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My Identity Is Not Verified

by Seller_pdQ04Dc05MwqQ

Hello seller friends, I am being punished for trying to do business legally and honestly on Amazon. I opened my seller account on Amazon about 3 months ago and am currently stuck in the most ridiculous reverification process ever. I'm hoping some of you might have some advice on how to get out of this madness.

Recently, I had to re-verify my identity due to inactivity on my account. It hasn't been long since I opened my account. But now, Amazon won't accept it even though I sent the same ID and documents that were completely acceptable before. It does not verify the identity card that the government gave me and that everyone has. I opened my account with this ID.

I opened a company, introduced my brand, produced the products, spent a lot of money, and I was about to open a list and send the products, but my account was disabled. The reason is that my identity is not verified. My account was activated via video call 2 weeks ago. 1 week has passed. My account is disabled again. All the documents are in the e-mails. What is amazon aiming for with this? Why don't honest sellers let them sell on amazon?

I have contacted Amazon support many times in the past, but their team is the most unprofessional and incompetent I have ever encountered. They always make me bounce like a ping-pong ball and end up offering no real help.

Is Amazon messing with us just for fun? I can't understand how a group could be this incompetent. It must be on purpose.

Tags: Account Health, Deactivated
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In reply to: Seller_pdQ04Dc05MwqQ's post

On Amazon one gerbil tube can tell you YES but the next one will look and find something wrong with the exact same information.

Go over everything with a magnifying glass looking for a missing 'period' or 'comma'.

Is there a different capitalization, abbreviation, spelling, or, even an extra spa ce?

When Amazon says something must match they mean EXACTLY!

That means Street is not ST.

Jim is not James.

ALL CAPS is not SOme CAps

They mean every comma, period, dash, etc. must be EXACTLY THE SAME INCLUDING SPACE S.

What you submit for documents must match the details on your seller account EXACTLY.

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