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Ship to FC Options

by Seller_11iQ2YxJhFzPc

I am looking for a way to ship directly to Fulfillment Centers, without the need to then ship to another 10+ fulfillment centers.

Amazon used to have a program where you could pay a small fee and ship directly to their desired FCs cutting the receiving time in half or better. Is this program still around or is there an option to do something like this? Every option we choose still takes the stand 40+ days to receive.


Tags: FBA, Fulfillment center, Ship to FC
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In reply to: Seller_11iQ2YxJhFzPc's post

Hi @Seller_11iQ2YxJhFzPc,

Dominic from Amazon here, would like to provide additional info. I believe you are referring to the inventory placement service. This was deprecated on Feb 29th of this year. We now have the FBA inbound placement service fee.

When you create a shipping plan, you can select one of the following inventory inbound placement options:

  • Minimal shipment splits: You can send your inventory to the minimal number of inbound locations, generally to a single location, for a fee, and we will decide on your behalf how to place the inventory across our network. The fee may vary by inbound location—for example, there may be higher fees for shipments sent to locations in the West versus other parts of the country.
  • Partial or Amazon-optimized shipment splits: Send your inventory to multiple inbound locations yourself for a reduced or no fee. The reduced fees will depend on the number of shipments and inbound locations that you send your inventory to. For instance, if your shipping plan qualifies, you can select the inbound placement option to send your inventory to the optimal number of inbound locations recommended by Amazon, generally four or more locations, and pay no fee. If you select the placement option in which you send your inventory to a partial number of inbound locations, generally two or three, you will pay a reduced fee.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions!



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