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General Certificate of Conformity (UL 4200A) - Follow Up

by Seller_NHIzm1XQ0vFh9


I, like a lot of sellers have received this same notification. I tried appealing this notification to Amazon since my product was manufactured in 2022 (well before the minimum date requirement) and of which Reese's Law labeling requirements should not affect. My appeal was soundly rejected each time. Either the folks at Amazon are poorly trained, don't know, or they simply don't care. Per the requirements, this should only apply for products:


This rule is effective September 21, 2024. Button cell or coin battery packaging manufactured or imported after September 21, 2024, must comply with this final rule.


For those of you who are on the same boat, information on the package labeling requirements can be found by going to the federalregister dot gov and looking for the document titled: Safety Standard for Button Cell or Coin Batteries and Consumer Products Containing Such Batteries.

You will have to scroll down to near the bottom of the document where it shows the acceptable warning labels for your package. The preferred warning label to place on your package is titled: Figure 1 to Paragraph (b)(1). If your product packaging is too small to fit this warning label, I believe that you can follow the instructions that state that you can place the icon on the front of your product package (principal display) and the text warning (Figure 3 to Paragraph (b)(2)) placed on the rear (secondary display). Additional check off list items that must be satisfied:

1. Has to pass a drop test of one meter. The product should not open when dropped and should remain intact. 2. Packaging should include battery voltage rating. 3. Should include battery polarity markings. 4. Should clearly state battery type used. 5. Insert a pamphlet inside the product packaging that includes the following information:

a. Remove and immediately recycle or dispose of used batteries according to local regulations and keep away from children. Do NOT dispose of batteries in household trash or incinerate. Even used batteries may cause severe injury or death.

b. Even used batteries may cause severe injury or death.

c. Call a local poison control center for treatment information.

d. The compatible battery type is CR2032. Not other battery type should be installed.

e. The nominal battery voltage is 3.0V.

f. non-rechargeable batteries are not to be recharged.

g. Do not force discharge, recharge, disassemble, heat above (manufacture’s specified temperature rating) or incinerate. Do so may result in injury due to venting, leakage or explosion resulting in chemical burns.

Ensure the batteries are installed correctly according to polarity (+ and -).

i. Do not mix old and new batteries, different brands or types of batteries, such as alkaline, carbon-zinc, or rechargeable batteries.

j. Remove and immediately recycle or dispose of batteries from equipment not used for an extended period of time according to local regulations.

k. Always completely secure the battery compartment. If the battery compartment does not close securely, stop using the product, remove the batteries, and keep them away from children.

That should about cover it.

Good luck!

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In reply to: Seller_NHIzm1XQ0vFh9's post

@Seller_NHIzm1XQ0vFh9 thanks for sharing this post and info with the community!

If you have any case IDs for the appeal you need me to look into and escalate feel free to share those here.


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