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Stressed out by COVID-19? Coping strategies for Sellers

by Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT

Topics on the Forum this week have had Sellers asking what-ifs, worrying about making ends meet, trying to figure out new ways to operate within Amazon’s restrictions, adapting to a constant flow of information that falls short on clarity, and struggling to reimagine their business practices with a wider world on lockdown–all on top of their own health concerns for their loved ones and themselves.

Have you seen this infographic for managing COVID-19-related concerns?

From the perspective of a 3P Seller or Vendor on Amazon…

Things we CANNOT control:
  • Amazon’s policy changes or decisions
  • Amazon’s communications with us
  • Buyers’ online shopping behaviors in the face of lost jobs and income uncertainty
  • How we feel
Things we CAN control:
  • Time spent interacting with other Sellers (on the Forum, social media, etc.)
  • The amount of news we consume and share
  • Optimizing available listings
  • Finding solutions for Buyer delivery
  • Exploring alternative inventory/supplier options
  • Research/learning new general business or Amazon-specific skills
  • Current or potential advertising/marketing strategies
  • Reflecting on our current business practices, strengths, weaknesses, and needs
  • How we behave and react

Let’s share ways to combat the chaos and stay focused on our Seller goals.

For most Sellers, life has changed dramatically and quickly. We might be feeling confused, angry, overwhelmed, and worried–this makes it tricky to make good business decisions, so we need strategies to maintain our focus on what we CAN control. We all know “the basics”…

  • Move around several times a day (I completely forget this)
  • Get restful and regular sleep (I suck at this, too, personally )
  • Maintain social connections, without in-person interactions
  • Use music regularly to improve mood and focus (I need constant music!)
  • Find a creative outlet for leftover adrenaline
  • Do the things that relax and rejuvenate you
  • Find the funny (This is my favorite! Some of y’all are really good at this.)

…but below are some specific behavioral health and productivity strategies that I am personally trying to make into habits, with resources:

1. Making working at home (with allll my new coworkers) productive and efficient, with a consistent routine.
–seekcapital [dot] com/blog/home-office-essentials-small-business-owners/
–pcmag [dot] com/news/get-organized-20-tips-for-working-from-home
–bookkeepers [dot] com/how-avoid-distractions/

2. Brain dumps (as needed).
–pcmag [dot] com/news/get-organized-20-tips-for-working-from-home

3. 10-minute tasks/time blocking for managing my expectations and efficiency.
–themuse [dot] com/amp/advice/the-10minute-rule-it-seems-crazy-but-it-will-revolutionize-your-productivity

4. 5-minute breathe breaks during the work day (free guided meditation!).
–mindful [dot] org/a-five-minute-breathing-meditation/

5. Making self-care a part of the “work day”.
–hellohappee [dot] com/2020/03/03/5-budget-friendly-self-care-routines/

I also found this 30-day, start anytime Coping Calendar, that helps to remind me that even though we’re isolated, we’re not alone–I hope y’all find it helpful, too.

Click for Coping Calendar

So what are you trying? What are your tips, resources, tricks?
Share here and support your fellow Sellers.

Tags: Advertising, Amazon business, Search
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In reply to: Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT's post

Things I do, some better than others.
Get some sleep some is better than none.
Get up and move around even for a short period.
Get off the computer, your sales or lack will take care of themselves.
Talk to other people, we all need feedback or to hear how others are doing.
When the weather allows, go outside and do anything: walk, dig, enjoy the Spring.
Try not to focus on money or loss there of, it is only money.
Take care of you and others around you.
This to shall pass and we just have to get through this trying times.
Read good books or listen to good books, we need to get out of brain for awhile.
Classical music is classical for a reason, not everything is sturm and dang.
Tell jokes and find humour even in these tough times.
Remember to laugh at yourself because we are funny.
Try to keep a perspective on life and living.
Smell the Roses and blow out the Candles - breathe.
Meditate and pray - very good for the soul.
Give love where you can and remember compassion is from within.
Try to be the upbeat person rather than the depressed person - fake it till you make it.
Get or have a Positive Mental Attitude, it is amazing how little we worry about comes true.
Peace and love to all.
Thanks Papy for the reminders.

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In reply to: Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT's post

Here’s another work-from-home stress relief resource, with step-by-step guidance, from BCBS:

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In reply to: Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT's post

To those that can, send a check to your local Food Bank, St. Jude Children’s Hospital, or any other charity that is close to your heart. The Karma needs to be good for you and the feeling will help you for caring outside of yourself.
Remember: we are just stewards of the money anyhow.

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In reply to: Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT's post

General and important reminders from actionforhappiness[.]org/news/how-to-keep-mentally-healthy-during-uncertain-times:

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In reply to: Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT's post

Hang in there guys. It seems like we will be out of this sooner than a lot of people think:

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that the trend on this data will continue.

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In reply to: Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT's post

One of the most important things for Sellers right now is taking those breaks to “clear our heads,” hopefully outdoors for a walk in a non-lockdown space.

The problem is that many Sellers/business owners are bad at clearing our heads because we focus inward instead of outward.

This 2-minute How to Clear Your Head YouTube video is from Pixar and worth the watch:

https:// youtu .be /mKR14ccWqlM

Published on Mar 18, 2020
Do you dwell on the negative and let moments of joy just pass you by? Discover how Pixar’s Pete Docter got out of his head and savored the good in his life.

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In reply to: Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT's post

Saw this today and wanted to share:

Some ideas off the top of my head…

1. Who am I checking on or connecting with today?

  • Co-workers, staff, employees, suppliers, vendors, even bosses(!)–send a quick email or chat just to say “thank you, hope all is well, and keep in touch”.
  • Fellow Sellers or merchants–participating here on the Forum, interacting on social media, individual reach-outs in-person or by phone/text/message, shopping.

2. What expectations of “normal” am I letting go of today?
For many of us, it’s our shipping routines and sales numbers. Take this opportunity to renew your focus on proactive customer service and researching new inventory opportunities.

3. How am I getting outside today?
Walking packages out for pick up, adding some yard work or entrance maintenance, head-clearing walks, taking the laptop outside, taking socially-distant breaks outdoors.

4. How am I moving my body today?
Stand-up stretch breaks, walks around the warehouse, outside walks, fetching things instead of requesting, yard work, yoga, gym, hobbies.

5. How am I expressing my creativity today?
Posting here on the Forum, brainstorming business solutions, making vision boards, considering new ways to run your business, trying to stop little problems from becoming big problems, finding new ways to maintain your calm during quarantine, creating new products, enjoying hobbies, working with your hands instead of on devices.

6. What type of self-care am I practicing today?
Doing 1-5 above (), enjoying a relaxing bath, taking a social media or screen break (after this), connecting with two or three friends individually by phone/text/video chat, playing a favorite board or card game, yoga, biking/hiking, cooking an amazing meal for family/housemates/neighbor (for delivery).

7. What am I grateful for today?
[papy: Health, the “good” coworkers , new opportunities, some expectation of relief, Buyers who are shopping, loved ones who make quarantine more fun than it should be, friends who check in, and (especially!) memes. ]

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In reply to: Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT's post

General info about being human during a pandemic, from traumaandco[.]com. Have some grace for yourself (and others).

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In reply to: Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT's post

Check up on your fellow Sellers that you haven’t seen lately around the Forum. Heck, check up on the ones you have seen, too. You might not agree with them all of the time–or ever–but if they spring to mind, check in.

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In reply to: Seller_jZWpyInw8RkYT's post

Maybe open your Bible? God has a great way of relieving stress!

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