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Fraudlent Non recieved item claims and amazon grants them refund right away!

by Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo

Hello, I've over 15 claims, and Amazon refunded them right away under the A-to-z Claims. Although I replied and disputed the action, including shipping address and tracking numbers and some instances, a link to the FedEx proof of delivery photo at their doorsteps,!! Amazon denies it as insufficient proof! Buyers steal and Amazon encourages them! and sellers suffer!

what's the next course of action? sue Amazon in small claims court or sue the customer against TOS?! yes, I don't care about the account and am not interested in selling in such an environment!

Tags: A to Z Claims
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In reply to: Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo's post

Have you been living under a rock? Are you a new seller? This is Amazon's MO, Customer is always right.

You would think that tracking, with signature, pictures, video of them accepting the package would be enough...but if you do not use their buy shipping, then you are never going to be covered.

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In reply to: Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo's post

You have to ship on time AND either buy your shipping through Amazon or get signature confirmation.

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In reply to: Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo's post

I have many this month from experience buyers that knows how to get away with free stuff. I sell items that buyers will regularly use and all they need to do is claim received it damaged, they get refunded and also request a replacement. Math properly done, in any of those claims, I am down 2 units for which I will not collect a penny. Amazon do not care because they do not lose anything, for them is a win-win in any case. Thief are thriving here and Amazon do not care and protect them. I opened up 3 cases recently and it was a waste of time.

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In reply to: Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo's post

Hello @Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo

The sale transaction is between you and the buyer. Amazon provides services as articulated in the Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement. You could take a buyer to small claims court. Your agreement with Amazon provides for binding arbitration in the event of a dispute between you and Amazon.


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In reply to: Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo's post

Oh, the buyers didn't steal. They were delighted at your expense!

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Buyers steal and Amazon encourages them!
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In reply to: Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo's post

Use FBA if it is high value, if it is lower value just make sure you use buy shipping, you will lose money here alot it is how things work now.

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In reply to: Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo's post

Amazon definitely promotes buyer fraudulent behavior with their lacsadaisical A to Z Policy regarding refunding for packages that clearly show and prove delivery.

Your options are to use Amazon Shipping which is covered from fraudulent A to Z's or suck it up and realize you're going to get these from time to time.

We've noticed that in almost every one of these fake claims, A) they buyer name is odd / foreign and never matches the name of the person shipped to. B) they almost send poorly worded , broken English messages that start with "Dear Friend" and then proceed on to tell you they havent received, that they no longer wish to wait for their item and demand a refund. C) 2-3 days after this message the A to Z is filed and the buyer almost always is refunded at seller expense. D) These cases almost always key on 1 single ASIN, and once theyre successful in ripping you off, they continue buying and A to Z claiming that item

You'd think in this day and age of AI that Amazon would be able to recognize this scam thru their algorithms, but they dont seem to care. Why would they? , sellers take the $ hit, Amazon just keeps collecting their 15% .

We ALWAYS go the Report Abuse tab and immediately report the buyer as soon as we get the first suspicious Message. It does nothing, but makes you feel like you're doing something.

AS soon as we get 2 of these on the same ASIN, we immediately close or zero out the qty on the listing, and let it rest a few weeks and force the scammers to move onto greener pastures. And then we re-list and watch it carefully.

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In reply to: Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo's post

You need to know the A-Z claim decision is made by computer not human, If the associate has option they credit you, Amazon create it to always credit money to customer not you, Also If there is only CAP customer then only amazon credit to you

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In reply to: Seller_aWZtlMJIJl5uo's post

Raise you price to cover your lose. This is the easiest way to do business without any problem. Good luck.

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