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$39.99 fee charged and suspended right after-cant get refund


I opened my seller account and right after I got suspended. I have never listed any item or sold anything.

I can not get my money back. There is no way for me to contact them either since I am not able to create cases.

I can understand that Amazon has freedom to choose its sellers but what is the reason I am paying professional selling fee when I am not a seller?

I checked on the forums and there are 1000s of sellers for years having same issue. Why all those sellers come together and start Class-action lawsuit and get all those funds back even with interest ?

Why this company acts that way?

28 replies
Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
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$39.99 fee charged and suspended right after-cant get refund


I opened my seller account and right after I got suspended. I have never listed any item or sold anything.

I can not get my money back. There is no way for me to contact them either since I am not able to create cases.

I can understand that Amazon has freedom to choose its sellers but what is the reason I am paying professional selling fee when I am not a seller?

I checked on the forums and there are 1000s of sellers for years having same issue. Why all those sellers come together and start Class-action lawsuit and get all those funds back even with interest ?

Why this company acts that way?

Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
28 replies
28 replies
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Were you asked to provide further verification information? That's usually what happens once you sign up.

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This is normal for new sellers. If you're going to sell here, get used to Amazonian ways.

Go into your account settings and downgrade your account to Individual. Amazon starts everyone at the Professional to get at least one months fee out of you.

As @Seller_OvL8C4BJWiuS9says, get the verification in to them. Only what they ask for, don't try to think you have a better idea of what to send them. Do not send photos of ID taken with your phone, PDF and JPG are much better, and in my personal experience JPG worked when PDF did not.

As for a lawsuit, you'd have to read ALL of the fine print that you agreed to by clicking to open your account. Not fair, but legal and pretty much an indicator of how Amazon works. Good luck.

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Call this number

We understand your concern regarding your selling account status. After careful review, we have determined your Seller Central account is active. Please note that to access your Seller Central account, your Amazon consumer account must also be active. To validate there are no issues present with your consumer account please contact Customer Service. You can contact Amazon Customer Service by phone, chat or e-mail through the Contact Us link found on any Amazon Help page. You can give Customer Service a call at our toll free number: 1-866-216-1072. Customers outside the United States can call 1-206-266-2992. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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As others have said, when you first open an account, there is a verification process that needs to happen. Generally the very start is;

1- you fill out the forms to set up your account.

2- they charge the fee to your payment method (if they find it is not actually a credit card, account is suspended until you have a verified credit card on file. There are lots of threads in the forum about the need for credit card. They want to verify that someone things you are worth giving credit to so they require you keep a valid credit card on your file even if you set up to pay your seller fees from some other type of payment method. They need to make sure you have enough credit so they can charge you for any fees you rack up before you have enough sales income to cover them.)

3- Accounts that have just been opened are not yet "verified" there is a whole bunch of identity, address, credit, banking, information that needs to be verified before they fully open your account. Hence why you get immediately suspended after they "open" the account. This all usually takes some time because it involves some one looking at your application and deciding what additional information they need to ask for and then sending those requests to you. Then once you provide the information requested, it takes time for a bot and then a person to look at it and make sure it meets the requirements or not. If things don't match exactly, it can confuse the bots and slow things down.

4- if you don't want a professional account, Go to account settings and downgrade to an individual account at least until you finish the verification process. If you have not accessed any of the "professional" features/services like shipping templates or certain reporting features, then you may be able to request a refund of the professional selling fee but most people figure that the first month can be through of as your application fee.

5- Spend this time learning in Seller University and reading on the forum.

If you have not already gone through the verification process, then you are not really suspended, your account has just not actually been fully opened/verified yet. They just don't make that distinction clear in the robo generated emails. I believe verification now also requires a video call at least for certain countries/accounts and last year they started a whole thing where accounts that have been around a while have to re-verify certain things regularly now. Like making sure the deposit method bank account holder name matches the Amazon account holder name and stuff like that.

And DO NOT try to close this account to give it another shot at opening a new account!!!!! Be Patient and persistent in opening this account because if you give up on this one, you will not be able to try again because this failed attempt will forever block you form opening a new Amazon account.

If you are about to complain that Amazon is making this too difficult and they shouldn't charge you when they are not letting you sell. Remember that Amazon isn't here to help YOU sell. This whole process is a test to see if you can follow poorly written/edited instructions that are often contradictory and delivered by bot. Also, they want to make sure you can/will follow the rules . Yes Amazon wants to onboard sellers so they can charge you fees. They want you to use as many Amazon services as possible so they can earn fees from you. They will also immediately throw you under the bus (suspend your account) at the first sign that you might be doing anything "against the rules or law" as in they don't actually mind if you list on an ASIN that you don't have authorization to sell (but you are expected to only sell things that you have Authorization from the Brand to sell on Amazon) but as soon as anything indicates a complaint that what you are selling might not be authorized (a brand owner complains or a customer says something is counterfeit) you are suspended until you can prove you have the authorization etc.

Make sure you are seeing all of the Amazon emails that might be requesting more information, they should give you the instructions on what information is needed, when and how to supply it. Check through all the settings/info pages in your account (gear Icon) since it is a brand new account and you haven't done anything to cause an account health problem, you probably won't get much info or help from the account health page. Things that I've heard of causing glitches in account verification include Address, Phone number, Disbursement Bank account, Payment Method, Valid Credit card on file, ID, Piped Utility address verification, mailing address verification. Note, when they say they want you to make sure you have a valid credit card on file, they are not asking you to send a copy of the credit card statement, they are wanting you to make sure it is a credit card and not a debit card or anything of that sort. Make sure the "buyer" account that is linked to your seller account has the same info and if you are having any issues adding a credit card to your seller account, go into the buyer account and fix it there first. Even if you never opened a buyer account with the email address you used for your seller account, Amazon created it when you signed up for your seller account and you can log into it with your seller central email and password and make sure the address, and credit cards there are correct then go back to the seller account to make sure it is correct there too.

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Call your bank and make a claim. They will give you the money right away.

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$39.99 fee charged and suspended right after-cant get refund


I opened my seller account and right after I got suspended. I have never listed any item or sold anything.

I can not get my money back. There is no way for me to contact them either since I am not able to create cases.

I can understand that Amazon has freedom to choose its sellers but what is the reason I am paying professional selling fee when I am not a seller?

I checked on the forums and there are 1000s of sellers for years having same issue. Why all those sellers come together and start Class-action lawsuit and get all those funds back even with interest ?

Why this company acts that way?

28 replies
Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
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$39.99 fee charged and suspended right after-cant get refund


I opened my seller account and right after I got suspended. I have never listed any item or sold anything.

I can not get my money back. There is no way for me to contact them either since I am not able to create cases.

I can understand that Amazon has freedom to choose its sellers but what is the reason I am paying professional selling fee when I am not a seller?

I checked on the forums and there are 1000s of sellers for years having same issue. Why all those sellers come together and start Class-action lawsuit and get all those funds back even with interest ?

Why this company acts that way?

Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
28 replies
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$39.99 fee charged and suspended right after-cant get refund

by Seller_TpNQacYU2MX7g


I opened my seller account and right after I got suspended. I have never listed any item or sold anything.

I can not get my money back. There is no way for me to contact them either since I am not able to create cases.

I can understand that Amazon has freedom to choose its sellers but what is the reason I am paying professional selling fee when I am not a seller?

I checked on the forums and there are 1000s of sellers for years having same issue. Why all those sellers come together and start Class-action lawsuit and get all those funds back even with interest ?

Why this company acts that way?

Tags:Deactivated, Seller Support, Suspended
28 replies
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Were you asked to provide further verification information? That's usually what happens once you sign up.

user profile

This is normal for new sellers. If you're going to sell here, get used to Amazonian ways.

Go into your account settings and downgrade your account to Individual. Amazon starts everyone at the Professional to get at least one months fee out of you.

As @Seller_OvL8C4BJWiuS9says, get the verification in to them. Only what they ask for, don't try to think you have a better idea of what to send them. Do not send photos of ID taken with your phone, PDF and JPG are much better, and in my personal experience JPG worked when PDF did not.

As for a lawsuit, you'd have to read ALL of the fine print that you agreed to by clicking to open your account. Not fair, but legal and pretty much an indicator of how Amazon works. Good luck.

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Call this number

We understand your concern regarding your selling account status. After careful review, we have determined your Seller Central account is active. Please note that to access your Seller Central account, your Amazon consumer account must also be active. To validate there are no issues present with your consumer account please contact Customer Service. You can contact Amazon Customer Service by phone, chat or e-mail through the Contact Us link found on any Amazon Help page. You can give Customer Service a call at our toll free number: 1-866-216-1072. Customers outside the United States can call 1-206-266-2992. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

user profile

As others have said, when you first open an account, there is a verification process that needs to happen. Generally the very start is;

1- you fill out the forms to set up your account.

2- they charge the fee to your payment method (if they find it is not actually a credit card, account is suspended until you have a verified credit card on file. There are lots of threads in the forum about the need for credit card. They want to verify that someone things you are worth giving credit to so they require you keep a valid credit card on your file even if you set up to pay your seller fees from some other type of payment method. They need to make sure you have enough credit so they can charge you for any fees you rack up before you have enough sales income to cover them.)

3- Accounts that have just been opened are not yet "verified" there is a whole bunch of identity, address, credit, banking, information that needs to be verified before they fully open your account. Hence why you get immediately suspended after they "open" the account. This all usually takes some time because it involves some one looking at your application and deciding what additional information they need to ask for and then sending those requests to you. Then once you provide the information requested, it takes time for a bot and then a person to look at it and make sure it meets the requirements or not. If things don't match exactly, it can confuse the bots and slow things down.

4- if you don't want a professional account, Go to account settings and downgrade to an individual account at least until you finish the verification process. If you have not accessed any of the "professional" features/services like shipping templates or certain reporting features, then you may be able to request a refund of the professional selling fee but most people figure that the first month can be through of as your application fee.

5- Spend this time learning in Seller University and reading on the forum.

If you have not already gone through the verification process, then you are not really suspended, your account has just not actually been fully opened/verified yet. They just don't make that distinction clear in the robo generated emails. I believe verification now also requires a video call at least for certain countries/accounts and last year they started a whole thing where accounts that have been around a while have to re-verify certain things regularly now. Like making sure the deposit method bank account holder name matches the Amazon account holder name and stuff like that.

And DO NOT try to close this account to give it another shot at opening a new account!!!!! Be Patient and persistent in opening this account because if you give up on this one, you will not be able to try again because this failed attempt will forever block you form opening a new Amazon account.

If you are about to complain that Amazon is making this too difficult and they shouldn't charge you when they are not letting you sell. Remember that Amazon isn't here to help YOU sell. This whole process is a test to see if you can follow poorly written/edited instructions that are often contradictory and delivered by bot. Also, they want to make sure you can/will follow the rules . Yes Amazon wants to onboard sellers so they can charge you fees. They want you to use as many Amazon services as possible so they can earn fees from you. They will also immediately throw you under the bus (suspend your account) at the first sign that you might be doing anything "against the rules or law" as in they don't actually mind if you list on an ASIN that you don't have authorization to sell (but you are expected to only sell things that you have Authorization from the Brand to sell on Amazon) but as soon as anything indicates a complaint that what you are selling might not be authorized (a brand owner complains or a customer says something is counterfeit) you are suspended until you can prove you have the authorization etc.

Make sure you are seeing all of the Amazon emails that might be requesting more information, they should give you the instructions on what information is needed, when and how to supply it. Check through all the settings/info pages in your account (gear Icon) since it is a brand new account and you haven't done anything to cause an account health problem, you probably won't get much info or help from the account health page. Things that I've heard of causing glitches in account verification include Address, Phone number, Disbursement Bank account, Payment Method, Valid Credit card on file, ID, Piped Utility address verification, mailing address verification. Note, when they say they want you to make sure you have a valid credit card on file, they are not asking you to send a copy of the credit card statement, they are wanting you to make sure it is a credit card and not a debit card or anything of that sort. Make sure the "buyer" account that is linked to your seller account has the same info and if you are having any issues adding a credit card to your seller account, go into the buyer account and fix it there first. Even if you never opened a buyer account with the email address you used for your seller account, Amazon created it when you signed up for your seller account and you can log into it with your seller central email and password and make sure the address, and credit cards there are correct then go back to the seller account to make sure it is correct there too.

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Call your bank and make a claim. They will give you the money right away.

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Were you asked to provide further verification information? That's usually what happens once you sign up.

user profile

Were you asked to provide further verification information? That's usually what happens once you sign up.

user profile

This is normal for new sellers. If you're going to sell here, get used to Amazonian ways.

Go into your account settings and downgrade your account to Individual. Amazon starts everyone at the Professional to get at least one months fee out of you.

As @Seller_OvL8C4BJWiuS9says, get the verification in to them. Only what they ask for, don't try to think you have a better idea of what to send them. Do not send photos of ID taken with your phone, PDF and JPG are much better, and in my personal experience JPG worked when PDF did not.

As for a lawsuit, you'd have to read ALL of the fine print that you agreed to by clicking to open your account. Not fair, but legal and pretty much an indicator of how Amazon works. Good luck.

user profile

This is normal for new sellers. If you're going to sell here, get used to Amazonian ways.

Go into your account settings and downgrade your account to Individual. Amazon starts everyone at the Professional to get at least one months fee out of you.

As @Seller_OvL8C4BJWiuS9says, get the verification in to them. Only what they ask for, don't try to think you have a better idea of what to send them. Do not send photos of ID taken with your phone, PDF and JPG are much better, and in my personal experience JPG worked when PDF did not.

As for a lawsuit, you'd have to read ALL of the fine print that you agreed to by clicking to open your account. Not fair, but legal and pretty much an indicator of how Amazon works. Good luck.

user profile

Call this number

We understand your concern regarding your selling account status. After careful review, we have determined your Seller Central account is active. Please note that to access your Seller Central account, your Amazon consumer account must also be active. To validate there are no issues present with your consumer account please contact Customer Service. You can contact Amazon Customer Service by phone, chat or e-mail through the Contact Us link found on any Amazon Help page. You can give Customer Service a call at our toll free number: 1-866-216-1072. Customers outside the United States can call 1-206-266-2992. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

user profile

Call this number

We understand your concern regarding your selling account status. After careful review, we have determined your Seller Central account is active. Please note that to access your Seller Central account, your Amazon consumer account must also be active. To validate there are no issues present with your consumer account please contact Customer Service. You can contact Amazon Customer Service by phone, chat or e-mail through the Contact Us link found on any Amazon Help page. You can give Customer Service a call at our toll free number: 1-866-216-1072. Customers outside the United States can call 1-206-266-2992. Customer Service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

user profile

As others have said, when you first open an account, there is a verification process that needs to happen. Generally the very start is;

1- you fill out the forms to set up your account.

2- they charge the fee to your payment method (if they find it is not actually a credit card, account is suspended until you have a verified credit card on file. There are lots of threads in the forum about the need for credit card. They want to verify that someone things you are worth giving credit to so they require you keep a valid credit card on your file even if you set up to pay your seller fees from some other type of payment method. They need to make sure you have enough credit so they can charge you for any fees you rack up before you have enough sales income to cover them.)

3- Accounts that have just been opened are not yet "verified" there is a whole bunch of identity, address, credit, banking, information that needs to be verified before they fully open your account. Hence why you get immediately suspended after they "open" the account. This all usually takes some time because it involves some one looking at your application and deciding what additional information they need to ask for and then sending those requests to you. Then once you provide the information requested, it takes time for a bot and then a person to look at it and make sure it meets the requirements or not. If things don't match exactly, it can confuse the bots and slow things down.

4- if you don't want a professional account, Go to account settings and downgrade to an individual account at least until you finish the verification process. If you have not accessed any of the "professional" features/services like shipping templates or certain reporting features, then you may be able to request a refund of the professional selling fee but most people figure that the first month can be through of as your application fee.

5- Spend this time learning in Seller University and reading on the forum.

If you have not already gone through the verification process, then you are not really suspended, your account has just not actually been fully opened/verified yet. They just don't make that distinction clear in the robo generated emails. I believe verification now also requires a video call at least for certain countries/accounts and last year they started a whole thing where accounts that have been around a while have to re-verify certain things regularly now. Like making sure the deposit method bank account holder name matches the Amazon account holder name and stuff like that.

And DO NOT try to close this account to give it another shot at opening a new account!!!!! Be Patient and persistent in opening this account because if you give up on this one, you will not be able to try again because this failed attempt will forever block you form opening a new Amazon account.

If you are about to complain that Amazon is making this too difficult and they shouldn't charge you when they are not letting you sell. Remember that Amazon isn't here to help YOU sell. This whole process is a test to see if you can follow poorly written/edited instructions that are often contradictory and delivered by bot. Also, they want to make sure you can/will follow the rules . Yes Amazon wants to onboard sellers so they can charge you fees. They want you to use as many Amazon services as possible so they can earn fees from you. They will also immediately throw you under the bus (suspend your account) at the first sign that you might be doing anything "against the rules or law" as in they don't actually mind if you list on an ASIN that you don't have authorization to sell (but you are expected to only sell things that you have Authorization from the Brand to sell on Amazon) but as soon as anything indicates a complaint that what you are selling might not be authorized (a brand owner complains or a customer says something is counterfeit) you are suspended until you can prove you have the authorization etc.

Make sure you are seeing all of the Amazon emails that might be requesting more information, they should give you the instructions on what information is needed, when and how to supply it. Check through all the settings/info pages in your account (gear Icon) since it is a brand new account and you haven't done anything to cause an account health problem, you probably won't get much info or help from the account health page. Things that I've heard of causing glitches in account verification include Address, Phone number, Disbursement Bank account, Payment Method, Valid Credit card on file, ID, Piped Utility address verification, mailing address verification. Note, when they say they want you to make sure you have a valid credit card on file, they are not asking you to send a copy of the credit card statement, they are wanting you to make sure it is a credit card and not a debit card or anything of that sort. Make sure the "buyer" account that is linked to your seller account has the same info and if you are having any issues adding a credit card to your seller account, go into the buyer account and fix it there first. Even if you never opened a buyer account with the email address you used for your seller account, Amazon created it when you signed up for your seller account and you can log into it with your seller central email and password and make sure the address, and credit cards there are correct then go back to the seller account to make sure it is correct there too.

user profile

As others have said, when you first open an account, there is a verification process that needs to happen. Generally the very start is;

1- you fill out the forms to set up your account.

2- they charge the fee to your payment method (if they find it is not actually a credit card, account is suspended until you have a verified credit card on file. There are lots of threads in the forum about the need for credit card. They want to verify that someone things you are worth giving credit to so they require you keep a valid credit card on your file even if you set up to pay your seller fees from some other type of payment method. They need to make sure you have enough credit so they can charge you for any fees you rack up before you have enough sales income to cover them.)

3- Accounts that have just been opened are not yet "verified" there is a whole bunch of identity, address, credit, banking, information that needs to be verified before they fully open your account. Hence why you get immediately suspended after they "open" the account. This all usually takes some time because it involves some one looking at your application and deciding what additional information they need to ask for and then sending those requests to you. Then once you provide the information requested, it takes time for a bot and then a person to look at it and make sure it meets the requirements or not. If things don't match exactly, it can confuse the bots and slow things down.

4- if you don't want a professional account, Go to account settings and downgrade to an individual account at least until you finish the verification process. If you have not accessed any of the "professional" features/services like shipping templates or certain reporting features, then you may be able to request a refund of the professional selling fee but most people figure that the first month can be through of as your application fee.

5- Spend this time learning in Seller University and reading on the forum.

If you have not already gone through the verification process, then you are not really suspended, your account has just not actually been fully opened/verified yet. They just don't make that distinction clear in the robo generated emails. I believe verification now also requires a video call at least for certain countries/accounts and last year they started a whole thing where accounts that have been around a while have to re-verify certain things regularly now. Like making sure the deposit method bank account holder name matches the Amazon account holder name and stuff like that.

And DO NOT try to close this account to give it another shot at opening a new account!!!!! Be Patient and persistent in opening this account because if you give up on this one, you will not be able to try again because this failed attempt will forever block you form opening a new Amazon account.

If you are about to complain that Amazon is making this too difficult and they shouldn't charge you when they are not letting you sell. Remember that Amazon isn't here to help YOU sell. This whole process is a test to see if you can follow poorly written/edited instructions that are often contradictory and delivered by bot. Also, they want to make sure you can/will follow the rules . Yes Amazon wants to onboard sellers so they can charge you fees. They want you to use as many Amazon services as possible so they can earn fees from you. They will also immediately throw you under the bus (suspend your account) at the first sign that you might be doing anything "against the rules or law" as in they don't actually mind if you list on an ASIN that you don't have authorization to sell (but you are expected to only sell things that you have Authorization from the Brand to sell on Amazon) but as soon as anything indicates a complaint that what you are selling might not be authorized (a brand owner complains or a customer says something is counterfeit) you are suspended until you can prove you have the authorization etc.

Make sure you are seeing all of the Amazon emails that might be requesting more information, they should give you the instructions on what information is needed, when and how to supply it. Check through all the settings/info pages in your account (gear Icon) since it is a brand new account and you haven't done anything to cause an account health problem, you probably won't get much info or help from the account health page. Things that I've heard of causing glitches in account verification include Address, Phone number, Disbursement Bank account, Payment Method, Valid Credit card on file, ID, Piped Utility address verification, mailing address verification. Note, when they say they want you to make sure you have a valid credit card on file, they are not asking you to send a copy of the credit card statement, they are wanting you to make sure it is a credit card and not a debit card or anything of that sort. Make sure the "buyer" account that is linked to your seller account has the same info and if you are having any issues adding a credit card to your seller account, go into the buyer account and fix it there first. Even if you never opened a buyer account with the email address you used for your seller account, Amazon created it when you signed up for your seller account and you can log into it with your seller central email and password and make sure the address, and credit cards there are correct then go back to the seller account to make sure it is correct there too.

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Call your bank and make a claim. They will give you the money right away.

user profile

Call your bank and make a claim. They will give you the money right away.

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