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Amazon Ads shopping season summit, November 3 and 4, 2021: Quick tips for more effective advertising

You’ve been working toward this time of year—prepping your campaigns, planning your budgets, and adjusting your strategies.

Now, we’re here to help you get totally set for the holiday shopping season.

Over two days, we’ll give you quick tips and easy-to-follow guidance for getting the most out of your advertising.

Learn with special guest speakers from global agencies and businesses across Amazon. Hear how other advertisers have fine-tuned their ads for the holidays, and helped boost returns. Get step-by-step, scenario-based recommendations that can help you set up and refine your campaigns and branding.

Note: There are different registration links for each day of the summit. If you’d like to attend both days, be sure to register for them separately.

Day one: Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PST)

The summit will launch with three hours of content and conversation, including the following topics:

  • Ways to use campaign insights for the best Sponsored Products targeting strategies and listings for your goals
  • How coupons can help you bring even more visibility to your ads
  • Common holiday advertising challenges (think reallocating budget across campaigns, or adjusting placement bids to help increase sales), and how to quickly fix them
  • How to use new features, like budget rules, to streamline your campaigns

Register for day one >

Day two: Thursday, November 4, 2021, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PST)

If you’re enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, you’ll spend the second day learning about the following topics:

  • Creative copywriting tips for your holiday campaigns, with a live demo on how to apply them
  • Firsthand experiences from moderation specialists on how to avoid rejections
  • How to create a more engaging, holiday-centered store, and ways to measure its impact

Register for day two >

Throughout both days, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get answers to your questions during live Q+A sessions. From bidding strategies to branding queries, we’re here to help.

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Amazon Ads shopping season summit, November 3 and 4, 2021: Quick tips for more effective advertising

You’ve been working toward this time of year—prepping your campaigns, planning your budgets, and adjusting your strategies.

Now, we’re here to help you get totally set for the holiday shopping season.

Over two days, we’ll give you quick tips and easy-to-follow guidance for getting the most out of your advertising.

Learn with special guest speakers from global agencies and businesses across Amazon. Hear how other advertisers have fine-tuned their ads for the holidays, and helped boost returns. Get step-by-step, scenario-based recommendations that can help you set up and refine your campaigns and branding.

Note: There are different registration links for each day of the summit. If you’d like to attend both days, be sure to register for them separately.

Day one: Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PST)

The summit will launch with three hours of content and conversation, including the following topics:

  • Ways to use campaign insights for the best Sponsored Products targeting strategies and listings for your goals
  • How coupons can help you bring even more visibility to your ads
  • Common holiday advertising challenges (think reallocating budget across campaigns, or adjusting placement bids to help increase sales), and how to quickly fix them
  • How to use new features, like budget rules, to streamline your campaigns

Register for day one >

Day two: Thursday, November 4, 2021, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PST)

If you’re enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, you’ll spend the second day learning about the following topics:

  • Creative copywriting tips for your holiday campaigns, with a live demo on how to apply them
  • Firsthand experiences from moderation specialists on how to avoid rejections
  • How to create a more engaging, holiday-centered store, and ways to measure its impact

Register for day two >

Throughout both days, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get answers to your questions during live Q+A sessions. From bidding strategies to branding queries, we’re here to help.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Here’s a Paul Harvey type of story about Amazon and advertising.

Amazon selling is very easy and couldn’t be any simpler, but no one will tell you the secret Amazon uses for success. Amazon knows this secret better than any other seller and works very hard to keep it from being known, because when the secret is out on the bag, thing will change.

Amazon is very good at showing sellers what a good competitive price would be for the products they sell. Why there are several software companies that, for a fee, can do the same. With all the hype around them, they almost sound like a necessity to have when selling online.

Amazon also is very good at offering advertising campaigns to increase your sales. That way, sellers will keep their selling price high, with the potential of more buyers seeing their offerings. Offered are Keyword Advertising, PPC Advertising, Placement Advertising and more, all to boost your sales. But do they?

Strangely enough, you do not see Amazon’s products displayed in that good competitive price range, nor do you see Amazon actually using the advertising methods sold to sellers. Why, because Amazon knows the secret is not in those items offered for sale. Those items are offered to increase Amazon’s bottom line, and keep the secret hidden. While sellers who have an internal desire to succeed, many focus on all the hype surrounding these addons, Amazon focuses on something else, the buyer.

So what does the buyer have to do with it? Well, the buyer’s action is the secret. Amazon knows that the lowest price offering for any product will sell before the higher price offering. Amazon wants 3rd party sellers to sell at a higher, so-called competitive price, and if it doesn’t sell, buy some advertising from Amazon. This keeps those sellers away from the Amazon offering and offering by the lowest price seller. So, while sellers are constantly watching their always Higher competitive pricing, and advertising campaigns, Amazon and the sellers with the lowest price offerings are selling away 24 hours a day with no advertising. And now you know the rest of the story. :train2:

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Amazon Ads shopping season summit, November 3 and 4, 2021: Quick tips for more effective advertising

You’ve been working toward this time of year—prepping your campaigns, planning your budgets, and adjusting your strategies.

Now, we’re here to help you get totally set for the holiday shopping season.

Over two days, we’ll give you quick tips and easy-to-follow guidance for getting the most out of your advertising.

Learn with special guest speakers from global agencies and businesses across Amazon. Hear how other advertisers have fine-tuned their ads for the holidays, and helped boost returns. Get step-by-step, scenario-based recommendations that can help you set up and refine your campaigns and branding.

Note: There are different registration links for each day of the summit. If you’d like to attend both days, be sure to register for them separately.

Day one: Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PST)

The summit will launch with three hours of content and conversation, including the following topics:

  • Ways to use campaign insights for the best Sponsored Products targeting strategies and listings for your goals
  • How coupons can help you bring even more visibility to your ads
  • Common holiday advertising challenges (think reallocating budget across campaigns, or adjusting placement bids to help increase sales), and how to quickly fix them
  • How to use new features, like budget rules, to streamline your campaigns

Register for day one >

Day two: Thursday, November 4, 2021, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PST)

If you’re enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, you’ll spend the second day learning about the following topics:

  • Creative copywriting tips for your holiday campaigns, with a live demo on how to apply them
  • Firsthand experiences from moderation specialists on how to avoid rejections
  • How to create a more engaging, holiday-centered store, and ways to measure its impact

Register for day two >

Throughout both days, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get answers to your questions during live Q+A sessions. From bidding strategies to branding queries, we’re here to help.

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Amazon Ads shopping season summit, November 3 and 4, 2021: Quick tips for more effective advertising

You’ve been working toward this time of year—prepping your campaigns, planning your budgets, and adjusting your strategies.

Now, we’re here to help you get totally set for the holiday shopping season.

Over two days, we’ll give you quick tips and easy-to-follow guidance for getting the most out of your advertising.

Learn with special guest speakers from global agencies and businesses across Amazon. Hear how other advertisers have fine-tuned their ads for the holidays, and helped boost returns. Get step-by-step, scenario-based recommendations that can help you set up and refine your campaigns and branding.

Note: There are different registration links for each day of the summit. If you’d like to attend both days, be sure to register for them separately.

Day one: Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PST)

The summit will launch with three hours of content and conversation, including the following topics:

  • Ways to use campaign insights for the best Sponsored Products targeting strategies and listings for your goals
  • How coupons can help you bring even more visibility to your ads
  • Common holiday advertising challenges (think reallocating budget across campaigns, or adjusting placement bids to help increase sales), and how to quickly fix them
  • How to use new features, like budget rules, to streamline your campaigns

Register for day one >

Day two: Thursday, November 4, 2021, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PST)

If you’re enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, you’ll spend the second day learning about the following topics:

  • Creative copywriting tips for your holiday campaigns, with a live demo on how to apply them
  • Firsthand experiences from moderation specialists on how to avoid rejections
  • How to create a more engaging, holiday-centered store, and ways to measure its impact

Register for day two >

Throughout both days, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get answers to your questions during live Q+A sessions. From bidding strategies to branding queries, we’re here to help.

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Amazon Ads shopping season summit, November 3 and 4, 2021: Quick tips for more effective advertising

by News_Amazon

You’ve been working toward this time of year—prepping your campaigns, planning your budgets, and adjusting your strategies.

Now, we’re here to help you get totally set for the holiday shopping season.

Over two days, we’ll give you quick tips and easy-to-follow guidance for getting the most out of your advertising.

Learn with special guest speakers from global agencies and businesses across Amazon. Hear how other advertisers have fine-tuned their ads for the holidays, and helped boost returns. Get step-by-step, scenario-based recommendations that can help you set up and refine your campaigns and branding.

Note: There are different registration links for each day of the summit. If you’d like to attend both days, be sure to register for them separately.

Day one: Wednesday, November 3, 2021, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PST)

The summit will launch with three hours of content and conversation, including the following topics:

  • Ways to use campaign insights for the best Sponsored Products targeting strategies and listings for your goals
  • How coupons can help you bring even more visibility to your ads
  • Common holiday advertising challenges (think reallocating budget across campaigns, or adjusting placement bids to help increase sales), and how to quickly fix them
  • How to use new features, like budget rules, to streamline your campaigns

Register for day one >

Day two: Thursday, November 4, 2021, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. (PST)

If you’re enrolled in Amazon Brand Registry, you’ll spend the second day learning about the following topics:

  • Creative copywriting tips for your holiday campaigns, with a live demo on how to apply them
  • Firsthand experiences from moderation specialists on how to avoid rejections
  • How to create a more engaging, holiday-centered store, and ways to measure its impact

Register for day two >

Throughout both days, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to get answers to your questions during live Q+A sessions. From bidding strategies to branding queries, we’re here to help.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Here’s a Paul Harvey type of story about Amazon and advertising.

Amazon selling is very easy and couldn’t be any simpler, but no one will tell you the secret Amazon uses for success. Amazon knows this secret better than any other seller and works very hard to keep it from being known, because when the secret is out on the bag, thing will change.

Amazon is very good at showing sellers what a good competitive price would be for the products they sell. Why there are several software companies that, for a fee, can do the same. With all the hype around them, they almost sound like a necessity to have when selling online.

Amazon also is very good at offering advertising campaigns to increase your sales. That way, sellers will keep their selling price high, with the potential of more buyers seeing their offerings. Offered are Keyword Advertising, PPC Advertising, Placement Advertising and more, all to boost your sales. But do they?

Strangely enough, you do not see Amazon’s products displayed in that good competitive price range, nor do you see Amazon actually using the advertising methods sold to sellers. Why, because Amazon knows the secret is not in those items offered for sale. Those items are offered to increase Amazon’s bottom line, and keep the secret hidden. While sellers who have an internal desire to succeed, many focus on all the hype surrounding these addons, Amazon focuses on something else, the buyer.

So what does the buyer have to do with it? Well, the buyer’s action is the secret. Amazon knows that the lowest price offering for any product will sell before the higher price offering. Amazon wants 3rd party sellers to sell at a higher, so-called competitive price, and if it doesn’t sell, buy some advertising from Amazon. This keeps those sellers away from the Amazon offering and offering by the lowest price seller. So, while sellers are constantly watching their always Higher competitive pricing, and advertising campaigns, Amazon and the sellers with the lowest price offerings are selling away 24 hours a day with no advertising. And now you know the rest of the story. :train2:

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Here’s a Paul Harvey type of story about Amazon and advertising.

Amazon selling is very easy and couldn’t be any simpler, but no one will tell you the secret Amazon uses for success. Amazon knows this secret better than any other seller and works very hard to keep it from being known, because when the secret is out on the bag, thing will change.

Amazon is very good at showing sellers what a good competitive price would be for the products they sell. Why there are several software companies that, for a fee, can do the same. With all the hype around them, they almost sound like a necessity to have when selling online.

Amazon also is very good at offering advertising campaigns to increase your sales. That way, sellers will keep their selling price high, with the potential of more buyers seeing their offerings. Offered are Keyword Advertising, PPC Advertising, Placement Advertising and more, all to boost your sales. But do they?

Strangely enough, you do not see Amazon’s products displayed in that good competitive price range, nor do you see Amazon actually using the advertising methods sold to sellers. Why, because Amazon knows the secret is not in those items offered for sale. Those items are offered to increase Amazon’s bottom line, and keep the secret hidden. While sellers who have an internal desire to succeed, many focus on all the hype surrounding these addons, Amazon focuses on something else, the buyer.

So what does the buyer have to do with it? Well, the buyer’s action is the secret. Amazon knows that the lowest price offering for any product will sell before the higher price offering. Amazon wants 3rd party sellers to sell at a higher, so-called competitive price, and if it doesn’t sell, buy some advertising from Amazon. This keeps those sellers away from the Amazon offering and offering by the lowest price seller. So, while sellers are constantly watching their always Higher competitive pricing, and advertising campaigns, Amazon and the sellers with the lowest price offerings are selling away 24 hours a day with no advertising. And now you know the rest of the story. :train2:

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Here’s a Paul Harvey type of story about Amazon and advertising.

Amazon selling is very easy and couldn’t be any simpler, but no one will tell you the secret Amazon uses for success. Amazon knows this secret better than any other seller and works very hard to keep it from being known, because when the secret is out on the bag, thing will change.

Amazon is very good at showing sellers what a good competitive price would be for the products they sell. Why there are several software companies that, for a fee, can do the same. With all the hype around them, they almost sound like a necessity to have when selling online.

Amazon also is very good at offering advertising campaigns to increase your sales. That way, sellers will keep their selling price high, with the potential of more buyers seeing their offerings. Offered are Keyword Advertising, PPC Advertising, Placement Advertising and more, all to boost your sales. But do they?

Strangely enough, you do not see Amazon’s products displayed in that good competitive price range, nor do you see Amazon actually using the advertising methods sold to sellers. Why, because Amazon knows the secret is not in those items offered for sale. Those items are offered to increase Amazon’s bottom line, and keep the secret hidden. While sellers who have an internal desire to succeed, many focus on all the hype surrounding these addons, Amazon focuses on something else, the buyer.

So what does the buyer have to do with it? Well, the buyer’s action is the secret. Amazon knows that the lowest price offering for any product will sell before the higher price offering. Amazon wants 3rd party sellers to sell at a higher, so-called competitive price, and if it doesn’t sell, buy some advertising from Amazon. This keeps those sellers away from the Amazon offering and offering by the lowest price seller. So, while sellers are constantly watching their always Higher competitive pricing, and advertising campaigns, Amazon and the sellers with the lowest price offerings are selling away 24 hours a day with no advertising. And now you know the rest of the story. :train2:

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