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ASIN listed as "Defective" due to "Shipping and routing requirements"

by Seller_UWeclm8eKF4pf

A couple of months ago some of my inventory was listed as "Defective" I have called several times to determine the exact cause of this and all I was told was that my inventory was listed as defective as per the "Shipping and routine requirements"

How can I find out exactly what Amazon saw and flagged down? The last thing I want is for this to happen every time I send some inventory to their warehouse.

Tags: Inventory
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In reply to: Seller_UWeclm8eKF4pf's post

Hi @Seller_UWeclm8eKF4pf,

Thank you for reaching out about this!

If Amazon deems a product as defective, you will need to submit a removal order. Once you receive those removed items, you can then check the products and provide your findings to Amazon. If you find the products are in fact not defective, you can request reimbursement for the removal by submitting a case with Seller Support.

For additional information on best practices to avoid defective product issues in the future, I would encourage you to read through this help page.

I hope this helps clarify! Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

All the best,


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