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by Seller_HnUW7HURvlaDY

Hello Everyone,

I am currently facing a tough decision in this difficult market. I have about 922 units to Amazon FBA centers (incredibly small amount) and about 322 of those units are little tiny make up brushes, that can all fit in a relatively small box weighing 7 pounds.

The problem is, I am bankrupt. I have no money and the credit card on file is closed. I tried contacting support and they're telling me it's $1 a unit (laughable, you can ship out the 322 units for like $40) and they're saying there's absolutely nothing I can do about it.

This is horrible. As a consumer on Amazon, this makes me never want to use them again. Why are they treating their sellers like this? They're trying to tell me it's going to be $900 to throw them away? That should be free.

Is there any other option for me? Is there any other resource?

Thank you.

Tags: B2B, Billing, Seller Central
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laughable, you can ship out the 322 units for like $40)

This might be true, if all 322 were in one place in one FC. But that's not the way Amazon works. It's very likely that there are no more than a handful of these in any one FC, and even then, they may be in multiple locations within the FC. So someone has to be paid to go pull them, then pack them, and of course deliver them. Disposal doesn't involve the delivery charge, but there is still a real cost to Amazon (I'll certainly agree that it should be less than returning, but still a cost).

These fees have always been published, and when there was the increase (very dramatic one) a couple of years back, there was about a 6 week period where you could have things returned for free.

As for options, I would discuss this with the attorney handling the bankruptcy.

Good luck.

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