ATALUA is posing as a brand and not simply as a store on the Amazon marketplace. They have done some sort of backdoor hijacking where we (TakeOFF™ Adhesive Remover) can no longer modify our product listing page because we have lost the permission to do so. Please help me understanding how a company in no way associated with our company can pose as the brand of record for ASIN B0B6WW9CFY
Let me know because I am more than curious how this happened. Ty Team TakeOFF™
ATALUA is posing as a brand and not simply as a store on the Amazon marketplace. They have done some sort of backdoor hijacking where we (TakeOFF™ Adhesive Remover) can no longer modify our product listing page because we have lost the permission to do so. Please help me understanding how a company in no way associated with our company can pose as the brand of record for ASIN B0B6WW9CFY
Let me know because I am more than curious how this happened. Ty Team TakeOFF™
Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE
My name is Sandy from the Community manager team. If you have not done this already, would you please submit a case to seller support to investigate this issue.
If you have done this already, please reply with the case ID so I can investigate the details. Thank you!
Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE
I looked into your case ID 15836175971 but was unable to find information, I however looked into case ID 15828210251 and found more information around the ASIN and conversations between support.
I have escalated your case to a listings team to review. Please allow up to 10 business days (weekends not included) for them to respond.
Once I have updates I will notify you here. Thank you.
@Jim_Amazon another Nicobobo rears it's ugly head.
Place order of the item , once received and you see that is not the original item, file return and reason " inaccurate website description ", then write " counterfeit " , that's all. That should do, bots will remove listing from Amazon.
very common practice from chinese or other sellers happen to us and amazon dont care, they just come and take your best rank listings!
ATALUA is posing as a brand and not simply as a store on the Amazon marketplace. They have done some sort of backdoor hijacking where we (TakeOFF™ Adhesive Remover) can no longer modify our product listing page because we have lost the permission to do so. Please help me understanding how a company in no way associated with our company can pose as the brand of record for ASIN B0B6WW9CFY
Let me know because I am more than curious how this happened. Ty Team TakeOFF™
ATALUA is posing as a brand and not simply as a store on the Amazon marketplace. They have done some sort of backdoor hijacking where we (TakeOFF™ Adhesive Remover) can no longer modify our product listing page because we have lost the permission to do so. Please help me understanding how a company in no way associated with our company can pose as the brand of record for ASIN B0B6WW9CFY
Let me know because I am more than curious how this happened. Ty Team TakeOFF™
ATALUA is posing as a brand and not simply as a store on the Amazon marketplace. They have done some sort of backdoor hijacking where we (TakeOFF™ Adhesive Remover) can no longer modify our product listing page because we have lost the permission to do so. Please help me understanding how a company in no way associated with our company can pose as the brand of record for ASIN B0B6WW9CFY
Let me know because I am more than curious how this happened. Ty Team TakeOFF™
Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE
My name is Sandy from the Community manager team. If you have not done this already, would you please submit a case to seller support to investigate this issue.
If you have done this already, please reply with the case ID so I can investigate the details. Thank you!
Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE
I looked into your case ID 15836175971 but was unable to find information, I however looked into case ID 15828210251 and found more information around the ASIN and conversations between support.
I have escalated your case to a listings team to review. Please allow up to 10 business days (weekends not included) for them to respond.
Once I have updates I will notify you here. Thank you.
@Jim_Amazon another Nicobobo rears it's ugly head.
Place order of the item , once received and you see that is not the original item, file return and reason " inaccurate website description ", then write " counterfeit " , that's all. That should do, bots will remove listing from Amazon.
very common practice from chinese or other sellers happen to us and amazon dont care, they just come and take your best rank listings!
Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE
My name is Sandy from the Community manager team. If you have not done this already, would you please submit a case to seller support to investigate this issue.
If you have done this already, please reply with the case ID so I can investigate the details. Thank you!
Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE
My name is Sandy from the Community manager team. If you have not done this already, would you please submit a case to seller support to investigate this issue.
If you have done this already, please reply with the case ID so I can investigate the details. Thank you!
Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE
I looked into your case ID 15836175971 but was unable to find information, I however looked into case ID 15828210251 and found more information around the ASIN and conversations between support.
I have escalated your case to a listings team to review. Please allow up to 10 business days (weekends not included) for them to respond.
Once I have updates I will notify you here. Thank you.
Hi @Seller_7EzFWOQ8rXmpE
I looked into your case ID 15836175971 but was unable to find information, I however looked into case ID 15828210251 and found more information around the ASIN and conversations between support.
I have escalated your case to a listings team to review. Please allow up to 10 business days (weekends not included) for them to respond.
Once I have updates I will notify you here. Thank you.
@Jim_Amazon another Nicobobo rears it's ugly head.
@Jim_Amazon another Nicobobo rears it's ugly head.
Place order of the item , once received and you see that is not the original item, file return and reason " inaccurate website description ", then write " counterfeit " , that's all. That should do, bots will remove listing from Amazon.
Place order of the item , once received and you see that is not the original item, file return and reason " inaccurate website description ", then write " counterfeit " , that's all. That should do, bots will remove listing from Amazon.
very common practice from chinese or other sellers happen to us and amazon dont care, they just come and take your best rank listings!
very common practice from chinese or other sellers happen to us and amazon dont care, they just come and take your best rank listings!