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CASE 13309752311

by Seller_88321PNYfJo9m


Here is a story. I created one parent listing and two child listings for spice grinder two weeks ago.

Then, I received one product restrictions message five days ago. They believe the following ASINs are identified as an article of drug paraphernalia.

ASIN: B0CBNPNW6X ( Parent Listing)

ASIN: B0CBP1LX7L (Child Listing)

I believe my product is only for spice mills so I do appear for both ASINs after reversing every listing content.

They reinstated the ASIN: B0CBP1LX7L but still restricted the ASIN: B0CBP1LX7L; I have asked them for five days, and the prohibited part is on ASIN: B0CBP1LX7L but they responded like an AI repeat.

I have uploaded a bunch of evidence proving the ASIN: B0CBP1LX7L (Child Listing) is only for spice mills. Also, I showed them a lot of the same product images selling on Amazon.

However, they still repeat that the ASIN: B0CBP1LX7L (Child Listing) is identified as an article of drug paraphernalia. And now, they inactivated another following child listing ASIN after I did upload a new image.


So, I need help giving me the reverse suggestions or any other assistance!

My case No. is CASE 13309752311.

Tags: Account Health
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In reply to: Seller_88321PNYfJo9m's post

Please post an image of your "spice mill"

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In reply to: Seller_88321PNYfJo9m's post


There is no way you are going to convince Amz that this is a "Spice Grinder" - it has been flagged.

See → Drugs & drug paraphernalia

⯌ Products must not be primarily used for making, preparing, or using a controlled substance, such as:

  • The term "drug paraphernalia" includes any equipment, product, or material of any kind which is primarily intended or designed for use in: manufacturing, compounding, converting, concealing, producing, processing, preparing

Amazon knows the difference between a spice and a weed grinder, and this definitely falls under drug paraphernalia.

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I have uploaded a bunch of evidence proving the ASIN: B0CBP1LX7L (Child Listing) is only for spice mills. Also, I showed them a lot of the same product images selling on Amazon.

Just because there are other listings doesn't mean you can sell yours; they are currently flying under the radar but will eventually get caught.

There are dozens of other threads from sellers who were trying to convince Amz that their product was a "Spice Grinder" but were unsuccessful; here are a few for you to review:

Restricted ASIN/ ASIN is removed from sale on Amazon

Listing and Detail page Removed due to policy violation

This product has been identified as an article of drug paraphernalia

Why is Amazon discriminating against me?

Kitchen product flagged for removal under Drug & Paraphernalia rules - No help from Amazon!

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In reply to: Seller_aV1Bh32hE0KND's post

So could you please tell me the revised suggestions? As we know, there are a lot of "spice grinder" selling on Amazon.

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In reply to: Seller_88321PNYfJo9m's post

If Amazon has flagged your items (ASINs) as Restricted (drug paraphernalia) it's highly unlikely that you will be able to convince them otherwise or get Amz to reinstate the listing.

I know there are dozens of other Spice Grinders on Amazon, some even contain reviews with photos & comments of drug use, yet Amz turns a blind eye. It's unfair but there's nothing you can do about it.

You will need to look for another site to sell them on.

See → Remove inventory (overview)

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