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60 of my listings deleted by amazon!

by Seller_rmjsYCGId4E6I

Posting here as I am at a complete loss at this point and praying someone here knows what to do or that this issue can be escalated to someone who can actually help.

This all started with an email on Feb 28th around 1pm. The email stated that all my listing have been removed. The simple reason was because amazon was claiming that I did not have the weight and type of fabric in my listing (example 95% viscose bamboo and 5% spandex).

This led to restricted product policy violations. I called account health to find out what to do to fix this. They advised that I click on the violation and check a box acknowledging the violation. This happened to about 60 out of 70 of my variation asins. After checking the box some of the ASINS requested more information to which I typed the following as this is what the lady from account health told me to type. “ The listings contains the synthetic fiber names, percentages by weight of each fiber, and import designation. The listing complies with restricted product policies at Amazon. Please help me reactivate the listing. “

After completing this. The account health violations were removed almost instantly but my listings were still inactive so I called account health back to find out why the listings were still inactive if all the violations were resolved. They stated it must be an internal error and that I need to speak with the catalog team through seller support. I called them and they stated that it would just take 24 hours to update/ resolve and that no further action was required on my part.

I then received an email stating that I have almost 800 stranded units and that amazon would be disposing of them since there was no active listing. So I called again to see if there was anything I could do to expedite the process of getting the listings reinstated and to ensure that it was truly just a matter of waiting for the system to update and not just them telling me that because they didn’t actually dig into the issue. If you know seller central, you know this happens quite often.

The next person I spoke with advised that I need to go to manage inventory - FBA inventory- stranded inventory and from there it said half of my listings were deleted and half it gave the action to appeal. Amazon stated that I needed to relist all of the ones that were deleted. I asked how they got deleted and they stated that I deleted them. When I informed them that I did not delete them they told me that amazon does not have the ability to delete them but stated that it wasn’t a big deal because all the information was saved and I would just have to enter a few details and they would be fixed. So I did, they said it could take up to 24 hours. I asked what I need to do for the listings that don’t give me the option to relist. They instead say “appeal” and when I click appeal it takes me to the account health page and there is nothing to appeal because the violations have been resolved already. I was told this was just a matter of waiting for the system to update.

By the next day there was still no progress so I called again. I was then told that because I relisted the ASIN before the 24 hour mark (which is what the last seller support team member advised me to do) that the listing was essentially stuck between deleted and relisting and that I needed to again wait till the 24 hours had passed but that there again was no action required from my part. So I waited. Again nothing changed.

So I called again this morning and spoke with several different selling support agents including one from account health who are now stating that the listing is permanently deleted and there is nothing anyone can do. My next action is to relist the product with a new ASIN as never being sold on amazon and lose all my reviews and my ranking. When asked if I can use the same UPC codes. They aren’t sure. I find this all very hard to believe but at this point I’m not sure where to turn or what’s to prevent this from occurring again.

Has anyone had this happen?

Does anyone know of someone within amazon that can assist?

Do I have any chance at all of having these asins relisted without losing everything that I’ve worked so hard to build?

What about the 10 variation asins that weren’t affected? How will those be linked back to these?

Thank you in advance for all for your help and knowledge!

Tags: Compliance, Listing deactivated, Product removal
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In reply to: Seller_rmjsYCGId4E6I's post

Hello @Seller_rmjsYCGId4E6I,

Michelle at Amazon here. I understand that your items were removed per this Performance Notification.

Since you have deleted all of your items, you will need to do a full upload with a category specific feed to get them added back to your inventory. Ensure that you use the same SKU's that you did in the past so that it links to any FBA items that you may have. This should restore to your original ASIN's if the information has not be removed fully from our system. Please note that you will need to recreate the variations for your listings as well.

The reason why your items are in violation is due to you do not have the fabric information provided. You will need to add the information to the file and correct this for each listing. The product must display 1) Material - Synthetic fiber names (e.g. rayon or viscose), 2) Fabric Type - Percentages by weight of each fiber in descending order (e.g. 60% Rayon derived from Bamboo, 40% Cotton), and 3) Country/Region of Origin - Import designation (e.g. Made in the U.S.A, Imported or both).

Once completed, your information will display on the detail page as follows.

If you have any issues with your feed, please contact Seller Support and provide them with the batch ID.

Once you have completed your feed successfully, wait 24 hours for the information to update in our system and appeal again stating the corrections that you have made. This way they can see that you have corrected the issue on your listings.

I hope you find this information helpful. Please let me know if you need anything else.



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In reply to: Seller_rmjsYCGId4E6I's post

Unfortunately this is just another example of the disruptive and unethical business practice used by Amazon.

If a product does not meet the legal requirements to be sold on the Amazon platform I agree that these products need to be removed.

Amazon's completely unqualified product catalogue team, however, are constantly removing fully compliant products yet do nothing about the hundreds of counterfeit, illegal and unauthorised sellers on their platform.

I have reported this unethical and illegal practice to the Federal Trade Commission as there is clearly procedural unfairness and recommend others do likewise to stop this bullying behaviour from Amazon.

Just let us get on with trying to build our business and stop this incessant and totally unnecessary hounding of vendors.

Enough is Enough

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In reply to: Seller_rmjsYCGId4E6I's post

Amazon does not let you describe your item properly they control everything. Ebay on the other hand i can describe every detail on amazon i cannot unless i jump through hoops and wait a month of so to sale them amazon needs to change some things. it does not make any sense if i could describe my item properly there would be not poor csx on some of my items they do not make any sense

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In reply to: Seller_rmjsYCGId4E6I's post

Did you get a warning email before this happened? I have seen an email or two telling me that new details are required.

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In reply to: Seller_rmjsYCGId4E6I's post

Fix them using "Add products via Upload", then download the spreadsheet to update product details.

you can bulk edit them downloading the stranded inventory report and pasting the full column of stranded items in your "update product details" sheet, make sure to select "PartialUpdate" or it will make you fill a lot of columns.

Just use the SKU and then find the column of the missing attribute and fill that one with it.

then download the entire sheet in excel format and upload it to amazon.

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In reply to: Seller_rmjsYCGId4E6I's post

Have you managed to resolve this issue as well? We're encountering the exact same problem, and I'm curious to know if you were able to find a solution. Please keep me updated. Thank you very much!

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