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100% of my sales are now in deferred transactions as of 10/01/2024

Did amazon just make a change this month to have all transactions be deferred? Every single purchase is now in deferred with classification of "Delivery Date Policy". Am i correct in assuming that no funds are released until after delivery date plus 7 days now? What is even the point of paying a 1.5% to get access to funds for invoiced orders if they won't actually be dispersed until the product is delivered lol

2024 is shaping up to be some of the worst policy changes for sellers I've seen in the last few years.

131 replies
Tags:Billing, Payments, Transactions
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100% of my sales are now in deferred transactions as of 10/01/2024

Did amazon just make a change this month to have all transactions be deferred? Every single purchase is now in deferred with classification of "Delivery Date Policy". Am i correct in assuming that no funds are released until after delivery date plus 7 days now? What is even the point of paying a 1.5% to get access to funds for invoiced orders if they won't actually be dispersed until the product is delivered lol

2024 is shaping up to be some of the worst policy changes for sellers I've seen in the last few years.

Tags:Billing, Payments, Transactions
131 replies
131 replies
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As part of our Payments based on delivery date policy, we typically reserve your sales proceeds until seven days after an order is delivered.

To provide you with more visibility into these funds that we've reserved, we've added a new deferred transactions status on the Payments dashboard.

By November 1, your delivery date reserve amounts will display as Deferred transactions in the Total balance box at the top of the Payments dashboard. Until then, they may still display under the account-level reserve field on your Payments dashboard and reports. Note that if you aren't subject to our delivery date policy, your dashboard won't be changed.

To view more details, click the deferred transactions balance. The Transaction view page will display the list of orders that make up this balance, the deferral reason, and the estimated payment release date for each order.

To download a detailed report of your deferred transactions, follow these steps:

Go to Payments reports repository.

Under Report type, select Deferred transaction.

Click Request report.

When a transaction is updated from deferred to released, it will no longer be included on the Deferred Transaction report. To download all released transactions from a specific period, select the Transaction report type.

Only new transactions posted after this change will show as deferred. Older transactions will remain reserved under account-level reserves until they are released for payment. You may also still see an account-level reserve if one of your orders has received a claim or chargeback, or if your account is under review.

Note that deferred transactions won't be included in the chart on the Payments dashboard, and they will only appear there after they're released.

For more information, go to What is a deferred transaction?

user profile

This new policy is affecting my cash flow. I was forced to deactivate the store because they are charging me and I went for a complete period without receiving payment while they charged me for shipping.

user profile

This is the worst policy I have come across so far, and I can't understand it. As a result of this policy, my data this month is not in line with reality.

user profile

NOW as of Today I'm seeing DD+ 12 or 13 on a BUNCH of orders. Why would ANY order have a DD+12 or more? I am in good standing, no outstanding returns or claims. I have 2 potential refunds for Items being Returned to Sender currently (waiting on a response from both buyers about whether they want them resent or refunded), but no new negative feedbacks, or late deliveries. What Policy says DD+13? Why are my funds being held EVEN LONGER than before now? I've NEVER in the 6 years I've been here had my funds held for nearly 30 days. For Instance, Order # 113-1613372-4808266. If delivery date is 10/23 (which is already INSANE because I shipped this particular order on 10/12/24 and it's already in florida and my shipping settings are 2 day handling, and 3-5 day delivery so even with 7 days, should be deliver by 10/ Amazon is padding those numbers too for no reason), I should be paid by 10/30. Now, once this order gets delivered it will update to correct dates, but this is absurd that this has a PAY DATE of 11/5 currently and a Deliver by Date of 10/23. How is that DD+7? It's like the SYSTEM is broken for October. I can't get the Payment Team to even respond to my case. It's been 10 days with no response. Just Transferred. CAN A MOD PLEASE STEP IN HERE AND HELP?

user profile

i don't think this will have a good outcome for sellers. potential for fraud and scams by buyers? all my sales are going deferred as well. i got ZERO COMMUNICATION from amazon regarding this. they just ..... did it.

and mods want to chime in???? please, don't be shy

user profile

Can anyone see the "Deferred transaction" in the Report Type field?

It looks like it isn't available here yet...

The transaction reports are also completely missing the deferred transactions causing a blind spot in our data. There is currently no option for a deferred transaction report type.

It would be super helpful to include the shipment date for anyone doing accrual based accounting. This change basically changes everybody to cash-based accounting with no way to maintain accrual based accounting.

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  • Under Report type, select Deferred transaction.
  • View post
    user profile

    I am waiting to hear back from the team that is responsible for the recent changes. I am doing my best to help address this, however the link I posted in fact was for SA region but this will apply to NA (US) as well. No one's regions or marketplaces were changed, everything is the same.

    Please allow me more time to get answers from leadership. I apologize for the confusion and frustration this has caused.


    user profile

    Hello @Connor_Amazon,

    Today I noticed that the Deferred option for "report type" has appeared. However, I would highly suggest having a unified report showing both "standard transaction" and "deferred transaction" in a single file. When we generate the traditional "transaction" report, we have a column called "account type" which doesn't exist yet when we generate the "deferred transaction" report type.

    This single issue requires a lot of tweaks in order to read and synchronize both files into a single report, where we are able to understand our sales per SKU per day.

    I'm sharing some examples below:

    1. When we select the Deferred Transactions Report type, we are unable to choose Date Ranges and also the Account Type is automatically set as "Standard Orders" which doesn't happen for the classic Transaction Reports option.

    2. The 2nd screenshot shows the mismatch between columns from both report types now. We should either have the same data there to be able to merge these data swiftly or be able to generate a single report with all data included, having a single column stating if the order is deferred or not.


    Could you please share that with the responsible team and ask for that improvement?

    That would help us a lot since this is the most critical report that we have to keep track every day or so.


    user profile

    Thank you for the feedback, I will pass that along to my partner team.


    user profile


    Please check this thread as well Micah.

    Thank you!

    user profile

    This would be extremely easy to fix if they added a new column in the payments report "Flat File V2" called "Transaction-date" to indicate the actual date when the order was charged to the customer.

    They messed up the "Posted-Date" column... in the past this reflected the actual customer charge date and now it reflects that DD+7 policy.

    Amazon effectively messed up with the accrual accounting... now we have transactions that happened in november being recognized in december. ugh!!!

    user profile

    Great idea... That's a very simple solution for all that mess they made.

    user profile

    This policy is radiculous. WHOEVER came up with this should be sentenced. Actually we sellers are like Amazon employee and this policy like they are delaying our salary, it is ILLEGAL. IT IS A CRIME.

    user profile

    my longer term payment amount is now not showing on payment tab. only the shorter term amount is shown to be able to manually request payment.

    they must be hanging on to cash flow with various date policy changes

    user profile

    Yeah I am not a big fan of this change ether, but what to do you know. I guess it makes sense given customer payments and also if they received item delivered or not.

    Guess will have to see how all this plays out, but for sure it does mess the payments section of seller app as its not totally clear now when when are exactly getting paid as it may overlap with the 2 week payout period.

    Hopefully it will adjust more accordingly over time as I just noticed this change last week expecting our usual payment, but now has been deferred!

    user profile
    This post has been deleted
    user profile

    I have the same issue. All my orders, FBA & FBM, are being deferred. It started as of October 25th. Some orders are deferred for 7 days, some for 14 days, some for 21 days, for not apparent logical reason.

    I have called customer service, and as always, they are unable to provide any information at all.

    How are they even allowed to do this, without even communicating to the sellers in advanced???

    user profile

    100% of my sales are now in deferred transactions as of 10/01/2024

    Did amazon just make a change this month to have all transactions be deferred? Every single purchase is now in deferred with classification of "Delivery Date Policy". Am i correct in assuming that no funds are released until after delivery date plus 7 days now? What is even the point of paying a 1.5% to get access to funds for invoiced orders if they won't actually be dispersed until the product is delivered lol

    2024 is shaping up to be some of the worst policy changes for sellers I've seen in the last few years.

    131 replies
    Tags:Billing, Payments, Transactions
    user profile

    100% of my sales are now in deferred transactions as of 10/01/2024

    Did amazon just make a change this month to have all transactions be deferred? Every single purchase is now in deferred with classification of "Delivery Date Policy". Am i correct in assuming that no funds are released until after delivery date plus 7 days now? What is even the point of paying a 1.5% to get access to funds for invoiced orders if they won't actually be dispersed until the product is delivered lol

    2024 is shaping up to be some of the worst policy changes for sellers I've seen in the last few years.

    Tags:Billing, Payments, Transactions
    131 replies
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    100% of my sales are now in deferred transactions as of 10/01/2024

    by Seller_8mX8maqH2zGI9

    Did amazon just make a change this month to have all transactions be deferred? Every single purchase is now in deferred with classification of "Delivery Date Policy". Am i correct in assuming that no funds are released until after delivery date plus 7 days now? What is even the point of paying a 1.5% to get access to funds for invoiced orders if they won't actually be dispersed until the product is delivered lol

    2024 is shaping up to be some of the worst policy changes for sellers I've seen in the last few years.

    Tags:Billing, Payments, Transactions
    131 replies
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    user profile

    As part of our Payments based on delivery date policy, we typically reserve your sales proceeds until seven days after an order is delivered.

    To provide you with more visibility into these funds that we've reserved, we've added a new deferred transactions status on the Payments dashboard.

    By November 1, your delivery date reserve amounts will display as Deferred transactions in the Total balance box at the top of the Payments dashboard. Until then, they may still display under the account-level reserve field on your Payments dashboard and reports. Note that if you aren't subject to our delivery date policy, your dashboard won't be changed.

    To view more details, click the deferred transactions balance. The Transaction view page will display the list of orders that make up this balance, the deferral reason, and the estimated payment release date for each order.

    To download a detailed report of your deferred transactions, follow these steps:

    Go to Payments reports repository.

    Under Report type, select Deferred transaction.

    Click Request report.

    When a transaction is updated from deferred to released, it will no longer be included on the Deferred Transaction report. To download all released transactions from a specific period, select the Transaction report type.

    Only new transactions posted after this change will show as deferred. Older transactions will remain reserved under account-level reserves until they are released for payment. You may also still see an account-level reserve if one of your orders has received a claim or chargeback, or if your account is under review.

    Note that deferred transactions won't be included in the chart on the Payments dashboard, and they will only appear there after they're released.

    For more information, go to What is a deferred transaction?

    user profile

    This new policy is affecting my cash flow. I was forced to deactivate the store because they are charging me and I went for a complete period without receiving payment while they charged me for shipping.

    user profile

    This is the worst policy I have come across so far, and I can't understand it. As a result of this policy, my data this month is not in line with reality.

    user profile

    NOW as of Today I'm seeing DD+ 12 or 13 on a BUNCH of orders. Why would ANY order have a DD+12 or more? I am in good standing, no outstanding returns or claims. I have 2 potential refunds for Items being Returned to Sender currently (waiting on a response from both buyers about whether they want them resent or refunded), but no new negative feedbacks, or late deliveries. What Policy says DD+13? Why are my funds being held EVEN LONGER than before now? I've NEVER in the 6 years I've been here had my funds held for nearly 30 days. For Instance, Order # 113-1613372-4808266. If delivery date is 10/23 (which is already INSANE because I shipped this particular order on 10/12/24 and it's already in florida and my shipping settings are 2 day handling, and 3-5 day delivery so even with 7 days, should be deliver by 10/ Amazon is padding those numbers too for no reason), I should be paid by 10/30. Now, once this order gets delivered it will update to correct dates, but this is absurd that this has a PAY DATE of 11/5 currently and a Deliver by Date of 10/23. How is that DD+7? It's like the SYSTEM is broken for October. I can't get the Payment Team to even respond to my case. It's been 10 days with no response. Just Transferred. CAN A MOD PLEASE STEP IN HERE AND HELP?

    user profile

    i don't think this will have a good outcome for sellers. potential for fraud and scams by buyers? all my sales are going deferred as well. i got ZERO COMMUNICATION from amazon regarding this. they just ..... did it.

    and mods want to chime in???? please, don't be shy

    user profile

    Can anyone see the "Deferred transaction" in the Report Type field?

    It looks like it isn't available here yet...

    The transaction reports are also completely missing the deferred transactions causing a blind spot in our data. There is currently no option for a deferred transaction report type.

    It would be super helpful to include the shipment date for anyone doing accrual based accounting. This change basically changes everybody to cash-based accounting with no way to maintain accrual based accounting.

    user profile
  • Under Report type, select Deferred transaction.
  • View post
    user profile

    I am waiting to hear back from the team that is responsible for the recent changes. I am doing my best to help address this, however the link I posted in fact was for SA region but this will apply to NA (US) as well. No one's regions or marketplaces were changed, everything is the same.

    Please allow me more time to get answers from leadership. I apologize for the confusion and frustration this has caused.


    user profile

    Hello @Connor_Amazon,

    Today I noticed that the Deferred option for "report type" has appeared. However, I would highly suggest having a unified report showing both "standard transaction" and "deferred transaction" in a single file. When we generate the traditional "transaction" report, we have a column called "account type" which doesn't exist yet when we generate the "deferred transaction" report type.

    This single issue requires a lot of tweaks in order to read and synchronize both files into a single report, where we are able to understand our sales per SKU per day.

    I'm sharing some examples below:

    1. When we select the Deferred Transactions Report type, we are unable to choose Date Ranges and also the Account Type is automatically set as "Standard Orders" which doesn't happen for the classic Transaction Reports option.

    2. The 2nd screenshot shows the mismatch between columns from both report types now. We should either have the same data there to be able to merge these data swiftly or be able to generate a single report with all data included, having a single column stating if the order is deferred or not.


    Could you please share that with the responsible team and ask for that improvement?

    That would help us a lot since this is the most critical report that we have to keep track every day or so.


    user profile

    Thank you for the feedback, I will pass that along to my partner team.


    user profile


    Please check this thread as well Micah.

    Thank you!

    user profile

    This would be extremely easy to fix if they added a new column in the payments report "Flat File V2" called "Transaction-date" to indicate the actual date when the order was charged to the customer.

    They messed up the "Posted-Date" column... in the past this reflected the actual customer charge date and now it reflects that DD+7 policy.

    Amazon effectively messed up with the accrual accounting... now we have transactions that happened in november being recognized in december. ugh!!!

    user profile

    Great idea... That's a very simple solution for all that mess they made.

    user profile

    This policy is radiculous. WHOEVER came up with this should be sentenced. Actually we sellers are like Amazon employee and this policy like they are delaying our salary, it is ILLEGAL. IT IS A CRIME.

    user profile

    my longer term payment amount is now not showing on payment tab. only the shorter term amount is shown to be able to manually request payment.

    they must be hanging on to cash flow with various date policy changes

    user profile

    Yeah I am not a big fan of this change ether, but what to do you know. I guess it makes sense given customer payments and also if they received item delivered or not.

    Guess will have to see how all this plays out, but for sure it does mess the payments section of seller app as its not totally clear now when when are exactly getting paid as it may overlap with the 2 week payout period.

    Hopefully it will adjust more accordingly over time as I just noticed this change last week expecting our usual payment, but now has been deferred!

    user profile
    This post has been deleted
    user profile

    I have the same issue. All my orders, FBA & FBM, are being deferred. It started as of October 25th. Some orders are deferred for 7 days, some for 14 days, some for 21 days, for not apparent logical reason.

    I have called customer service, and as always, they are unable to provide any information at all.

    How are they even allowed to do this, without even communicating to the sellers in advanced???

    user profile

    As part of our Payments based on delivery date policy, we typically reserve your sales proceeds until seven days after an order is delivered.

    To provide you with more visibility into these funds that we've reserved, we've added a new deferred transactions status on the Payments dashboard.

    By November 1, your delivery date reserve amounts will display as Deferred transactions in the Total balance box at the top of the Payments dashboard. Until then, they may still display under the account-level reserve field on your Payments dashboard and reports. Note that if you aren't subject to our delivery date policy, your dashboard won't be changed.

    To view more details, click the deferred transactions balance. The Transaction view page will display the list of orders that make up this balance, the deferral reason, and the estimated payment release date for each order.

    To download a detailed report of your deferred transactions, follow these steps:

    Go to Payments reports repository.

    Under Report type, select Deferred transaction.

    Click Request report.

    When a transaction is updated from deferred to released, it will no longer be included on the Deferred Transaction report. To download all released transactions from a specific period, select the Transaction report type.

    Only new transactions posted after this change will show as deferred. Older transactions will remain reserved under account-level reserves until they are released for payment. You may also still see an account-level reserve if one of your orders has received a claim or chargeback, or if your account is under review.

    Note that deferred transactions won't be included in the chart on the Payments dashboard, and they will only appear there after they're released.

    For more information, go to What is a deferred transaction?

    user profile

    As part of our Payments based on delivery date policy, we typically reserve your sales proceeds until seven days after an order is delivered.

    To provide you with more visibility into these funds that we've reserved, we've added a new deferred transactions status on the Payments dashboard.

    By November 1, your delivery date reserve amounts will display as Deferred transactions in the Total balance box at the top of the Payments dashboard. Until then, they may still display under the account-level reserve field on your Payments dashboard and reports. Note that if you aren't subject to our delivery date policy, your dashboard won't be changed.

    To view more details, click the deferred transactions balance. The Transaction view page will display the list of orders that make up this balance, the deferral reason, and the estimated payment release date for each order.

    To download a detailed report of your deferred transactions, follow these steps:

    Go to Payments reports repository.

    Under Report type, select Deferred transaction.

    Click Request report.

    When a transaction is updated from deferred to released, it will no longer be included on the Deferred Transaction report. To download all released transactions from a specific period, select the Transaction report type.

    Only new transactions posted after this change will show as deferred. Older transactions will remain reserved under account-level reserves until they are released for payment. You may also still see an account-level reserve if one of your orders has received a claim or chargeback, or if your account is under review.

    Note that deferred transactions won't be included in the chart on the Payments dashboard, and they will only appear there after they're released.

    For more information, go to What is a deferred transaction?

    user profile

    This new policy is affecting my cash flow. I was forced to deactivate the store because they are charging me and I went for a complete period without receiving payment while they charged me for shipping.

    user profile

    This new policy is affecting my cash flow. I was forced to deactivate the store because they are charging me and I went for a complete period without receiving payment while they charged me for shipping.

    user profile

    This is the worst policy I have come across so far, and I can't understand it. As a result of this policy, my data this month is not in line with reality.

    user profile

    This is the worst policy I have come across so far, and I can't understand it. As a result of this policy, my data this month is not in line with reality.

    user profile

    NOW as of Today I'm seeing DD+ 12 or 13 on a BUNCH of orders. Why would ANY order have a DD+12 or more? I am in good standing, no outstanding returns or claims. I have 2 potential refunds for Items being Returned to Sender currently (waiting on a response from both buyers about whether they want them resent or refunded), but no new negative feedbacks, or late deliveries. What Policy says DD+13? Why are my funds being held EVEN LONGER than before now? I've NEVER in the 6 years I've been here had my funds held for nearly 30 days. For Instance, Order # 113-1613372-4808266. If delivery date is 10/23 (which is already INSANE because I shipped this particular order on 10/12/24 and it's already in florida and my shipping settings are 2 day handling, and 3-5 day delivery so even with 7 days, should be deliver by 10/ Amazon is padding those numbers too for no reason), I should be paid by 10/30. Now, once this order gets delivered it will update to correct dates, but this is absurd that this has a PAY DATE of 11/5 currently and a Deliver by Date of 10/23. How is that DD+7? It's like the SYSTEM is broken for October. I can't get the Payment Team to even respond to my case. It's been 10 days with no response. Just Transferred. CAN A MOD PLEASE STEP IN HERE AND HELP?

    user profile

    NOW as of Today I'm seeing DD+ 12 or 13 on a BUNCH of orders. Why would ANY order have a DD+12 or more? I am in good standing, no outstanding returns or claims. I have 2 potential refunds for Items being Returned to Sender currently (waiting on a response from both buyers about whether they want them resent or refunded), but no new negative feedbacks, or late deliveries. What Policy says DD+13? Why are my funds being held EVEN LONGER than before now? I've NEVER in the 6 years I've been here had my funds held for nearly 30 days. For Instance, Order # 113-1613372-4808266. If delivery date is 10/23 (which is already INSANE because I shipped this particular order on 10/12/24 and it's already in florida and my shipping settings are 2 day handling, and 3-5 day delivery so even with 7 days, should be deliver by 10/ Amazon is padding those numbers too for no reason), I should be paid by 10/30. Now, once this order gets delivered it will update to correct dates, but this is absurd that this has a PAY DATE of 11/5 currently and a Deliver by Date of 10/23. How is that DD+7? It's like the SYSTEM is broken for October. I can't get the Payment Team to even respond to my case. It's been 10 days with no response. Just Transferred. CAN A MOD PLEASE STEP IN HERE AND HELP?

    user profile

    i don't think this will have a good outcome for sellers. potential for fraud and scams by buyers? all my sales are going deferred as well. i got ZERO COMMUNICATION from amazon regarding this. they just ..... did it.

    and mods want to chime in???? please, don't be shy

    user profile

    i don't think this will have a good outcome for sellers. potential for fraud and scams by buyers? all my sales are going deferred as well. i got ZERO COMMUNICATION from amazon regarding this. they just ..... did it.

    and mods want to chime in???? please, don't be shy

    user profile

    Can anyone see the "Deferred transaction" in the Report Type field?

    It looks like it isn't available here yet...

    The transaction reports are also completely missing the deferred transactions causing a blind spot in our data. There is currently no option for a deferred transaction report type.

    It would be super helpful to include the shipment date for anyone doing accrual based accounting. This change basically changes everybody to cash-based accounting with no way to maintain accrual based accounting.

    user profile
  • Under Report type, select Deferred transaction.
  • View post
    user profile

    Can anyone see the "Deferred transaction" in the Report Type field?

    It looks like it isn't available here yet...

    The transaction reports are also completely missing the deferred transactions causing a blind spot in our data. There is currently no option for a deferred transaction report type.

    It would be super helpful to include the shipment date for anyone doing accrual based accounting. This change basically changes everybody to cash-based accounting with no way to maintain accrual based accounting.

    user profile
  • Under Report type, select Deferred transaction.
  • View post
    user profile

    I am waiting to hear back from the team that is responsible for the recent changes. I am doing my best to help address this, however the link I posted in fact was for SA region but this will apply to NA (US) as well. No one's regions or marketplaces were changed, everything is the same.

    Please allow me more time to get answers from leadership. I apologize for the confusion and frustration this has caused.


    user profile

    I am waiting to hear back from the team that is responsible for the recent changes. I am doing my best to help address this, however the link I posted in fact was for SA region but this will apply to NA (US) as well. No one's regions or marketplaces were changed, everything is the same.

    Please allow me more time to get answers from leadership. I apologize for the confusion and frustration this has caused.


    user profile

    Hello @Connor_Amazon,

    Today I noticed that the Deferred option for "report type" has appeared. However, I would highly suggest having a unified report showing both "standard transaction" and "deferred transaction" in a single file. When we generate the traditional "transaction" report, we have a column called "account type" which doesn't exist yet when we generate the "deferred transaction" report type.

    This single issue requires a lot of tweaks in order to read and synchronize both files into a single report, where we are able to understand our sales per SKU per day.

    I'm sharing some examples below:

    1. When we select the Deferred Transactions Report type, we are unable to choose Date Ranges and also the Account Type is automatically set as "Standard Orders" which doesn't happen for the classic Transaction Reports option.

    2. The 2nd screenshot shows the mismatch between columns from both report types now. We should either have the same data there to be able to merge these data swiftly or be able to generate a single report with all data included, having a single column stating if the order is deferred or not.


    Could you please share that with the responsible team and ask for that improvement?

    That would help us a lot since this is the most critical report that we have to keep track every day or so.


    user profile

    Hello @Connor_Amazon,

    Today I noticed that the Deferred option for "report type" has appeared. However, I would highly suggest having a unified report showing both "standard transaction" and "deferred transaction" in a single file. When we generate the traditional "transaction" report, we have a column called "account type" which doesn't exist yet when we generate the "deferred transaction" report type.

    This single issue requires a lot of tweaks in order to read and synchronize both files into a single report, where we are able to understand our sales per SKU per day.

    I'm sharing some examples below:

    1. When we select the Deferred Transactions Report type, we are unable to choose Date Ranges and also the Account Type is automatically set as "Standard Orders" which doesn't happen for the classic Transaction Reports option.

    2. The 2nd screenshot shows the mismatch between columns from both report types now. We should either have the same data there to be able to merge these data swiftly or be able to generate a single report with all data included, having a single column stating if the order is deferred or not.


    Could you please share that with the responsible team and ask for that improvement?

    That would help us a lot since this is the most critical report that we have to keep track every day or so.


    user profile

    Thank you for the feedback, I will pass that along to my partner team.


    user profile

    Thank you for the feedback, I will pass that along to my partner team.


    user profile


    Please check this thread as well Micah.

    Thank you!

    user profile


    Please check this thread as well Micah.

    Thank you!

    user profile

    This would be extremely easy to fix if they added a new column in the payments report "Flat File V2" called "Transaction-date" to indicate the actual date when the order was charged to the customer.

    They messed up the "Posted-Date" column... in the past this reflected the actual customer charge date and now it reflects that DD+7 policy.

    Amazon effectively messed up with the accrual accounting... now we have transactions that happened in november being recognized in december. ugh!!!

    user profile

    This would be extremely easy to fix if they added a new column in the payments report "Flat File V2" called "Transaction-date" to indicate the actual date when the order was charged to the customer.

    They messed up the "Posted-Date" column... in the past this reflected the actual customer charge date and now it reflects that DD+7 policy.

    Amazon effectively messed up with the accrual accounting... now we have transactions that happened in november being recognized in december. ugh!!!

    user profile

    Great idea... That's a very simple solution for all that mess they made.

    user profile

    Great idea... That's a very simple solution for all that mess they made.

    user profile

    This policy is radiculous. WHOEVER came up with this should be sentenced. Actually we sellers are like Amazon employee and this policy like they are delaying our salary, it is ILLEGAL. IT IS A CRIME.

    user profile

    This policy is radiculous. WHOEVER came up with this should be sentenced. Actually we sellers are like Amazon employee and this policy like they are delaying our salary, it is ILLEGAL. IT IS A CRIME.

    user profile

    my longer term payment amount is now not showing on payment tab. only the shorter term amount is shown to be able to manually request payment.

    they must be hanging on to cash flow with various date policy changes

    user profile

    my longer term payment amount is now not showing on payment tab. only the shorter term amount is shown to be able to manually request payment.

    they must be hanging on to cash flow with various date policy changes

    user profile

    Yeah I am not a big fan of this change ether, but what to do you know. I guess it makes sense given customer payments and also if they received item delivered or not.

    Guess will have to see how all this plays out, but for sure it does mess the payments section of seller app as its not totally clear now when when are exactly getting paid as it may overlap with the 2 week payout period.

    Hopefully it will adjust more accordingly over time as I just noticed this change last week expecting our usual payment, but now has been deferred!

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    Yeah I am not a big fan of this change ether, but what to do you know. I guess it makes sense given customer payments and also if they received item delivered or not.

    Guess will have to see how all this plays out, but for sure it does mess the payments section of seller app as its not totally clear now when when are exactly getting paid as it may overlap with the 2 week payout period.

    Hopefully it will adjust more accordingly over time as I just noticed this change last week expecting our usual payment, but now has been deferred!

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    I have the same issue. All my orders, FBA & FBM, are being deferred. It started as of October 25th. Some orders are deferred for 7 days, some for 14 days, some for 21 days, for not apparent logical reason.

    I have called customer service, and as always, they are unable to provide any information at all.

    How are they even allowed to do this, without even communicating to the sellers in advanced???

    user profile

    I have the same issue. All my orders, FBA & FBM, are being deferred. It started as of October 25th. Some orders are deferred for 7 days, some for 14 days, some for 21 days, for not apparent logical reason.

    I have called customer service, and as always, they are unable to provide any information at all.

    How are they even allowed to do this, without even communicating to the sellers in advanced???


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