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Perishable Goods - Wait 90 days (+ 2 weeks) for removal order then let us know

by Seller_jXJBUBYVyhijF

I really do not understand the purpose of Amazon Seller Support as they are simply incapable of taking any action on behalf of a Seller. I acknowledge your goods are perishable but cannot do anything until 104 days after the removal order is raised even though your goods will be out of date by then. A small number of items were received within days other items are now 6 weeks in the process.

Any other business would be so embarrassed not only by taking so long to carry out a simple action but by making such a statement but it is normal for Amazon.

How on earth do you get any support from Amazon ? The whole point is that the support is contacted when you have highlighted an issue but the issue in the vast majority of cases is ignored so that the case can be closed - not resolved. It is a waste of a Sellers resource and worse still it is a waste of Amazon resource as they are paying for someone to ignore their lifeblood - the Seller.

Ah well there are always other suckers to bring on board! The most disappointing part is that when Amazon works it really works, but when there is an issue there is no support whatsoever and a complete disinterest.

Extremely disappointed that I will now have to recover the cost of the stock from Amazon due to no support given even though this could very easily have been avoided.

Any advice on how to expedite this to avoid Amazon replying "it wasn't me"?

Tags: FBA
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In reply to: Seller_jXJBUBYVyhijF's post

Welcome to the club. We also sell expiration dated items. And do removal orders before the units will expire. Sometimes we can sell on other platforms or donate to a local foodbank. But as you've experienced it can take months to for the items to be returned.

We are now dealing with units that are in an FC that isn't able to process removal orders.

No solution, just commiserating.

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In reply to: Seller_jXJBUBYVyhijF's post

Hello @Seller_jXJBUBYVyhijF. I understand that you are looking to expedite your recent removal orders. I do not have a path available for this request, as fulfillment centers process each kind of removal in the order that they are created, and we cannot expedite or prioritize any removal over the others.

Details about this are covered in our help page:Remove inventory overview

One option available is to set your inventory settings to have your unsellable products sent back to you automatically.

Unfortunately, there is no report currently available that provides expiration information.

Expiration dates on FBA products

Remove inventory automatically

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In reply to: Seller_jXJBUBYVyhijF's post

I complain about this all the time to Amazon. The inventory report that shows at the FC level should also include days to expiration.

Also the pull date varies depending on Amazon's interpretation of how long an item takes to consume. Amazon has not been able to tell me what that pull date is by sku.

Honestly its very rare something expires. Mainly for new items we are testing.

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In reply to: Seller_jXJBUBYVyhijF's post

We sell over 100,000 units per year of expiration dated products over many SKUs.

We regularly get a high number of expired of a single SKU, compared to its' averages, which seems it is because they are not managing inventory by First In First Out practices. We ship fresh product every month.

The cost of returning is very expensive surpassing our meager margins.


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In reply to: Seller_jXJBUBYVyhijF's post

if you think thats bad. I cant tell you how many thousands of units over the years that Amazon has put in unfulfillable inventory due to it being "expired" when the label and the FNSKU label clearly show the expiration date isnt for a year or two. We get the same old nonsense "the product was put in a virtual container and was marked as expired". 99% of the time we cannot get them out of this expired status and end up getting them back and having to send them back in.

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