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A-Z without buyer and seller contact

by Seller_05gojXmRXinfP

Amazon has opened an A-Z claim, the buyer did not contact us. He placed an order and after 5 days he directly opened A-Z claim and he didn't even send the product back. The buyer opened a return request and it was approved and he was issued a return address label.

The Amazon has granted the claim in favour of buyer and counted the ODR against our metrics. How is this even fair? Amazon has clearly mentioned its policy that buyer and seller must contact each other before opening any A-Z claim. Amazon is not even following its own policies?

The buyer has kept the product and the product is more than $150, the buyer did not send the product and Amazon has given the buyer a full refund and our metrics are hurt as well.

How is that even fair to sellers? Why Amazon is not following their own policies? We want justice as this month every day the claim is being opened without seller and buyer contact and in few cases Amazon has issued buyer full refunds without any return request or even claims.

We are not able to file any SAFE-T Claim either, what the hell is going on?

Tags: Account Health, Seller Support
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In reply to: Seller_05gojXmRXinfP's post

Hello @Seller_05gojXmRXinfP,

Thank you for posting your concerns here on the Seller Forums.

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The Amazon has granted the claim in favour of buyer and counted the ODR against our metrics. How is this even fair? Amazon has clearly mentioned its policy that buyer and seller must contact each other before opening any A-Z claim. Amazon is not even following its own policies?

I see that a buyer was granted an A to z claim without contacting you first and you would like to have this looked into.

So that I am able to assist you the best, I am engaging a Community Manager to review this situation further. If you have any relevant case ID's about this issue, can you share them here, so we can take a look?

If you have any other questions or updates to provide, please feel free to respond here. The Forums community and I are here to support you.

Wishing you the best,


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In reply to: Seller_05gojXmRXinfP's post

Hello @Seller_05gojXmRXinfP,

This is Josh from Amazon. Thank you for contacting our Forums!

I understand about the situation you are experiencing with this A to Z claim for your order, in which the buyer didn't contact you and didn't send the product back, and the claim was granted in favor of the buyer. To help investigate further, please give me the related case ID and also the order ID.

Kind regards,


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In reply to: Seller_05gojXmRXinfP's post

Amazon is no longer following their own stated policy. Do as we say, not as we do. We are being hit with claims where we ship on time using the proper shipping method and using Amazon Buy Shipping. The item arrives on time. The customer never contacts us. No return is initiated.

A-Z claims granted, money taken from our account AND our metrics get hit.

Amazon is "delighting" all of America's scammers. And then Amazon sends you and I the bill.

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In reply to: Seller_05gojXmRXinfP's post

What you are seeing is correct and happens every day to many sellers. Do you know why and how this happens?

All a seller has to do is call Amazon Customer Service and complain about the product received, seller, or both. Customer Service is instructed, not to do much looking into the situation, but to just refund the buyer on the spot. They open up the A-Z claim for the buyer. It does not matter if the buyer lies or not, the outcome is always the same.

Now, you the seller has to attempt to make an appeal to the A-Z claim. I Safe-t claim is not correct, because the buyer returned nothing to make a claim on.

Remember, an A-Z claim is only as good as to how well it was crafted.

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In reply to: Seller_05gojXmRXinfP's post

Amazon does NOT follow their own rules on this (and much else).

We are left barking at the wind because no matter how many NikkiLeviDylanSamEtc_AMAZON people on this forum it is only for show.

You will get no answers, no explanation, no reason why ... just emails and messages that all follow the same pattern:

"We care about you and your issue"

"We understand your concern"

and then proceed to tell you they can't directly help you and condescendingly provide several links to pages that have ZERO to do with the issue you have.

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In reply to: Seller_05gojXmRXinfP's post

Did you reply to Amazon stating your side of the case before Amazon decided on the claim?

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In reply to: Seller_05gojXmRXinfP's post

These happen ALL THE TIME. It's not right, but I can't argue with the machine that granted the claim. However, I can usually appeal the claim with success. The key is to keep the appeal short and sweet. Here is my template for these:


This order is ineligible for an A to Z claim: " The item you received is damaged, defective, or not as described.

AND you have requested a return more than 48 hours ago and the seller hasn't authorized your return request."

Customer has stated he received the item but [[_______________Return reason___________]]. Customer's return was approved within the required timeframe AND a UPS prepaid label [[____________label tracking no___________]] was provided on [[______date____________]]. The return label has not been used therefore the product return is not lost in transit. We would very much like customer to send the product back to us so we may inspect it for the flaws stated. If this is not possible we would sincerely appreciate Amazon restoring our funds as we were neither given the opportunity to assist customer with the problem nor the opportunity to receive our goods back. "

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In reply to: Seller_05gojXmRXinfP's post

The same thing happened to me this week. It wasn't a high dollar item, but I'm mad because the customer never contacted me. I still had to take the hit. I gladly refunded, but I don't know why they went through the A-Z process without contacting me first.

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In reply to: Seller_05gojXmRXinfP's post

But WTAF is this even necessary? The stated rules are quite clear, and the carppy site coding doesn't follow the rules, and the response is "waste a ton of time getting what we promised, if you're lucky."

This is just abusive, and rather than saying "you're lucky we provided this other channel where SOME sellers MIGHT get SOME additional help that they shouldn't require" you COULD FIX THE OBVIOUS PROBLEM.

Not doing so is a big F.U. to all your sellers, and it's not acceptable, and should AT A MINIMUM come with an apology for being awful.

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I see that a buyer was granted an A to z claim without contacting you first and you would like to have this looked into.

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In reply to: Seller_05gojXmRXinfP's post


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