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Amazon told me 'Your account has been deactivated' , how can i solve it out ?

by Seller_881Zzvc1tXa92

Hi every one !

I am really anxious and urgently hope that someone can help me.

I am completely new to Amazon. This is my first time registering an Amazon account, and I intend to seriously start an Amazon business.

But when i registered a account i got blow mail, and my account was deactivated.

Mail form amazon : 'You have been found to be related to an account beginning with f*uku.'

Just like in the email above, Amazon told me that there is another account. However, I have never applied for another account and cannot think of any information regarding the above account. Furthermore, I do not know how to prove that this account is not related to me.

I really hope someone can help me , appreciate it .

Best regards.

Tags: Registration, Seller Central, Verification
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In reply to: Seller_881Zzvc1tXa92's post

Amazon found SOMETHING they don’t like and it could be something not even related to your NEW account.

Have you EVER had another account?

Have any family members or business associates had other Amazon accounts?

Has ANYONE ever logged into THEIR Amazon account from your home or business?

Have you ever logged into your account from a business location that had an Amazon account of their own?

Have any of the above individuals ever had accounts that have been closed or sanctioned?

Have you ever STARTED to open an account including those ‘Global Accounts’ and you did not finish the account application?

Are you, or HAVE YOU EVER, used one of the deadly Virtual Assistants?

Amazon will match your internet information to every account on the site. They are probably better at it than the CIA and NSA combined for rooting out related accounts that way.

And, this was released a while back with very little fanfare -- AMAZON STATEMENT (FINALLY) – read it carefully ---

Additional information courtesy of a post by @stevie_amazon on this thread -

“take the following into consideration as well:

• Have you ever shared your payment method with anyone who might have an account?

• Have you ever assisted anyone else with their account, whether it be operating the account or setting the account up?

• Have you used any service providers for things such as marketing, logistics, or fulfillment?

• Is there any information on your selling account that you do not recognize as yours?“

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In reply to: Seller_881Zzvc1tXa92's post

Hi @Seller_881Zzvc1tXa92

Connor from Amazon here, thanks for reaching out to us today.

Can you share any case IDs with me so that I can take a closer look into this for you.



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