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ATALUA is still Hijacking Brands, Anyone else experiencing the same?

ATALUA is posing as a brand and not simply as a store on the Amazon marketplace. They have done some sort of backdoor hijacking where we (TakeOFF™ Adhesive Remover) can no longer modify our product listing page because we have lost the permission to do so. Please help me understanding how a company in no way associated with our company can pose as the brand of record for ASIN B0B6WW9CFY

Let me know because I am more than curious how this happened. Ty Team TakeOFF™

39 replies
Tags:Brand Registry, Brand Stores, Storefront
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ATALUA is still Hijacking Brands, Anyone else experiencing the same?

ATALUA is posing as a brand and not simply as a store on the Amazon marketplace. They have done some sort of backdoor hijacking where we (TakeOFF™ Adhesive Remover) can no longer modify our product listing page because we have lost the permission to do so. Please help me understanding how a company in no way associated with our company can pose as the brand of record for ASIN B0B6WW9CFY

Let me know because I am more than curious how this happened. Ty Team TakeOFF™

Tags:Brand Registry, Brand Stores, Storefront
39 replies
39 replies
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Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

My name is Sandy from the Community manager team. If you have not done this already, would you please submit a case to seller support to investigate this issue.

If you have done this already, please reply with the case ID so I can investigate the details. Thank you!


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In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Thank you for the reply Sandy here is my case ID: 15836175971, please note when looking at the case. I clearly stated my issue but the responses I received were related to uploading a new ASIN and that is NOT what I was doing. I was trying to modify some product detail to improve it and I could not because ATALUA has some how put themselves in the position of the brand in my view in Sellers Central. Thanks for looking into this.

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Hi @Sandy_Amazon wondering if you were able to do any additional research or escalate this with your team? Please let me know, it would be great to resolve this sooner than later. Thanks in advance for the help. Team TakeOFF™

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In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Have you tried filing a complaint at this link?

As an :) Is your product similar to UnDu?

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In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Hello @Sandy_Amazon

my listings are hijacked by brand 'OWUKS'.could you pls help to change the brand back to my brand 'JINGKUN' .

and it is also split due to this brand hijacking. pls help me to merge them together normally. My case ID:15831319261 Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you

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Hi @Seller_VPGbgrlLAYMCP thanks for the reply I have done this but since sellers can utilize logos and product images across the Amazon platform (from my understanding) in the multiple stores that sell the same products I don't think it fits in the box so there wasn't a direct violation. But what this company has done and the seller support help was shocked at is that they have superseded the brand (us) in Sellers Central for this one SKU. This is more of a back door "hack" of the Amazon platform. I put every image and every bit of product detail on the Amazon platform that pertains to TakeOFF™ products and we are listed in the brand registry and I have no control of modifying, updating, or changing this one ASIN. That is wild IMO, I just want to know exactly how this can happen. PS technically UnDu is a competitor, but they advertise that the product Safely and instantly remove oil-based labels. TakeOFF™ will dissolve the adhesive of any label, remove oil, grease, pine sap, tar, etc. So we (Team TakeOFF™) don't see them as a competitor :-), we are also a prop 65 compliant product. Ty for your reply in this thread.

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HI @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

Thank you for the case ID. I will investigate today and update you on any findings or escalation status. Thank you for your patience!


user profile

It's total crap that this stuff is allowed to happen. I'm sorry you're having to battle for the rights to your own listing. Insane to me when there's stuff that I'm like, "Hello, this title is obviously spelled wrong, as you can see on the product label, product description, and based off the general English language, etc, can you please help me correct it?" And they say no.

.....But then they allow someone to take over your listing that's your legitimate product you produce. :(

Anyway, I'll give your product a spin. So maybe you'll get one benefit from this headache. ;) Good luck with your listing!!

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In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

I have same issue and seller support team not take action against hijacker

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In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Hi Sandy,

I’ve been struggling for over six months to get a response from the Amazon team, but no one is willing to provide one. Could you please escalate this case to Amazon executives in the United States? Unfortunately, the team in India has refused to give me a clear answer. The Amazon platform has deceived me, leading to the destruction of my company, even though no Amazon policies were violated. Painful but true.

Thank you for your help.

user profile

Hi @Seller_nKofDgMZEAY1H

Thank you for mentioning me and creating your own discussion post.

Since this was posted a day ago, please allow some time for the Community Managers to get to your post. Thank you for your patience.


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Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

I looked into your case ID 15836175971 but was unable to find information, I however looked into case ID 15828210251 and found more information around the ASIN and conversations between support.

I have escalated your case to a listings team to review. Please allow up to 10 business days (weekends not included) for them to respond.

Once I have updates I will notify you here. Thank you.


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@Jim_Amazon another Nicobobo rears it's ugly head.

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Place order of the item , once received and you see that is not the original item, file return and reason " inaccurate website description ", then write " counterfeit " , that's all. That should do, bots will remove listing from Amazon.

user profile

very common practice from chinese or other sellers happen to us and amazon dont care, they just come and take your best rank listings!

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ATALUA is still Hijacking Brands, Anyone else experiencing the same?

ATALUA is posing as a brand and not simply as a store on the Amazon marketplace. They have done some sort of backdoor hijacking where we (TakeOFF™ Adhesive Remover) can no longer modify our product listing page because we have lost the permission to do so. Please help me understanding how a company in no way associated with our company can pose as the brand of record for ASIN B0B6WW9CFY

Let me know because I am more than curious how this happened. Ty Team TakeOFF™

39 replies
Tags:Brand Registry, Brand Stores, Storefront
user profile

ATALUA is still Hijacking Brands, Anyone else experiencing the same?

ATALUA is posing as a brand and not simply as a store on the Amazon marketplace. They have done some sort of backdoor hijacking where we (TakeOFF™ Adhesive Remover) can no longer modify our product listing page because we have lost the permission to do so. Please help me understanding how a company in no way associated with our company can pose as the brand of record for ASIN B0B6WW9CFY

Let me know because I am more than curious how this happened. Ty Team TakeOFF™

Tags:Brand Registry, Brand Stores, Storefront
39 replies
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ATALUA is still Hijacking Brands, Anyone else experiencing the same?

by Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

ATALUA is posing as a brand and not simply as a store on the Amazon marketplace. They have done some sort of backdoor hijacking where we (TakeOFF™ Adhesive Remover) can no longer modify our product listing page because we have lost the permission to do so. Please help me understanding how a company in no way associated with our company can pose as the brand of record for ASIN B0B6WW9CFY

Let me know because I am more than curious how this happened. Ty Team TakeOFF™

Tags:Brand Registry, Brand Stores, Storefront
39 replies
39 replies
39 replies
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Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

My name is Sandy from the Community manager team. If you have not done this already, would you please submit a case to seller support to investigate this issue.

If you have done this already, please reply with the case ID so I can investigate the details. Thank you!


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In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Thank you for the reply Sandy here is my case ID: 15836175971, please note when looking at the case. I clearly stated my issue but the responses I received were related to uploading a new ASIN and that is NOT what I was doing. I was trying to modify some product detail to improve it and I could not because ATALUA has some how put themselves in the position of the brand in my view in Sellers Central. Thanks for looking into this.

user profile

Hi @Sandy_Amazon wondering if you were able to do any additional research or escalate this with your team? Please let me know, it would be great to resolve this sooner than later. Thanks in advance for the help. Team TakeOFF™

user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Have you tried filing a complaint at this link?

As an :) Is your product similar to UnDu?

user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Hello @Sandy_Amazon

my listings are hijacked by brand 'OWUKS'.could you pls help to change the brand back to my brand 'JINGKUN' .

and it is also split due to this brand hijacking. pls help me to merge them together normally. My case ID:15831319261 Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you

user profile

Hi @Seller_VPGbgrlLAYMCP thanks for the reply I have done this but since sellers can utilize logos and product images across the Amazon platform (from my understanding) in the multiple stores that sell the same products I don't think it fits in the box so there wasn't a direct violation. But what this company has done and the seller support help was shocked at is that they have superseded the brand (us) in Sellers Central for this one SKU. This is more of a back door "hack" of the Amazon platform. I put every image and every bit of product detail on the Amazon platform that pertains to TakeOFF™ products and we are listed in the brand registry and I have no control of modifying, updating, or changing this one ASIN. That is wild IMO, I just want to know exactly how this can happen. PS technically UnDu is a competitor, but they advertise that the product Safely and instantly remove oil-based labels. TakeOFF™ will dissolve the adhesive of any label, remove oil, grease, pine sap, tar, etc. So we (Team TakeOFF™) don't see them as a competitor :-), we are also a prop 65 compliant product. Ty for your reply in this thread.

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HI @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

Thank you for the case ID. I will investigate today and update you on any findings or escalation status. Thank you for your patience!


user profile

It's total crap that this stuff is allowed to happen. I'm sorry you're having to battle for the rights to your own listing. Insane to me when there's stuff that I'm like, "Hello, this title is obviously spelled wrong, as you can see on the product label, product description, and based off the general English language, etc, can you please help me correct it?" And they say no.

.....But then they allow someone to take over your listing that's your legitimate product you produce. :(

Anyway, I'll give your product a spin. So maybe you'll get one benefit from this headache. ;) Good luck with your listing!!

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In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

I have same issue and seller support team not take action against hijacker

user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Hi Sandy,

I’ve been struggling for over six months to get a response from the Amazon team, but no one is willing to provide one. Could you please escalate this case to Amazon executives in the United States? Unfortunately, the team in India has refused to give me a clear answer. The Amazon platform has deceived me, leading to the destruction of my company, even though no Amazon policies were violated. Painful but true.

Thank you for your help.

user profile

Hi @Seller_nKofDgMZEAY1H

Thank you for mentioning me and creating your own discussion post.

Since this was posted a day ago, please allow some time for the Community Managers to get to your post. Thank you for your patience.


user profile

Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

I looked into your case ID 15836175971 but was unable to find information, I however looked into case ID 15828210251 and found more information around the ASIN and conversations between support.

I have escalated your case to a listings team to review. Please allow up to 10 business days (weekends not included) for them to respond.

Once I have updates I will notify you here. Thank you.


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@Jim_Amazon another Nicobobo rears it's ugly head.

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Place order of the item , once received and you see that is not the original item, file return and reason " inaccurate website description ", then write " counterfeit " , that's all. That should do, bots will remove listing from Amazon.

user profile

very common practice from chinese or other sellers happen to us and amazon dont care, they just come and take your best rank listings!

user profile

Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

My name is Sandy from the Community manager team. If you have not done this already, would you please submit a case to seller support to investigate this issue.

If you have done this already, please reply with the case ID so I can investigate the details. Thank you!


user profile

Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

My name is Sandy from the Community manager team. If you have not done this already, would you please submit a case to seller support to investigate this issue.

If you have done this already, please reply with the case ID so I can investigate the details. Thank you!


user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Thank you for the reply Sandy here is my case ID: 15836175971, please note when looking at the case. I clearly stated my issue but the responses I received were related to uploading a new ASIN and that is NOT what I was doing. I was trying to modify some product detail to improve it and I could not because ATALUA has some how put themselves in the position of the brand in my view in Sellers Central. Thanks for looking into this.

user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Thank you for the reply Sandy here is my case ID: 15836175971, please note when looking at the case. I clearly stated my issue but the responses I received were related to uploading a new ASIN and that is NOT what I was doing. I was trying to modify some product detail to improve it and I could not because ATALUA has some how put themselves in the position of the brand in my view in Sellers Central. Thanks for looking into this.

user profile

Hi @Sandy_Amazon wondering if you were able to do any additional research or escalate this with your team? Please let me know, it would be great to resolve this sooner than later. Thanks in advance for the help. Team TakeOFF™

user profile

Hi @Sandy_Amazon wondering if you were able to do any additional research or escalate this with your team? Please let me know, it would be great to resolve this sooner than later. Thanks in advance for the help. Team TakeOFF™

user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Have you tried filing a complaint at this link?

As an :) Is your product similar to UnDu?

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In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Have you tried filing a complaint at this link?

As an :) Is your product similar to UnDu?

user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Hello @Sandy_Amazon

my listings are hijacked by brand 'OWUKS'.could you pls help to change the brand back to my brand 'JINGKUN' .

and it is also split due to this brand hijacking. pls help me to merge them together normally. My case ID:15831319261 Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you

user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Hello @Sandy_Amazon

my listings are hijacked by brand 'OWUKS'.could you pls help to change the brand back to my brand 'JINGKUN' .

and it is also split due to this brand hijacking. pls help me to merge them together normally. My case ID:15831319261 Looking forward to hearing from you.

Thank you

user profile

Hi @Seller_VPGbgrlLAYMCP thanks for the reply I have done this but since sellers can utilize logos and product images across the Amazon platform (from my understanding) in the multiple stores that sell the same products I don't think it fits in the box so there wasn't a direct violation. But what this company has done and the seller support help was shocked at is that they have superseded the brand (us) in Sellers Central for this one SKU. This is more of a back door "hack" of the Amazon platform. I put every image and every bit of product detail on the Amazon platform that pertains to TakeOFF™ products and we are listed in the brand registry and I have no control of modifying, updating, or changing this one ASIN. That is wild IMO, I just want to know exactly how this can happen. PS technically UnDu is a competitor, but they advertise that the product Safely and instantly remove oil-based labels. TakeOFF™ will dissolve the adhesive of any label, remove oil, grease, pine sap, tar, etc. So we (Team TakeOFF™) don't see them as a competitor :-), we are also a prop 65 compliant product. Ty for your reply in this thread.

user profile

Hi @Seller_VPGbgrlLAYMCP thanks for the reply I have done this but since sellers can utilize logos and product images across the Amazon platform (from my understanding) in the multiple stores that sell the same products I don't think it fits in the box so there wasn't a direct violation. But what this company has done and the seller support help was shocked at is that they have superseded the brand (us) in Sellers Central for this one SKU. This is more of a back door "hack" of the Amazon platform. I put every image and every bit of product detail on the Amazon platform that pertains to TakeOFF™ products and we are listed in the brand registry and I have no control of modifying, updating, or changing this one ASIN. That is wild IMO, I just want to know exactly how this can happen. PS technically UnDu is a competitor, but they advertise that the product Safely and instantly remove oil-based labels. TakeOFF™ will dissolve the adhesive of any label, remove oil, grease, pine sap, tar, etc. So we (Team TakeOFF™) don't see them as a competitor :-), we are also a prop 65 compliant product. Ty for your reply in this thread.

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HI @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

Thank you for the case ID. I will investigate today and update you on any findings or escalation status. Thank you for your patience!


user profile

HI @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

Thank you for the case ID. I will investigate today and update you on any findings or escalation status. Thank you for your patience!


user profile

It's total crap that this stuff is allowed to happen. I'm sorry you're having to battle for the rights to your own listing. Insane to me when there's stuff that I'm like, "Hello, this title is obviously spelled wrong, as you can see on the product label, product description, and based off the general English language, etc, can you please help me correct it?" And they say no.

.....But then they allow someone to take over your listing that's your legitimate product you produce. :(

Anyway, I'll give your product a spin. So maybe you'll get one benefit from this headache. ;) Good luck with your listing!!

user profile

It's total crap that this stuff is allowed to happen. I'm sorry you're having to battle for the rights to your own listing. Insane to me when there's stuff that I'm like, "Hello, this title is obviously spelled wrong, as you can see on the product label, product description, and based off the general English language, etc, can you please help me correct it?" And they say no.

.....But then they allow someone to take over your listing that's your legitimate product you produce. :(

Anyway, I'll give your product a spin. So maybe you'll get one benefit from this headache. ;) Good luck with your listing!!

user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

I have same issue and seller support team not take action against hijacker

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In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

I have same issue and seller support team not take action against hijacker

user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Hi Sandy,

I’ve been struggling for over six months to get a response from the Amazon team, but no one is willing to provide one. Could you please escalate this case to Amazon executives in the United States? Unfortunately, the team in India has refused to give me a clear answer. The Amazon platform has deceived me, leading to the destruction of my company, even though no Amazon policies were violated. Painful but true.

Thank you for your help.

user profile
In reply to: Sandy_Amazon's post

Hi Sandy,

I’ve been struggling for over six months to get a response from the Amazon team, but no one is willing to provide one. Could you please escalate this case to Amazon executives in the United States? Unfortunately, the team in India has refused to give me a clear answer. The Amazon platform has deceived me, leading to the destruction of my company, even though no Amazon policies were violated. Painful but true.

Thank you for your help.

user profile

Hi @Seller_nKofDgMZEAY1H

Thank you for mentioning me and creating your own discussion post.

Since this was posted a day ago, please allow some time for the Community Managers to get to your post. Thank you for your patience.


user profile

Hi @Seller_nKofDgMZEAY1H

Thank you for mentioning me and creating your own discussion post.

Since this was posted a day ago, please allow some time for the Community Managers to get to your post. Thank you for your patience.


user profile

Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

I looked into your case ID 15836175971 but was unable to find information, I however looked into case ID 15828210251 and found more information around the ASIN and conversations between support.

I have escalated your case to a listings team to review. Please allow up to 10 business days (weekends not included) for them to respond.

Once I have updates I will notify you here. Thank you.


user profile

Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE

I looked into your case ID 15836175971 but was unable to find information, I however looked into case ID 15828210251 and found more information around the ASIN and conversations between support.

I have escalated your case to a listings team to review. Please allow up to 10 business days (weekends not included) for them to respond.

Once I have updates I will notify you here. Thank you.


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@Jim_Amazon another Nicobobo rears it's ugly head.

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@Jim_Amazon another Nicobobo rears it's ugly head.

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This post has been deleted
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Place order of the item , once received and you see that is not the original item, file return and reason " inaccurate website description ", then write " counterfeit " , that's all. That should do, bots will remove listing from Amazon.

user profile

Place order of the item , once received and you see that is not the original item, file return and reason " inaccurate website description ", then write " counterfeit " , that's all. That should do, bots will remove listing from Amazon.

user profile

very common practice from chinese or other sellers happen to us and amazon dont care, they just come and take your best rank listings!

user profile

very common practice from chinese or other sellers happen to us and amazon dont care, they just come and take your best rank listings!


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