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Receiving Illogical Price Alerts that deactivate listings

by Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0

The Price Alerts are for books where the reason for the alert/deactivation is my price is too high…

but in every price alert, the price I am listing the book is actually the lowest price per any condition…not by $50 of something Amazon my deactivate for the price being too low, but the lowest by $1.00 or less.

FWIW, I sell textbooks only…any thought from the gurus…or Susan…or Jake from State Farm?

Tags: Listings, Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0's post

We get them for selling a book at $19.95, when the lowest price after ours in $189.99. Actual retail is $19.95. The alert states that we are selling to low. It is evident that the Amazon Artificial intelligence bots do not really have AI.

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In reply to: Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0's post

Just fill in the min and max prices with ridiculously low and high numbers respectively, and Amazon will never bother you like this again.

EDIT: This used to be a bug fix. Now the bugs are meaner.

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In reply to: Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0's post

I’ve been having the same issue along with others since Oct 5th…
More and more sellers are reporting the same issue

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In reply to: Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0's post

I have two of these bogus alerts for stationery items that are new. Very annoying and a waste of time.

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In reply to: Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0's post

I have gotten prices alerts on items that have been inactive because I sold out months ago.

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In reply to: Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0's post

A couple of days ago, I decided to try out the amazon repricer for one of my items so I added a min, max price. Item was immediately put inactive due to a price alert, and now I can’t relist the ASIN because I get a price alert every time no matter what I do…

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In reply to: Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0's post

I had a similar problem, although it was not unexpected (I was changing prices to flag books I wanted to dispose of; that way they end up on one page to create one order).
The bad part was that while they told me about one, 8 more went into “Stranded Inventory”. Once there, the only option was “Create Removal Order”. Since I wanted to remove them, not a problem in this case, but I have to wonder why I didn’t get an alert on these, and why it wouldn’t let me simply reprice them?

And for at least a couple of these books, the price was not out of range for that title.

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In reply to: Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0's post

I’ve only had this happen to one book, a textbook, and nothing I have tried will fix it. I even closed the listing, waited 24 hours, relisted and it immediately happened again. This is a high priced book with only a few copies available (I had the lowest price), so I guess I’ll sell my first book on the bay! Wish me luck!

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In reply to: Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0's post

On another thread it was suspected that the reason the seller lost the buy box after getting a price alert was because Walmart had the item cheaper.

So perhaps the Artificial Intelligence is not just looking at Amazon, but rather looking everywhere on the internet to find low prices. I imagine students try and sell their used text books so you could be getting hung up with that.

It’s interesting how Amazon telly YOU to lower your price but i bet Amazon doesn’t lower their prices below cost.

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In reply to: Seller_Lhi6rDA2vgtT0's post

This was my latest reply from Seller Support regarding price alerts.

Please note that, Your maximum item price must be less than 6 times the ASIN’s recent sales price or $200.00, whichever is higher. In most cases, if your maximum price is less than 2 times your current price you will not see a maximum price error. For example, if your price is $100.00 and your maximum price is $550.99, you should not see a maximum price error.

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