we work with you to address this issue. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement. We found that your account is related to another account that may not be used to sell on the site. As a result, you may no longer sell on through this account. Due to the nature of our business, we do not provide details on our investigation methods.

Has your account been deactivated in error?
If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation detailing why your account should be reinstated by following this link

What happens if my account is not reactivated?
You have 90 days after receiving this notification to either provide a valid appeal or choose not to appeal. After that time, you may contact to request your funds. We will conduct a separate investigation to evaluate your account. The policies we put in place are to protect our customers and selling partners. If we find that you have engaged in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; or have abused our systems or repeatedly violated our Policies, we may withhold some or all funds in your account.

We’re here to help
You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please send an email to

You can view your account performance at ( or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device. The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.
– iOS App (
– Android App (
Seller Performance Team

user profile

Thanks very much for helping us @Oneida.

A few remarks:

  • I didn’t have any seller account before creating my US account
  • all my current accounts were created simultaneously through global selling (although I did not remember electing for it) and while creating the US account
  • my EU account is active
  • my US and JP account are still deactivated although both markets have allowed me to sell notwithstanding the deactivation obviously
  • I can’t close an account while deactivated
user profile

Hey @Oneida

It’s really looks like it’s because that Global Seller, in the account opening proccess I was asked to chose which marketpalce I want to sell/trade and I choose all marketplaces for no spesific reason, look I do know that I can handle more then one marketplace because we have in Israel very big business activity and I thought that if I will be in few marketplaces I will be able to see where some of my products have more demand and so on.

But I really do not understand what is the reason to deactivate my account, No matter what kind of reason I will think it makes no sense.

Please let me know if there is anything that we can do to solve this problem, I do not care from the europian market but it’s definitely something that I want for the future.

Thanks in advance.

user profile

Hey @Oneida

Thanks for this thread,
Please add my name also,i have the same issue. @GREAT_AMZ_DEAL

user profile

Please add my name @Eightball_Electronics I just opened an account about a week ago, and received the exact same deactivation message. I have been working an appeal through my US .com account because I didn’t realize this was the issue. I am absolutely up for the challenge of selling globally, but when I looked into it I realized that it’s going to take a lot longer than the 90 days allowed to get everything in order. Getting a proper French and EU VAT number is going to take several months in and of itself. I would like to start selling in the US with the option of picking up other markets as I am able to in the future. I do not remember seeing this option when you first set up a seller account. Thank you @Oneida!

user profile

This happened to our account as well! @GoFishMedia

We were trying to change a listing to to fulfilled by Amazon and clicked the link to “Get Started” on this Fulfillment by Amazon Benefits page. Apparently, this was not how we should go about doing this.

We were then bombarded with emails from a multitude of international Amazon sites and a small charge to our bank account because of this. We were then notified by email that the account was under review and was soon suspended.

Thanks for this post @Oneida! Sorry to here that this is happening but glad were not the only ones!

user profile

We furnished all documents but were not able to list any products before we were told we were related to an account not used to sell on the site.

We have contacted a bunch of different people and no one can tell us what is going on. In the meantime, our products, the ones we make, are being sold on Amazon by other sellers.

user profile

ADD YOUR NAME HERE - Related account suspensions when creating selling accounts in different Regional Markets

Lately we have seen a rash of “We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site” on new regional accounts that appear to be related to opening a new account in another Amazon Region when going through the Global Selling Dash.

Edit to add some clarification … #1 is the only reason to be on the list. #2 is new policy and is not a glitch.

Lately I’m seeing the issue as more defined.

  1. Global Selling Dash creating an issue wherein the Newly created regional account is suspended as ‘related’. This shouldn’t happen. This is NOT the same as #2.

  2. Existing verified/un-suspended seller NA accounts being suspended as ‘related’ after opening accounts in other Amazon Region where those new accounts are suspended pending verification documents, maybe even banking or valid credit card. THIS is not because of the Global Selling Dash. It is because of a valid suspension issue in one of the regions and a new Amazon policy.

My Theory on #1

Global Selling Dash issue

In the past I’ve never seen another “Region” (call it Region #1) account suspended over being related to an account in a “Different Region” (Region #2), something which is obviously allowed.

I suspect an issue is going on where when attempting to go through Global Selling the same email address is being used for a New Region Seller account (Region #2), which can not be done.
This is reg. #1.

The seller changes the email to be different and registration goes through.
This is reg. #2.

Now the seller has multiple reg. in the same Region (Region #2), but no idea why this would be flagged in the original Region (Region #1).

… which basically revolves not around signing up in another Region but only when using the Global Selling Dash.

Then … relating to #2

Recent changes to Amazon help pages state a change to Amazon policy Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct which might have caused even more issues for sellers when implemented.

Changes showing up in the US (but not in other Regions) -

    Multiple Selling Accounts on Amazon

    You may only maintain one Seller Central account for each region in which you sell unless you have a legitimate business need to open a second account and all of your accounts are in good standing. If any of your accounts are not in good standing, we may deactivate all of your selling accounts until all accounts are in good standing.

The key here is the change to “Region” instead of “Marketplace”.

Previously you could keep your individual accounts in a specific “Marketplace” and still open a “Regional” account.

Amazon's 3 Regions and their Marketplaces

Amazon currently lists 3 Regions.

  • North America, Europe and Far East

Within these regions you have the Marketplaces.

  • NA Region - US, CA, MX & BR
  • EU Region - AE, DE, EG, ES, FR, GB, FR, IN, IT, SA &TR
  • FE Region - AU, JP & SG

Example - I might have an existing, or even new, NA Unified Account. I then open up EU or/and Far East (JP,AU,SG)

The EU and FR accounts are suspended pending verification.
The NA (US, CA, MX) is suspended as related.

So …I will point out that #2 is not a glitch. It is new policy to suspend suspend ALL accounts across all regions when another is suspended.

Finally, I have tried to get some answers on this issue … but to no avail.

I don’t know if it will help but I believe getting a list going here might be of some help in bringing more attention to this issue. And maybe even get it resolved …

So post your name and be clear that this only happened after you opened an account in a new region through the Global Selling Dash when having one with no issues in another Region.

List of sellers I know of (and will add to):


(Note: Please do not post here if your issue is not specific to issue #1. i.e. you had a non-suspended account in a region but when you tried to open in another region that new account was suspended as related. Not all related account suspensions are due to this and I will not add name unless it is #1. #2 is not a glitch.)


Also see post #45 for more names

List #2 - Post 45

147 replies
user profile

ADD YOUR NAME HERE - Related account suspensions when creating selling accounts in different Regional Markets

Lately we have seen a rash of “We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site” on new regional accounts that appear to be related to opening a new account in another Amazon Region when going through the Global Selling Dash.

Edit to add some clarification … #1 is the only reason to be on the list. #2 is new policy and is not a glitch.

Lately I’m seeing the issue as more defined.

  1. Global Selling Dash creating an issue wherein the Newly created regional account is suspended as ‘related’. This shouldn’t happen. This is NOT the same as #2.

  2. Existing verified/un-suspended seller NA accounts being suspended as ‘related’ after opening accounts in other Amazon Region where those new accounts are suspended pending verification documents, maybe even banking or valid credit card. THIS is not because of the Global Selling Dash. It is because of a valid suspension issue in one of the regions and a new Amazon policy.

My Theory on #1

Global Selling Dash issue

In the past I’ve never seen another “Region” (call it Region #1) account suspended over being related to an account in a “Different Region” (Region #2), something which is obviously allowed.

I suspect an issue is going on where when attempting to go through Global Selling the same email address is being used for a New Region Seller account (Region #2), which can not be done.
This is reg. #1.

The seller changes the email to be different and registration goes through.
This is reg. #2.

Now the seller has multiple reg. in the same Region (Region #2), but no idea why this would be flagged in the original Region (Region #1).

… which basically revolves not around signing up in another Region but only when using the Global Selling Dash.

Then … relating to #2

Recent changes to Amazon help pages state a change to Amazon policy Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct which might have caused even more issues for sellers when implemented.

Changes showing up in the US (but not in other Regions) -

    Multiple Selling Accounts on Amazon

    You may only maintain one Seller Central account for each region in which you sell unless you have a legitimate business need to open a second account and all of your accounts are in good standing. If any of your accounts are not in good standing, we may deactivate all of your selling accounts until all accounts are in good standing.

The key here is the change to “Region” instead of “Marketplace”.

Previously you could keep your individual accounts in a specific “Marketplace” and still open a “Regional” account.

Amazon's 3 Regions and their Marketplaces

Amazon currently lists 3 Regions.

  • North America, Europe and Far East

Within these regions you have the Marketplaces.

  • NA Region - US, CA, MX & BR
  • EU Region - AE, DE, EG, ES, FR, GB, FR, IN, IT, SA &TR
  • FE Region - AU, JP & SG

Example - I might have an existing, or even new, NA Unified Account. I then open up EU or/and Far East (JP,AU,SG)

The EU and FR accounts are suspended pending verification.
The NA (US, CA, MX) is suspended as related.

So …I will point out that #2 is not a glitch. It is new policy to suspend suspend ALL accounts across all regions when another is suspended.

Finally, I have tried to get some answers on this issue … but to no avail.

I don’t know if it will help but I believe getting a list going here might be of some help in bringing more attention to this issue. And maybe even get it resolved …

So post your name and be clear that this only happened after you opened an account in a new region through the Global Selling Dash when having one with no issues in another Region.

List of sellers I know of (and will add to):


(Note: Please do not post here if your issue is not specific to issue #1. i.e. you had a non-suspended account in a region but when you tried to open in another region that new account was suspended as related. Not all related account suspensions are due to this and I will not add name unless it is #1. #2 is not a glitch.)


Also see post #45 for more names

List #2 - Post 45

147 replies
user profile

ADD YOUR NAME HERE - Related account suspensions when creating selling accounts in different Regional Markets

by Seller_cu1Lr54OxusWw

Lately we have seen a rash of “We found that your account is related to an account that may not be used to sell on our site” on new regional accounts that appear to be related to opening a new account in another Amazon Region when going through the Global Selling Dash.

Edit to add some clarification … #1 is the only reason to be on the list. #2 is new policy and is not a glitch.

Lately I’m seeing the issue as more defined.

  1. Global Selling Dash creating an issue wherein the Newly created regional account is suspended as ‘related’. This shouldn’t happen. This is NOT the same as #2.

  2. Existing verified/un-suspended seller NA accounts being suspended as ‘related’ after opening accounts in other Amazon Region where those new accounts are suspended pending verification documents, maybe even banking or valid credit card. THIS is not because of the Global Selling Dash. It is because of a valid suspension issue in one of the regions and a new Amazon policy.

My Theory on #1

Global Selling Dash issue

In the past I’ve never seen another “Region” (call it Region #1) account suspended over being related to an account in a “Different Region” (Region #2), something which is obviously allowed.

I suspect an issue is going on where when attempting to go through Global Selling the same email address is being used for a New Region Seller account (Region #2), which can not be done.
This is reg. #1.

The seller changes the email to be different and registration goes through.
This is reg. #2.

Now the seller has multiple reg. in the same Region (Region #2), but no idea why this would be flagged in the original Region (Region #1).

… which basically revolves not around signing up in another Region but only when using the Global Selling Dash.

Then … relating to #2

Recent changes to Amazon help pages state a change to Amazon policy Selling Policies and Seller Code of Conduct which might have caused even more issues for sellers when implemented.

Changes showing up in the US (but not in other Regions) -

    Multiple Selling Accounts on Amazon

    You may only maintain one Seller Central account for each region in which you sell unless you have a legitimate business need to open a second account and all of your accounts are in good standing. If any of your accounts are not in good standing, we may deactivate all of your selling accounts until all accounts are in good standing.

The key here is the change to “Region” instead of “Marketplace”.

Previously you could keep your individual accounts in a specific “Marketplace” and still open a “Regional” account.

Amazon's 3 Regions and their Marketplaces

Amazon currently lists 3 Regions.

  • North America, Europe and Far East

Within these regions you have the Marketplaces.

  • NA Region - US, CA, MX & BR
  • EU Region - AE, DE, EG, ES, FR, GB, FR, IN, IT, SA &TR
  • FE Region - AU, JP & SG

Example - I might have an existing, or even new, NA Unified Account. I then open up EU or/and Far East (JP,AU,SG)

The EU and FR accounts are suspended pending verification.
The NA (US, CA, MX) is suspended as related.

So …I will point out that #2 is not a glitch. It is new policy to suspend suspend ALL accounts across all regions when another is suspended.

Finally, I have tried to get some answers on this issue … but to no avail.

I don’t know if it will help but I believe getting a list going here might be of some help in bringing more attention to this issue. And maybe even get it resolved …

So post your name and be clear that this only happened after you opened an account in a new region through the Global Selling Dash when having one with no issues in another Region.

List of sellers I know of (and will add to):


(Note: Please do not post here if your issue is not specific to issue #1. i.e. you had a non-suspended account in a region but when you tried to open in another region that new account was suspended as related. Not all related account suspensions are due to this and I will not add name unless it is #1. #2 is not a glitch.)


Also see post #45 for more names

List #2 - Post 45

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Also possibly @Awoogaa

Not sure how to link his thread.

user profile

Thank you for working on this! I just wanted to clarify that I never even got as far as creating a listing in any marketplace to say I was in good standing. In less than a 24hr period, I received 20 separate emails from amazon from all over, some in English others in languages I don’t even know. They all congratulated me on being a seller (the U.K. even charged me $39.99 for the hour of approval lol) and then immediately suspended my account. I do believe it is the “global seller” related issue. I contacted the individual markets telling them this was an error and I only want to register in the USA. They have all responded acknowledging my request to close it and say I need to take no further action of I don’t want to sell in that market…but I don’t think that is going to help much as it will still show as “linked to an account that can no longer sell on Amazon” I do truly appreciate your looking into this global account issue for those of us impacted by this.

user profile

I now got this response from amazon after my first appeal. I think I am going to wait to see if we can get anywhere with this problem before I go ahead and make another one. Let me know what you guys think.


Your Seller account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will be held in your account while we work with you to address this issue. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement. We found that your account is related to another account that may not be used to sell on the site. As a result, you may no longer sell on through this account. Due to the nature of our business, we do not provide details on our investigation methods.

Has your account been deactivated in error?
If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation detailing why your account should be reinstated by following this link

What happens if my account is not reactivated?
You have 90 days after receiving this notification to either provide a valid appeal or choose not to appeal. After that time, you may contact to request your funds. We will conduct a separate investigation to evaluate your account. The policies we put in place are to protect our customers and selling partners. If we find that you have engaged in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; or have abused our systems or repeatedly violated our Policies, we may withhold some or all funds in your account.

We’re here to help
You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please send an email to

You can view your account performance at ( or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device. The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.
– iOS App (
– Android App (
Seller Performance Team

user profile

Thanks very much for helping us @Oneida.

A few remarks:

  • I didn’t have any seller account before creating my US account
  • all my current accounts were created simultaneously through global selling (although I did not remember electing for it) and while creating the US account
  • my EU account is active
  • my US and JP account are still deactivated although both markets have allowed me to sell notwithstanding the deactivation obviously
  • I can’t close an account while deactivated
user profile

Hey @Oneida

It’s really looks like it’s because that Global Seller, in the account opening proccess I was asked to chose which marketpalce I want to sell/trade and I choose all marketplaces for no spesific reason, look I do know that I can handle more then one marketplace because we have in Israel very big business activity and I thought that if I will be in few marketplaces I will be able to see where some of my products have more demand and so on.

But I really do not understand what is the reason to deactivate my account, No matter what kind of reason I will think it makes no sense.

Please let me know if there is anything that we can do to solve this problem, I do not care from the europian market but it’s definitely something that I want for the future.

Thanks in advance.

user profile

Hey @Oneida

Thanks for this thread,
Please add my name also,i have the same issue. @GREAT_AMZ_DEAL

user profile

Please add my name @Eightball_Electronics I just opened an account about a week ago, and received the exact same deactivation message. I have been working an appeal through my US .com account because I didn’t realize this was the issue. I am absolutely up for the challenge of selling globally, but when I looked into it I realized that it’s going to take a lot longer than the 90 days allowed to get everything in order. Getting a proper French and EU VAT number is going to take several months in and of itself. I would like to start selling in the US with the option of picking up other markets as I am able to in the future. I do not remember seeing this option when you first set up a seller account. Thank you @Oneida!

user profile

This happened to our account as well! @GoFishMedia

We were trying to change a listing to to fulfilled by Amazon and clicked the link to “Get Started” on this Fulfillment by Amazon Benefits page. Apparently, this was not how we should go about doing this.

We were then bombarded with emails from a multitude of international Amazon sites and a small charge to our bank account because of this. We were then notified by email that the account was under review and was soon suspended.

Thanks for this post @Oneida! Sorry to here that this is happening but glad were not the only ones!

user profile

We furnished all documents but were not able to list any products before we were told we were related to an account not used to sell on the site.

We have contacted a bunch of different people and no one can tell us what is going on. In the meantime, our products, the ones we make, are being sold on Amazon by other sellers.

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user profile

Also possibly @Awoogaa

Not sure how to link his thread.

user profile

Also possibly @Awoogaa

Not sure how to link his thread.

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Thank you for working on this! I just wanted to clarify that I never even got as far as creating a listing in any marketplace to say I was in good standing. In less than a 24hr period, I received 20 separate emails from amazon from all over, some in English others in languages I don’t even know. They all congratulated me on being a seller (the U.K. even charged me $39.99 for the hour of approval lol) and then immediately suspended my account. I do believe it is the “global seller” related issue. I contacted the individual markets telling them this was an error and I only want to register in the USA. They have all responded acknowledging my request to close it and say I need to take no further action of I don’t want to sell in that market…but I don’t think that is going to help much as it will still show as “linked to an account that can no longer sell on Amazon” I do truly appreciate your looking into this global account issue for those of us impacted by this.

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Thank you for working on this! I just wanted to clarify that I never even got as far as creating a listing in any marketplace to say I was in good standing. In less than a 24hr period, I received 20 separate emails from amazon from all over, some in English others in languages I don’t even know. They all congratulated me on being a seller (the U.K. even charged me $39.99 for the hour of approval lol) and then immediately suspended my account. I do believe it is the “global seller” related issue. I contacted the individual markets telling them this was an error and I only want to register in the USA. They have all responded acknowledging my request to close it and say I need to take no further action of I don’t want to sell in that market…but I don’t think that is going to help much as it will still show as “linked to an account that can no longer sell on Amazon” I do truly appreciate your looking into this global account issue for those of us impacted by this.

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I now got this response from amazon after my first appeal. I think I am going to wait to see if we can get anywhere with this problem before I go ahead and make another one. Let me know what you guys think.


Your Seller account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will be held in your account while we work with you to address this issue. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement. We found that your account is related to another account that may not be used to sell on the site. As a result, you may no longer sell on through this account. Due to the nature of our business, we do not provide details on our investigation methods.

Has your account been deactivated in error?
If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation detailing why your account should be reinstated by following this link

What happens if my account is not reactivated?
You have 90 days after receiving this notification to either provide a valid appeal or choose not to appeal. After that time, you may contact to request your funds. We will conduct a separate investigation to evaluate your account. The policies we put in place are to protect our customers and selling partners. If we find that you have engaged in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; or have abused our systems or repeatedly violated our Policies, we may withhold some or all funds in your account.

We’re here to help
You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please send an email to

You can view your account performance at ( or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device. The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.
– iOS App (
– Android App (
Seller Performance Team

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I now got this response from amazon after my first appeal. I think I am going to wait to see if we can get anywhere with this problem before I go ahead and make another one. Let me know what you guys think.


Your Seller account has been deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you but will be held in your account while we work with you to address this issue. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
Your Amazon seller account has been deactivated in accordance with section 3 of Amazon’s Business Solutions Agreement. We found that your account is related to another account that may not be used to sell on the site. As a result, you may no longer sell on through this account. Due to the nature of our business, we do not provide details on our investigation methods.

Has your account been deactivated in error?
If you believe there has been an error, please submit an explanation detailing why your account should be reinstated by following this link

What happens if my account is not reactivated?
You have 90 days after receiving this notification to either provide a valid appeal or choose not to appeal. After that time, you may contact to request your funds. We will conduct a separate investigation to evaluate your account. The policies we put in place are to protect our customers and selling partners. If we find that you have engaged in deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; or have abused our systems or repeatedly violated our Policies, we may withhold some or all funds in your account.

We’re here to help
You can see your balance and settlement information in the Payments section of Seller Central. If you have questions about those, please send an email to

You can view your account performance at ( or select Account Health on the home screen of the Amazon Seller app on your iOS or Android device. The Account Health dashboard shows how well your account is performing against the performance metrics and policies required to sell on Amazon.
– iOS App (
– Android App (
Seller Performance Team

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Thanks very much for helping us @Oneida.

A few remarks:

  • I didn’t have any seller account before creating my US account
  • all my current accounts were created simultaneously through global selling (although I did not remember electing for it) and while creating the US account
  • my EU account is active
  • my US and JP account are still deactivated although both markets have allowed me to sell notwithstanding the deactivation obviously
  • I can’t close an account while deactivated
user profile

Thanks very much for helping us @Oneida.

A few remarks:

  • I didn’t have any seller account before creating my US account
  • all my current accounts were created simultaneously through global selling (although I did not remember electing for it) and while creating the US account
  • my EU account is active
  • my US and JP account are still deactivated although both markets have allowed me to sell notwithstanding the deactivation obviously
  • I can’t close an account while deactivated
user profile

Hey @Oneida

It’s really looks like it’s because that Global Seller, in the account opening proccess I was asked to chose which marketpalce I want to sell/trade and I choose all marketplaces for no spesific reason, look I do know that I can handle more then one marketplace because we have in Israel very big business activity and I thought that if I will be in few marketplaces I will be able to see where some of my products have more demand and so on.

But I really do not understand what is the reason to deactivate my account, No matter what kind of reason I will think it makes no sense.

Please let me know if there is anything that we can do to solve this problem, I do not care from the europian market but it’s definitely something that I want for the future.

Thanks in advance.

user profile

Hey @Oneida

It’s really looks like it’s because that Global Seller, in the account opening proccess I was asked to chose which marketpalce I want to sell/trade and I choose all marketplaces for no spesific reason, look I do know that I can handle more then one marketplace because we have in Israel very big business activity and I thought that if I will be in few marketplaces I will be able to see where some of my products have more demand and so on.

But I really do not understand what is the reason to deactivate my account, No matter what kind of reason I will think it makes no sense.

Please let me know if there is anything that we can do to solve this problem, I do not care from the europian market but it’s definitely something that I want for the future.

Thanks in advance.

user profile

Hey @Oneida

Thanks for this thread,
Please add my name also,i have the same issue. @GREAT_AMZ_DEAL

user profile

Hey @Oneida

Thanks for this thread,
Please add my name also,i have the same issue. @GREAT_AMZ_DEAL

user profile

Please add my name @Eightball_Electronics I just opened an account about a week ago, and received the exact same deactivation message. I have been working an appeal through my US .com account because I didn’t realize this was the issue. I am absolutely up for the challenge of selling globally, but when I looked into it I realized that it’s going to take a lot longer than the 90 days allowed to get everything in order. Getting a proper French and EU VAT number is going to take several months in and of itself. I would like to start selling in the US with the option of picking up other markets as I am able to in the future. I do not remember seeing this option when you first set up a seller account. Thank you @Oneida!

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Please add my name @Eightball_Electronics I just opened an account about a week ago, and received the exact same deactivation message. I have been working an appeal through my US .com account because I didn’t realize this was the issue. I am absolutely up for the challenge of selling globally, but when I looked into it I realized that it’s going to take a lot longer than the 90 days allowed to get everything in order. Getting a proper French and EU VAT number is going to take several months in and of itself. I would like to start selling in the US with the option of picking up other markets as I am able to in the future. I do not remember seeing this option when you first set up a seller account. Thank you @Oneida!

user profile

This happened to our account as well! @GoFishMedia

We were trying to change a listing to to fulfilled by Amazon and clicked the link to “Get Started” on this Fulfillment by Amazon Benefits page. Apparently, this was not how we should go about doing this.

We were then bombarded with emails from a multitude of international Amazon sites and a small charge to our bank account because of this. We were then notified by email that the account was under review and was soon suspended.

Thanks for this post @Oneida! Sorry to here that this is happening but glad were not the only ones!

user profile

This happened to our account as well! @GoFishMedia

We were trying to change a listing to to fulfilled by Amazon and clicked the link to “Get Started” on this Fulfillment by Amazon Benefits page. Apparently, this was not how we should go about doing this.

We were then bombarded with emails from a multitude of international Amazon sites and a small charge to our bank account because of this. We were then notified by email that the account was under review and was soon suspended.

Thanks for this post @Oneida! Sorry to here that this is happening but glad were not the only ones!

user profile

We furnished all documents but were not able to list any products before we were told we were related to an account not used to sell on the site.

We have contacted a bunch of different people and no one can tell us what is going on. In the meantime, our products, the ones we make, are being sold on Amazon by other sellers.

user profile

We furnished all documents but were not able to list any products before we were told we were related to an account not used to sell on the site.

We have contacted a bunch of different people and no one can tell us what is going on. In the meantime, our products, the ones we make, are being sold on Amazon by other sellers.


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