Read onlyHello Sellers,
Have you experienced issues with fake, inappropriate, or suspicious product reviews? If so, we recommend that you report this to the Amazon Community team using the following method:
1. Visit Customer Service
2. Select Help with something else (if this button is displayed)
3. Select Something else
4. Select Amazon Community
5. Select Customer Reviews
6. Select Violations of our Guidelines
7. Select I need more help
8. Select Send us an email under Email us
This will send an email to the Community Moderation team where you can discuss the reviews and appeal for removal.
When it comes to product reviews, our goal is to ensure all types of feedback are captured about a product (favorable, critical or even somewhere in between). The full details regarding the review process including what’s acceptable and not acceptable when it comes to product reviews is available in the Promotional Content policy page.
If you have submitted via the method above and haven't heard back in 3-5 business days, please let us know by creating a new thread in the “Manage Buyer Experience” category, include your support case ID, and we'll look into escalation options.
Let us know: Did the product review reporting process work for you? Tell us about your experience with flagging suspicious reviews.
- Manny
Hi Manny,
We followed the exact process you outlined and sent an email to community-help over a week ago, but we have not received any response. We didn’t even get a case ID, so we have no way to track or escalate it.
Meanwhile, more suspicious 1-star reviews keep coming in, clearly targeting our listing, and there’s been zero action from Amazon. This is incredibly frustrating—how are sellers supposed to protect their businesses when bad actors can manipulate reviews with no consequences?
What should we do next if there’s no response? We need a real resolution ASAP