Read onlyWhen I created my product listings 8 years ago, my customers had to choose between "left" or "right" before adding the item to their cart, which was considered a customization. Now Amazon automatically marks all Handmade products with customizations as "non-returnable" when I absolutely want to allow customer returns.
I've been told that the only way I can change this is listing "left" or "right" as "variations" on a new listing. But when I try to make a new listing, I lose 8 years of ratings/reviews on my products.
How can I change this? I don't want my products listed as non-returnable, but I don't want to lose my product reviews!
@Seller_P85u3WAAnD3kQJust a thought... maybe if you use the existing listing as the PARENT listing and then make 2 CHILD listings. One LEFT and the other RIGHT. I think this may work as it would be considered a variation and not a customization.
Whichever option (right or left) is most purchased, remove the customization and make the original listing that hand. Create a new listing for the other hand. After you have both, then make them variations.
Your existing listing will retain the sales data. The other hand won't but the pair will be linked.
"Your existing listing will retain the sales data. The other hand won't but the pair will be linked."
I agree with @Seller_wGMKl5L4ju1kI's way of doing this variation to keep existing reviews and sales ranking. Just want to add to the above statement.
Once the variation family is made according to @Seller_wGMKl5L4ju1kI's way, the new listing will have the review/ranking of the original listing too. Only on rare occasions the new one might not incorporate the existing reviews and rankings.
I have made variation family with one listing that have review/ranking with onthers that didn't, and afterwards all the children listings all had the same (or very similar) sales rankings and reviews are showing on the same page for all of them.
Hello @Seller_P85u3WAAnD3kQ,
Appreciate you posting here at the forums and bringing this matter to our attention. Also, thanks to @Seller_2azHBWt7FzGTG, @Seller_wGMKl5L4ju1kI & @Seller_wGMKl5L4ju1kI for providing you with some suggestions on how to work around this.
On my end, do you mind creating a Case ID with this issue ? I would like to showcase this example to our internal team.
Thank you,
Hey @Seller_P85u3WAAnD3kQ,
Looking on to this matter for you. Any chance you can confirm what ASINs/Listings you are referring to ? There are no details on Case ID 17130398611.
You can share here of if you prefer some privacy for your listings you can add all of the details to a new case.