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You are not approved to list this product and we are not currently accepting applications.

by Seller_BwhuAKHyZROZM

We have been selling products on Amazon for years, and have a perfect account health and sell in multiple categories.

We recently purchased a large oprder of a sunscreen product, we were approved to create listings and sell these proucts on Amazon, However at the last minute right before we were getting these sent out to FBA we recieved an error in the manage FBA shipments tab that we need to request approval and when we try to request we get the error that "You are not approved to list this product and we are not currently accepting applications."

Can I get some help here from a mod as it does not make sense that we are randomly blocked from selling product after being approved, and when we try to open a case log they just tell us that they have no direct contact to a team that could help......

We have thousands of dollars worth of product and have no way to sell it due to some random block. HELP!!!!!

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In reply to: Seller_BwhuAKHyZROZM's post

A brand's sunscreen? Do you have valid invoices to sell this product (from the brand, not a supplier)? You may be better of selling on another platform.

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In reply to: Seller_BwhuAKHyZROZM's post

There was an announcement regarding sunscreen. Which I cannot find.

Here's an answer from a mod regarding sunscreen:

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