BQool - Amazon Selling Partner Appstore
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    Customer reviews

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    by BQool Inc.
    Starting at $25.00 / month - FREE TRIAL

    Doesn't work for all!
    Reviewed on October 5, 2020
    After few days trying to setup very confusing rules, i had programmed min & max price by seller central..this app just get assaulted 200 of my listing..appearing as :INACTIVE! a whole day traying to FIX them & finding an option to get this OFF..customer service (an e-mail robot) only says: please tell us what happening !! finally i just removed access permissions from my used, but not refunded polices..(still the robot asking any other repricer am i going to use)
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    Worse Tool
    Reviewed on May 31, 2022
    bqool set up is very confusing, and getting help is just as confusing as ever. I tried multiple times to set up my account, only to learn that the information I was given to set up is no longer current then. When I asked for the current information, they were none. What a waste of my time and money.
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    JJs Boutique
    no customer service
    Reviewed on January 16, 2022
    Tied to contact customer service to work out an error, but no one responded!!!!!!!!!!!
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    Sueperior Living
    Easy and intuitive!
    Reviewed on February 26, 2025
    bqool helps you gain and maintain the BB on a regular basis. It's AI features are intuitive and easy to use. Highly recommend!
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    Deal Lounge
    customer service and rericer
    Reviewed on December 10, 2021
    great customer service, the repriced to enbale raise/ lower price to keep buy box or increase profits doesnt work low it always lowers the price
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    The best performing Repricer worth every buck!
    Reviewed on May 3, 2019
    BQool Repricer has won me countless buy box that other repricers have failed to. Its 5 minute repricing is the best formula to win a buy box with ease. The best thing about BQool is that not only it can get you the buy box, it also helps me to keep the buy box by adjusting my buy box price based on the rule I set. Also other repricers may struggle repricing if there is a potential pricing error, BQool does not have that problem at all. For a price of $25 a month to increase my buy box ownership and sales, I call that money well spent!!
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    Time is money
    Reviewed on July 10, 2024
    El solo hecho de reducir mi tiempo en los reprice ha dado la posibilidad de incrementar 6x mis ventas mensuales en 6 meses. Ese es el valor de tener tiempo para los asuntos mas importantes de la compañía
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    BQool Repricer is the real deal
    Reviewed on May 3, 2019
    We've been selling on Amazon for a few years and competitors with repricers software have changed the way we price our products.  We have then since been on a look out for a repricer that doesn't knock the prices down too low to avoid the race to the bottom and that I could set min and max based off of ROI. Not many repricer will allow you to do that but BQool has that feature! On top of that, they are a fraction of the price for other repricer with less powerful function! Not to mention their customer service is top notch! Amazing experience and we are loving the Repricer! Thank you, BQool!
    One person found this helpful
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    Great repricer and the best value for money
    Reviewed on June 24, 2020
    What I like about BQool is its vast amount of customization with repricing rules as well as many other options such as profit calculator, Bulk ROI settings and schedule repricing that speed up the daily repricing tasks.The biggest plus is that BQool has integration with Inventory Lab so that our costs get pulled automatically. The automatic setup of rules and min/max prices helps reduce the amount of time spent managing to less than a few times a week and repricing starts immediately upon arrival at FBA.
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    Fidvex LLC
    BQOOL AI New Feature
    Reviewed on March 20, 2021
    I appreciate the support I got from Jimmy. He was very helpful in answering questions in regards to the new AI Rule. I was seeing concerns with listing price dropping very quickly. He analyzed a couple of listings and made some suggestions and improvements. Also walk through some of the settings. Thank You Jimmy.
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    Automated Pricing
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    Feedback and Reviews
    Buyer-Seller Messaging Service
    Languages supported
    Marketplaces supported