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Handmade Community

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Returns & Refunds

How long does a buyer have to return an item after a return request has been approved?

I found this in the help section:

Request a return within 30 days of the delivery date of the item.

Request a return before the end of the extended return period for orders placed during the Christmas period.

Return the item within 14 days after you've arranged the return with the seller (date as postmark).

Does this mean if a buyer waits 30 days after the return request is approved that they can no longer return or that there is no refund?

2 replies
Tags:Refunds, Return shipment
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Returns & Refunds

How long does a buyer have to return an item after a return request has been approved?

I found this in the help section:

Request a return within 30 days of the delivery date of the item.

Request a return before the end of the extended return period for orders placed during the Christmas period.

Return the item within 14 days after you've arranged the return with the seller (date as postmark).

Does this mean if a buyer waits 30 days after the return request is approved that they can no longer return or that there is no refund?

2 replies
Tags:Refunds, Return shipment
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As far as I can understand the buyer has 30 days from the time of delivery or the extended return period at Christmas. I have had a few returns requested but the buyer never sent anything back and the return eventually dropped off. Some handmade items are also nonreturnable.

That being said, there are some posts that I have read here where exceptions were made by the Amazon Customer service and the buyer received a refund after the 30 day limit.

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Hi @KT1TS,

Thanks for the post. To add on to @lastade's guidance, see below for the Holiday Returns Window for 2022.

We recently announced an update to the Holiday returns window and are now able to provide additional details. We have revised the return window from past years to ensure most early holiday shoppers' purchases during the new Prime Early Access Sale will also be eligible.

The 2022 extended holiday returns window will be in effect from October 11 through December 25, allowing customers to return most items through January 31, 2023.

Returns eligibility for all orders remains the same. For more information on our returns policy and to view the returns eligibility for each category, go to Returns and refunds.

Also including a similar thread onReturns window extended for 2022 holidays.

Best regards and have a good weekend.


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Returns & Refunds

How long does a buyer have to return an item after a return request has been approved?

I found this in the help section:

Request a return within 30 days of the delivery date of the item.

Request a return before the end of the extended return period for orders placed during the Christmas period.

Return the item within 14 days after you've arranged the return with the seller (date as postmark).

Does this mean if a buyer waits 30 days after the return request is approved that they can no longer return or that there is no refund?

2 replies
Tags:Refunds, Return shipment
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Returns & Refunds

How long does a buyer have to return an item after a return request has been approved?

I found this in the help section:

Request a return within 30 days of the delivery date of the item.

Request a return before the end of the extended return period for orders placed during the Christmas period.

Return the item within 14 days after you've arranged the return with the seller (date as postmark).

Does this mean if a buyer waits 30 days after the return request is approved that they can no longer return or that there is no refund?

2 replies
Tags:Refunds, Return shipment
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Returns & Refunds

by Seller_jzUGpc6ovholC

How long does a buyer have to return an item after a return request has been approved?

I found this in the help section:

Request a return within 30 days of the delivery date of the item.

Request a return before the end of the extended return period for orders placed during the Christmas period.

Return the item within 14 days after you've arranged the return with the seller (date as postmark).

Does this mean if a buyer waits 30 days after the return request is approved that they can no longer return or that there is no refund?

Tags:Refunds, Return shipment
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As far as I can understand the buyer has 30 days from the time of delivery or the extended return period at Christmas. I have had a few returns requested but the buyer never sent anything back and the return eventually dropped off. Some handmade items are also nonreturnable.

That being said, there are some posts that I have read here where exceptions were made by the Amazon Customer service and the buyer received a refund after the 30 day limit.

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Hi @KT1TS,

Thanks for the post. To add on to @lastade's guidance, see below for the Holiday Returns Window for 2022.

We recently announced an update to the Holiday returns window and are now able to provide additional details. We have revised the return window from past years to ensure most early holiday shoppers' purchases during the new Prime Early Access Sale will also be eligible.

The 2022 extended holiday returns window will be in effect from October 11 through December 25, allowing customers to return most items through January 31, 2023.

Returns eligibility for all orders remains the same. For more information on our returns policy and to view the returns eligibility for each category, go to Returns and refunds.

Also including a similar thread onReturns window extended for 2022 holidays.

Best regards and have a good weekend.


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As far as I can understand the buyer has 30 days from the time of delivery or the extended return period at Christmas. I have had a few returns requested but the buyer never sent anything back and the return eventually dropped off. Some handmade items are also nonreturnable.

That being said, there are some posts that I have read here where exceptions were made by the Amazon Customer service and the buyer received a refund after the 30 day limit.

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As far as I can understand the buyer has 30 days from the time of delivery or the extended return period at Christmas. I have had a few returns requested but the buyer never sent anything back and the return eventually dropped off. Some handmade items are also nonreturnable.

That being said, there are some posts that I have read here where exceptions were made by the Amazon Customer service and the buyer received a refund after the 30 day limit.

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Hi @KT1TS,

Thanks for the post. To add on to @lastade's guidance, see below for the Holiday Returns Window for 2022.

We recently announced an update to the Holiday returns window and are now able to provide additional details. We have revised the return window from past years to ensure most early holiday shoppers' purchases during the new Prime Early Access Sale will also be eligible.

The 2022 extended holiday returns window will be in effect from October 11 through December 25, allowing customers to return most items through January 31, 2023.

Returns eligibility for all orders remains the same. For more information on our returns policy and to view the returns eligibility for each category, go to Returns and refunds.

Also including a similar thread onReturns window extended for 2022 holidays.

Best regards and have a good weekend.


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Hi @KT1TS,

Thanks for the post. To add on to @lastade's guidance, see below for the Holiday Returns Window for 2022.

We recently announced an update to the Holiday returns window and are now able to provide additional details. We have revised the return window from past years to ensure most early holiday shoppers' purchases during the new Prime Early Access Sale will also be eligible.

The 2022 extended holiday returns window will be in effect from October 11 through December 25, allowing customers to return most items through January 31, 2023.

Returns eligibility for all orders remains the same. For more information on our returns policy and to view the returns eligibility for each category, go to Returns and refunds.

Also including a similar thread onReturns window extended for 2022 holidays.

Best regards and have a good weekend.


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