I have a USPS first class package that I shipped through Buy Shipping yesterday that has the yellow “Waiting for Pickup” statues when all others say “Shipped” – I verified the tracking on USPS site is good. It’s on its way. Should I be concerned?
I have a USPS first class package that I shipped through Buy Shipping yesterday that has the yellow “Waiting for Pickup” statues when all others say “Shipped” – I verified the tracking on USPS site is good. It’s on its way. Should I be concerned?
I had this once- it appears to be an error message and should resolve to say shipped in a short while.
I have a USPS first class package that I shipped through Buy Shipping yesterday that has the yellow “Waiting for Pickup” statues when all others say “Shipped” – I verified the tracking on USPS site is good. It’s on its way. Should I be concerned?
I have a USPS first class package that I shipped through Buy Shipping yesterday that has the yellow “Waiting for Pickup” statues when all others say “Shipped” – I verified the tracking on USPS site is good. It’s on its way. Should I be concerned?
I have a USPS first class package that I shipped through Buy Shipping yesterday that has the yellow “Waiting for Pickup” statues when all others say “Shipped” – I verified the tracking on USPS site is good. It’s on its way. Should I be concerned?
I had this once- it appears to be an error message and should resolve to say shipped in a short while.
I had this once- it appears to be an error message and should resolve to say shipped in a short while.
I had this once- it appears to be an error message and should resolve to say shipped in a short while.