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by Seller_JewLqConpGoNf

My brand has been rejected 3 times. I have all the necessary information and documents, but I don't understand why this is happening. I really need someone from Amazons assistance.

Tags: Brand Registry
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In reply to: Seller_JewLqConpGoNf's post

Here are some of the most common issues with BR.

Go over everything with a magnifying glass looking for a missing 'period' or 'comma'.

Is there a different capitalization, abbreviation, spelling, or, even an extra spa ce?

Is your Brand registered (or applied for) with the USPTO?

Amazon is admitting applicants under CERTAIN conditions when only filed but not granted.

This is from Sandy_Amazon on 5/16/2023

“To be eligible for Amazon Brand Registry, your brand must have an active registered trademark in each country where you wish to enroll or have a pending trademark application filed through Amazon IP Accelerator. Brand Registry is also accepting brands that have a trademark pending registration in a subset of trademark offices.”

Additionally, IF you ever get an actual TM (if you don’t now) When Amazon says something must match they mean EXACTLY!

That means Street is not ST.

Jim is not James.

ALL CAPS is not SOme CAps

Thanks to Sandy_Amazon for letting us all know that Brand Registry applications are also space sensitive.

And so on………………..

They mean every comma, period, dash, etc. must be EXACTLY THE SAME INCLUDING SPACE S.

Go over everything with a magnifying glass looking for a missing 'period' or 'comma'. Is there a different capitalization, abbreviation, spelling, or, even an extra spa ce?

What is the EXACT BRAND (as GRANTED) on the USPTO site? Is it the EXACT same as the Brand on the Amazon account AND the brand on the packaging?

What is the name of the Owner (REGISTRANT) on the USPTO site? Is it the EXACT same name as the owner of the Amazon account?

If it is NOT exactly the same you will need to show some proof that the two are the same. As I recall, I had to submit my LLC State Registration with MY name as the owner of the LLC since my Amazon account is under a different LLC name.

The OWNER of the Brand is the one that MUST enter into the Brand Registry agreement. If the owner is not the same as the Amazon seller the seller will have to be granted access by the owner AFTER REGISTRATION.

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In reply to: Seller_JewLqConpGoNf's post

Hello @Seller_JewLqConpGoNf!

Shoutout to @Seller_kIukTwdhvntAp for giving you a lot of background on the basics of Brand Registry applications. Thank you as always!

As for your application, I've taken a look into it and from what I see, there is an aspect of either your account or application that is not compliant and they gave a list of possible reasons.

I don't have any further information as they do not share this but what I do recommend is for you to carefully go through each one of those bullet points to see if there's anything you find and address it.

I hope this helps!


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