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Hijacked Detail Page Resulted in Trademark Violation and Deactivated Listing

by Seller_QjYfjZwWH8D0l

I hope a moderator can assist with case ID #15129723681. It involves a hijacked listing for which I had an offer that resulted in listing deactivation and a trademark violation notice on my Account Health page. The case has been open since April 22nd. All I get from Seller Support are periodic messages telling me they're working on it.

@Tatiana_Amazon @Atlas_Amazon

Tags: Account Health, Deactivated
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In reply to: Seller_QjYfjZwWH8D0l's post

Hello @Seller_QjYfjZwWH8D0l,

Thank you for reaching out on the Seller Forums.

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I hope a moderator can assist with case ID #15129723681. It involves a hijacked listing for which I had an offer that resulted in listing deactivation and a trademark violation notice on my Account Health page. The case has been open since April 22nd. All I get from Seller Support are periodic messages telling me they're working on it.

I see that you have an open case to address an issue with an ASIN that was hijacked and you have concerns with the time it is taking to get a resolution.

I was able to check in on the case that you have shared and can confirm that this issue has been raised to the appropriate team. This team is still researching this matter to provide you with the best possible solution. Once there is an update to provide, they will reach out to you right away.

If you have any other questions or updates to provide to us, please feel free to respond here. The Forums community and I are here to support you.

Wishing you the best,


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In reply to: Seller_QjYfjZwWH8D0l's post

@Jim_AmazonPerhaps it would be helpful to have another set of eyes on this. Thank you.

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In reply to: Seller_QjYfjZwWH8D0l's post

This case has been open for two months, and these are the kind of messages I continue to receive.

Hello from Amazon Selling Partner Support,

I am Ashutosh from Amazon leadership team.

I understand you would like to get your ASIN reinstated. I am sorry for all the issues you are having with this process.

We have contacted our concern team and they are working on it.

Our concern team is working on the issue, at high priority with the issue, and we will update you as soon we get a response from them.

We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you regarding this issue.

Thank you for selling with Amazon,

Ashutosh M. Seller Support

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