Read onlyThere is a third party seller on my listing who has tanked the price. I am trying to conduct a test buy to see if they are selling authentic products under my brand.
I'm unable to test buy, as the seller has CANCELLED my orders 4 times already. I'm not sure how they can get away with this, as each time when the order is cancelled, it is left with no trace the order ever existed, nor a reason for cancellation - When I look up the Order ID under My Orders page, the order IDs cannot be found.
This is very suspicious and likely fraudulent activity. What can I do about the situation? Please help
For reference, here are 4 order IDs that the seller has cancelled
Hi @Seller_SHvRQVcqtZtkv
Sandy from the community manager here.
Thank you for your post. I'm going to be investigating the order IDs and will let you know if I need anything else! I plan to collect some information to send to internal teams.
I'll come back with updates later today.
Hi @Seller_SHvRQVcqtZtkv
I looked into the cases and confirmed the orders were canceled by the seller. If the seller cancels an order, this will negatively affect their Pre-fulfillment Cancel Rate.
I will escalate to internal teams, but I also need cases where you summited through the report abuse path to make sure you exhausted the paths of escalation.
Could you use the Report Abuse tool and select "Another seller account is attempting to harm my business" and state ONLY facts on order IDs and cancelation and prices?
Once you have done this and the team has provided an outcome please let me know the case ID.
Set up another account just for buying, and keep ordering even if they keep canceling because that'll affect their metrics to the point of being suspended.
Why can't you get someone else to purchase it for your test buy?
Right On Brother. Let's get that SOB asa & p.