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Removing PII from Orders after 30 days

by Seller_gyvLkOsaC4M0E

I just received some information that on August 24, 2019 all PII (personally identifiable information) must be removed from orders in our database. I have reviewed the Amazon info on this…

#1 Does anyone have other information on this?
#2 Is the go live date on this accurate?
#3 What issues has it caused with your system? Especially returns?

Jim Rogan

Tags: Policy
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In reply to: Seller_gyvLkOsaC4M0E's post

Please be more specific on this. I would help if you gave the exact quote.

Is the notice talking about the data you can download in the future using the Marketplace Web Service, or is it talking about data you already downloaded before now?

David Nelson
Dynamic Enterprise Technologies Inc
Seattle Washington USA

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In reply to: Seller_gyvLkOsaC4M0E's post


I am familiar with that DDP policy. But that policy does not mention the date Aug 24 2019 that you mentioned. Where are you getting that date from?

Are you using MWS for your own company’s integration or are you providing a service for other sellers?

Please notice the definition of “Developer” as stated in the DPP. It says:

"Developer" means any person or entity (including you, if applicable) that uses the Marketplace APIs for the purpose of integrating or enhancing a third-party Seller’s systems

Focusing on the part that says “for … third-party Seller’s systems”…from a plain reading of the definition of a “developer” it seems to me the rule you mentioned only applies to companies doing development for third-party sellers and therefore does not apply to sellers doing development for themselves. This is an open question in my mind, and it hasn’t been clarified by any Amazon staff members that I have seen on these forums. On the other side of the coin, Amazon is making sellers who are doing their own development apply and go through the same process as third-party developers.

I hope an Amazon staff member comments on this issue for clarification.

David Nelson
Dynamic Enterprise Technologies Inc
Seattle Washington USA

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