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Update on upcoming changes to buyer-initiated order cancelations

by News_Amazon

We recently announced changes to the process of managing buyer cancelation requests for seller-fulfilled orders. These changes were initially scheduled to take place on April 27, 2022, but will now come into effect on May 10, 2022.

We received your feedback on the announcement, and wanted to answer your frequently-asked questions.

1. Will I still get an email notification when I receive an order cancelation request?

Yes. You will continue to receive email notifications for all buyer-initiated order cancelation requests.

2. What should I do if a buyer requests a cancelation in the buyer-seller messaging tool, and doesn’t respond when I ask them to cancel their order officially by submitting a cancelation request in "Your Orders"?

If a customer requests a cancelation solely in the buyer-seller messaging tool, it’s considered an unofficial cancelation, and canceling it will impact your cancelation rate metrics. To cancel their order, the buyer must go to Your Account, Your Orders, and select Request cancelation.

If the buyer doesn’t respond to your request in the buyer-seller messaging tool, you can send a critical message. Your email will be delivered to a buyer even if they have opted out of non-critical messages.

3. Will I need to download order reports to see buyer-initiated cancelations?

No. You will be notified about buyer-initiated cancelation requests via email, the Manage Orders page, and APIs.

If you use Order reports to process orders, you can enable the Buyer-Requested Cancel field to view cancelation requests in your Order reports. The advantage of downloading order reports is that you are able to see all buyer-initiated cancelations in a single report.

Thank you for your feedback. We’ll continue to monitor the forums responses for further questions.

We’ve updated our Help page to include the details above. For more information, go to Upcoming changes to the buyer-initiated order cancelation process.

Tags: News and Announcements
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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Brilliant solution…and if the buyer does not respond…than what ?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

It is absolutely UNCONSCIONABLE that AMAZON has access to all the emails and can see that the buyer asked to cancel and a seller is STILL penalized.

It’s like being back in grade school. The kid behind you acts up and you get sent to see the principal.

Amazon needs to grow up and learn how to read messages.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So why not build a “Cancel Order” button into the message.

Or better yet, when a customer selects “Cancel Order” in the dropdown when sending a seller a message, redirect them to the cancel order page?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Terrible update will only create confusion, extra unnecessary steps and third party seller account issues

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So what if the buyer doesn’t respond to the critical message either?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

So when the buyer ignores the critical message we then have a choice of cancelling and taking the metrics hit or shipping the order and getting a return from an irritated customer. Am I missing anything?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon always coming up with such helpful solutions for their sellers. Making our lives easier is the priority.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

We wouldn’t have so many buyer cancellations if Amazon would just stick to the delivery dates according to our shipping settings.

Instead, the buyer sees 1 delivery date on the product page, then after checking out, they are given a delivery date further out. So they request cancellation because it won’t arrive in time, when actually, it would.

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Amazon has policies on Seller-Buyer communication with various restrictions and limitations.

Why is there not a similar BUYER-SELLER communication policy?

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In reply to: News_Amazon's post

Agree with SUNDANCE
I get buyers who want me to change the address on their order (I’m Seller-Fulfilled). I tell them that I am unable to do that and they must reorder with correct address. Of course, this is often an attempt by a buyer to rip me off. They don’t WANT to cancel the order. I have actually tried to get them to cancel the order but they don’t. It sits there until I cancel it.
How should I handle this going forward?

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