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Please Help Brsnd Registry for Abusive conduct? New Account 48hrs old

by Seller_wLdbhK7IXLayB

My application for brand registry has been declined for ‘abusive conduct’? My brand is registered with the USPTO, I’ve followed all the required steps, and submitted all the necessary documents to show the products are our creation. My Acount Health Rating is good The brand is new, and I am not aware of any abusive conduct on my part. Could anyone how to solve this problem?

Tags: Brand Registry
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In reply to: Seller_wLdbhK7IXLayB's post

Are you a brand new seller? Never sold anything?

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In reply to: Seller_wLdbhK7IXLayB's post

Hello @Seller_wLdbhK7IXLayB,

My name is Dougal from the Community Manager Team and I can take a look into your Brand Registry application.

How many times did you actually apply? I see 3 applications all rejected less than 24 hours ago and all 3 link to the same appeal case, which is also less than 24 hours old. I want to understand if this is actually 3 separate applications or 1 that somehow errored into 3.

Please keep in mind that the Brand registry application process takes an average of 10 business days to review Brand Registry applications. And in some cases, they need additional information to verify your identity, which can extend the application review period. With that in mind, the appeal team has not yet reviewed your initial appeal or the 7 other responses and attachments sent.

As @Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC mentioned, Abusive conduct in this very specific situation/process, is generic in description and can stem from a number of reasons, some of which has been listed out by @Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC.

However, your application was rejected for 1 very specific reason and you can find this by clicking on the red "Rejected," status in your Brand Application Dashboard on the Brand Registry site.

Typically, when this happens I tell Sellers to take some time to review everything in USPTO (or whatever TM office) and their application and ensure everything matches exactly before the submit their appeal. You will also find 2 best practices bullet points at the bottom of the pop-up window that opens after clicking on the red "Rejected."

This should provide a bit of clarity to your situation and please let me know if you have any other questions.

Please, can you also clarify the following: Your post states "New Account 48hrs old," but in your response to @Seller_rI7BZIczK8iAC, you state:

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Ive been selling for 6months FBM/FBA

Is this a new account or have you been selling for 6 months? This will matter in the next steps of Brand Registry enrollment, specifically if you have multiple accounts which is not allowed.

Best, Dougal

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