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ASIN removed because our item is viewed as a drug

by Seller_OMjNnhmN1p20c

We have been selling supplements for a while now and our latest launch, NMNH has been approved and has been selling well. Now Amazon is claiming our product is a drug and we need to provide an NDC code. It further states that our product contains NMN, which is not correct. our product ASIN B0CPQZY5RN is NOT a drug and it does not contain NMN. As a matter of fact NMNH is being actively sold as we speak. We have provided evidence such as a scientific paper about NMNH, a screenshot of the NMNH products being currently sold on Amazon, our label, clearly showing that our product does not contain any NMN. Still despite producing compelling and concise prove, Amazon keeps sending the same generic message. Our messages and evidence are not being evaluated, that is very clear, because if anyone did, this ASIN would be up and running again.

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In reply to: Seller_OMjNnhmN1p20c's post

Not in the supplement's space, but it's not productive to use the argument that others are selling the same type of thing you're trying to sell. Amazon is looking at you and your offer. Period.

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