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Only getting orders from Business Customers -WHY?

by Seller_CVXS7OOEFPqdB

I've been selling on handmade for over 5 years. The moment I joined I had success leading to having several best sellers for years having a product in the top 100 for years. Last fall- everything crashed- no rhyme no reason. As others in my category are still maintaining their sales. I was told by a seller central agent that my style keywords are not showing up when the listing report is pulled and that could be a reason why. I can see them within my edit listing but they state they are not on the backend and that I must upload a file to fix it. Why do I need to do that? Why can't IT fix the issue....secondly since my sales have crashed it seems I ONLY get orders from "business customers" - Have my items been lodged in some strange business search abyss where my items are only being sold to business customers? I sell jewelry so its not a supply product needed for "business" Any insight is appreciated!

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In reply to: Seller_CVXS7OOEFPqdB's post

The 'business buyer' can be just an individual that is also a seller, therefore also a 'business'.

They might be using the 'business' in order to avoid sales taxes (probably illegal unless they have a store and are reselling your items).

If you offer special pricing for 'business buyers' anyone that qualifies as a 'business' is just saving money!

They might be a competitor buying your items so they can knock off the designs on their or other sites.

And, it could just be an Amazon glitch of some sort since we all know those NEVER happen. /S

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