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Asked to provide Supply Chain Documents - FBA

by Seller_HljWlD2z9QckK

Hi Everyone
I’m an Australian seller not quite on verge of full-fledged business but I want to get there soon.
Anyway, I’ve been selling Australian exports such as clothing Australian foods and gift baskets via FBA in Australia no issues.

TLDR: Asked to provide supply chain documents, Cant provide these but can provide invoices showing the genuine purchase of the items im now selling.

So I wanted to try branching out to selling on the US site. I created a US Seller account and sent my first shipment to Three fulfilment centres all is good. Worked just like here in Oz. Within a few hours my account was suspended suspicious activity. Not unexpected I planned to have to supply some identity documents as I had read on this forum this could occur. Supplied all the identity documents account reactivated no problem.

It’s now 48 hours later account suspended again but this time Amazon is requesting full supply chain documents for three of my items. The reason “Inauthentic items”
All these items already existed in the Amazon catalogue.
I haven’t made any sales yet and to reactivate my account Amazon is requesting fully supply chain documents.
I cannot provide these as I purchase my items from a wholesaler who has the supply agreement with, in this case Arnott’s.

I did ask the manager anyway but that flat refused as this info is considered a company secret as it has pricing info supply guarantees ect so they there not giving that to anyone.

I have submitted every document, receipt and invoice I have to Amazon and they are reviewing.

Anyone else had this issue?
Has Anyone been able to convince Amazon to reactivate their account by supplying other information?

I’m just not going to be able to provide these supply chain documents but I have valid invoices listing all my items my items ect.

Tags: Amazon business, International expansion
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