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Critical Event, account pending deactivation - longtime seller

by Seller_ulIbC0iEW9iP7

Hi everyone,

I have enjoyed everyone's feedback in the forums for the more than 10 years I have been selling on Amazon.

On my otherwise always healthy account I received two notifications today for a product listed on my Amazon account, ASIN B07SLP6QL9, "Lost Ways II."

The notifications were:

1) Counterfeit without a test buy, Listing at Risk, High account impact

2) Counterfeit, Listing Removed, Critical account impact

These books were purchased directly from the brand owner, "Global Brother," which I have invoices for. One of the issues is that my account name is now an S-Corp, III Media Co. III Media Co. is fully owned by me. The invoices, however, show my personal name and business address, along with my registered email address for the business.

I have requested a retraction from the brand owner, as these books were not counterfeit being they were purchased directly from them. However, I do not anticipate they will respond in a timely manner as they are located overseas.

Amazon Seller Support, for what it's worth, recommends I simply acknowledge the complaint, at which point the listing will be removed and my account will be reinstated. I'm less concerned about losing one of our listings and more concerned that if I acknowledge this complaint that my entire account will then be at risk of permanent deactivation.

I do not have an explicit "Letter of Authorization," although I have emailed the brand asking for one. I simply have the invoices showing the ordered books from the rights owner, which I thought (maybe mistakenly,) constituted both.

Any advice would be appreciated - we have never sold a counterfeit book on and are very concerned about our account, as like so many of you here, it is our livelihood. We are a little shaken up that a brand owner could wrongfully claim we are selling counterfeit books when they are not in fact counterfeit and are sold by their company to us.

The main issue is whether to submit the invoices we have under the "Letter of Authorization" tab or simply to acknowledge the violation and move on, hoping that this will not result in our account deactivation.

Any recommendations would be helpful - please see Amazon/com's email below:














Dear Patriot's Press,

Thank you for speaking with us about your Amazon selling account.

Based on your Account Health Rating, your Amazon seller account is pending deactivation within 72 hours.

- Why is this happening?

We took this action because there are unaddressed policy violations related to your selling account, and these violations have caused your Account Health Rating to fall below the threshold for deactivation. It is your obligation to make sure that you adhere to Amazon’s policies. Please visit the following page to learn more:

- We’re here to help

Learn more by watching our ‘Account Health Rating overview’ video on Seller University:

If you have questions about this policy, the Account Health Support team is available 7 days a week to address your concerns in detail. To request a call from the Account Health Support team, use this link:

Learn more about the Account Health Support team:

- What's next?

To prevent your Amazon selling account deactivation, visit the “Account Health” page to address these policy violations within the next 72 hours and improve your Account Health Rating. You can find them in the “Product Policy Compliance” section of the “Account Health” page. To address any given violation, please follow the guidance next to that violation in the ‘Next Steps’ column:

- What happens if I do not send the requested information?

If your Account Health Rating remains below the threshold after 72 hours, your account will be temporarily deactivated.

- Is your account at risk of deactivation in error?

If you believe that the policy violations that have lowered your Account Health Rating below the threshold are incorrect, please submit evidence or documentation demonstrating that your account has not violated Amazon’s policies and we will investigate your concern. You can do this by addressing the violations via the Account Health page as specified above.

To view your account performance, select "Account Health" on the home screen of the “Amazon Seller” app on your iOS or Android device, or go to the "Account Health" page in Seller Central. The “Account Health” page shows how well your account is performing against the required performance metrics and policies:


Merchant Review Team

Tags: Product authenticity
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In reply to: Seller_ulIbC0iEW9iP7's post

You got a chance proving that you own both the company buying the books and the company selling them.

@Seller_kIukTwdhvntAp should be able to help with that

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Amazon Seller Support, for what it's worth, recommends I simply acknowledge the complaint, at which point the listing will be removed and my account will be reinstated. I'm less concerned about losing one of our listings and more concerned that if I acknowledge this complaint that my entire account will then be at risk of permanent deactivation.

NO! NEVER admit to a Violation you are not actually guilty of. NEVER.

Every time you "acknowledge" (accept) the violation, you are creating a PERMANENT Black Mark that Amazon will consider whenever the NEXT "Violation" is reported. Too many and you get permanently Suspended.

When you "acknowledge" (accept) the violation, you are telling Amazon that "YES, I did break your rules". Amazon can then take action to permanently Suspend your Seller account.

Amazon Seller Support is often worthless, as most are located overseas and have little to NO actual knowledge that can aid a Seller, and ZERO Authority to actually FIX problems. They are only there to read what is on their screen (the same info you can get on your screen). Take their directions with a HUGE grain of salt. There is little they can tell you that you cannot find on Amazon by going to the HELP button.

The EASIEST way out of this is to have the complaint removed by the rights owner. Keep at it! Global communications has made this world very small, and the fact that they are in a different country should not prevent you from resolving this with them. If THEY retract the complaint, you are good-to-go.

Otherwise, I would provide not only the Wholesale Invoices, but the paperwork showing the change from "Your" account to the S-Corp business.


You just MAY be running afoul of the "Account Transfer" scenario that recently made the Forum headlines. As I pointed out on that thread, whenever the "Owner" of the business changes, Amazon requires the NEW Owner to create a NEW Amazon Selling account. Of course, this makes ALL of the existing ASIN's now worthless since the Wholesale Invoices all state the ORIGINAL Owner.

In YOUR case, YOU are both the "Original" Owner AND the "NEW" Owner. If you were to create a NEW Seller account using the S-Corp paperwork, I fear you MAY run afoul of the "Seller account is related to another Seller account", which is instant death on Amazon.

I would consider typing-out the situation in a clear and concise pdf doc, and "Request a Call" from Amazon Seller Support. When connected, upload the pdf doc and the supporting Wholesale Invoice and S-Corp docs. HOPEFULLY a U.S.A. Based Seller Support Rep will be able to read and understand the problem. They will NOT be able to SOLVE the problem themselves, but they MAY be able to contact someone who CAN solve this for you.

Your situation certainly highlights the problems created by Amazon turning Seller Support over to A.I. instead of thinking Humans.

I wish you Good Luck!

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Any ideas here?

Thanks April!

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In reply to: Seller_ulIbC0iEW9iP7's post

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As stated before, seller support told me today that in order to save my account the best thing I can do is to admit to wrongdoing, at which point my account will be in good standing again and the listing will be closed.

Three problems with this scenario, in order of least serious to MOST serious:

1) The ASIN will be permanently "Closed", so any inventory you have FBA will be confiscated, and any inventory you have for FBM will have to be sold elsewhere.

2) Even IF you follow this direction from Seller Support, you actually have NO idea HOW LONG it would take to get your account reinstated. I have read many a post here about Sellers waiting 30 days or longer to even get a reply on reinstatement, let alone actually BEING reinstated. Does it help you to admit to a violation you did not actually commit only to discover that you MISSED the Holiday Sales period anyway?

3) Even IF it appears in writing, you are only taking the Seller Support Reps "Word for it" that your account will be reinstated. In my opinion, maybe it is true, and maybe it is NOT. I do have personal experience with being incorrectly advised, In Writing, by an Amazon SUPERVISOR no less (Costa Rica I believe), where my following the written directions resulted in Debits to my account AND a metrics hit. When I provided the written documentation to a U.S.A. Based Amazon Seller Support Rep SUPERVISOR I was directly told to NEVER ACCEPT direction from Non-U.S.A. based Seller Support in the future, and to request the call be transferred TO a U.S.A. based Seller Support Rep. This was way back when you could actually call Seller Support and BE transferred. I don't know that getting a U.S.A. based Rep is even an option anymore... :(

Bottom Line is; IF you "Admit" to the violation and your account DOESN'T get reinstated, you CAN'T then go back and say that you weren't actually "Guilty" when you "Plead Guilty".

I would NOT admit to a violation I did not commit.

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At what point should I simply reply with what I have as you suggested?

We are now in what is usually the MOST profitable part of the Amazon Selling Year, and with your account currently suspended you are making ZERO sales.

I have no direct experience with Reinstating a suspended account (Thank God), but I would do BOTH.

Keep trying on a DAILY BASIS to reach SOMEONE at the Distributor you purchase from EVEN IF you need to engage an attorney to "Make it official". Perhaps THAT might make them respond? It should only cost you a couple of hundred bucks to have a letter drafted.

AND I would also try the other approach I discussed, but ONLY with a U.S.A. Based Seller Support Rep. This may require scheduling a call multiple times until you luck into such a Rep, but if you choose business hours M-F, you stand a better chance.

I hope this helps. I would be a complete insomniac if this occurred to me.

Good Luck!

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In reply to: Seller_ulIbC0iEW9iP7's post

Are your referring to The Lost Book of Herbal Remedies Standard Edition? Only the author is on the listing. This is a huge red flag. Listings like these should be avoided at all costs

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In reply to: Seller_ulIbC0iEW9iP7's post

Can he? His seller account is a year old with less than 30 feedback. I wouldn't exactly call him a longtime expert, just a retiree with a lot of time on his hands to comment on every forum post.

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@Seller_kIukTwdhvntAp should be able to help with that

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In reply to: Seller_wnc1pjYEF5ZqF's post

SERIOUSLY? Go troll someone else.

I've been on here over 14 years with over 1300 feedback and 99% lifetime.

And, on the OLD Forum we could actually see how many HOURS people had spent on the Forum studying issues. I was over 10,000 but since that's gone we will have to just look at some stats that ARE available.

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His seller account is a year old

All this shows, is how new YOU are to the forum....

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In reply to: Seller_ulIbC0iEW9iP7's post

Hello @Seller_ulIbC0iEW9iP7,

This is Dawn from Amazon, thank you for using Seller Forums.

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I received two notifications today for a product listed on my Amazon account, ASIN B07SLP6QL9, "Lost Ways II."

The notifications were:

1) Counterfeit without a test buy, Listing at Risk, High account impact

2) Counterfeit, Listing Removed, Critical account impact

From your post, we can see that your account is pending deactivation due to counterfeit issue (ASIN B07SLP6QL9).

When you sell on Amazon:

--You must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to your products and product listings

--You may not violate the IP rights of brands or other rights owners

Violating this policy may result in loss of selling privileges or other legal consequences.

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These books were purchased directly from the brand owner, "Global Brother," which I have invoices for. One of the issues is that my account name is now an S-Corp, III Media Co. III Media Co. is fully owned by me. The invoices, however, show my personal name and business address, along with my registered email address for the business.

I have requested a retraction from the brand owner, as these books were not counterfeit being they were purchased directly from them.

Thanks for sharing more details.

From the above sharing, we understand that you have requested a retraction from the brand owner and are still waiting for their response.

About invoice, you may submit your business license as additional document.

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I do not have an explicit "Letter of Authorization,"

To address your issue, you will need to provide the following documents:

-- An invoice

-- Letter of authorization from the rights owner

-- A licensing agreement from the manufacturer or rights owner demonstrating that your products are lawful

We only accept attachments in the following file formats: .jpeg, .jpg, .pjpeg, .gif, .png, .tiff.

You may read more information about Intellectual Property Policy for Sellers at link:

Thank you @Seller_4zBzdtgCyS9EI, @Seller_R2dP7Hunjcdj0, @Seller_CRAHk6FHN1cLe and @Seller_wnc1pjYEF5ZqF for sharing your insights as well.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.



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In reply to: Seller_ulIbC0iEW9iP7's post

Amazon is a unforgiving seller site, and you would be better off going elsewhere.

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In reply to: Seller_ulIbC0iEW9iP7's post

Acknowledgement is the best option.

Amazon wants to know that you can "grow up"

to them "growing up" means apologizing for something you didn't do and promising that you will never do this again in the near and unforeseeable future.

kind of like being married or in a relationship with a girlfriend,

always apologize for things you did not do..

they are always right...

if you fight this claim, most likely you will be banned and nice and don't fight the claim

that's the best advice...

i also admitted to a false intellectual property claim by ringside, I lied and said that it was my fault, i lied about committing the crime, and they reinstated me..

you get more bees with honey than with vinegar.

be nice and polite and bow down to amazon

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