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Payment Not Recieved More than 5 Business Days have been Passed

by Seller_Kg11IGBuE30Ri

I have not received my payment which was disburse on 6/23/24 and today is 7/2/2023 but still I have not recieved my payment while in payment section it's showing payment status DONE and also showing trace ID. It was my first payment.

Please help

Tags: Bank account
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In reply to: Seller_Kg11IGBuE30Ri's post

Contact your bank and ask them if they have seen anything but FIRST, go into your account and verify the bank information there is 100% accurate.

If your bank does not have it you will need to ask Amazon for the Fed transaction number.

If you have opened any cases provide a number so any MOD that happens to drop by can look it over to see if they can help.

Without a case number in the posts it wastes time for everyone. I no longer tag anyone if there is no case #.

They have to ask for it and then wait for a reply from the poster and then the poster has to wait again for the MOD to find the case, and then more waiting.…………....

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In reply to: Seller_Kg11IGBuE30Ri's post

In addition to my other comments, since you appear to be brand new you need to be aware that Amazon WILL hold funds until they feel that a new (or even experienced) seller can be trusted.

Account reserves are normally established for payments and the amount withheld can be 100% for weeks/months.

After some unknown period determined by Amazon they may reduce the amount held. They can also INCREASE the amount held if you get a sudden surge of orders -- what is called a 'velocity review'.

Cash flow from Amazon is an adventure and not a certainty as to times and dates.

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In reply to: Seller_Kg11IGBuE30Ri's post

Hello there @Seller_Kg11IGBuE30Ri

My name is CR and wanted to hop in here to see if I can get you some additional details here.

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Thank you for the case #'s as well. Please allow me some time to take a peek at your account and review these cases and any correspondence there.

I will report back here shortly.


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In reply to: Seller_Kg11IGBuE30Ri's post


Hello again. Upon a quick check, you have a negative balance due so no disbursement was made.

Please review your most recent performance notification sent to you today, 7/3/2024, for information and the steps that you need to take here.


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In reply to: Seller_Kg11IGBuE30Ri's post


CR here (one more time!).

I see that within case #15551235481 they are still looking into this for you. The payment was made on 6/25/24 and can take up to 10 business days for this to get to your bank account. The trace ID is provided within your 'Payments' tab as well.

I realize you are using this payment you are waiting for to repay the negative balance. Please continue to wait and follow along in the case above for any further communication.

Unfortunately, I won't have anything further to share here.


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