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Hijackers New Method - Please Beware - Business Gone Overnight

by Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho

I’ve been hijacked before but this new tactic has crashed my business in the last 48 hours! I have 1 product that is sub 1,000 BSR; I invented it, trademarked it, it’s patent pending, it’s “brand registered,” it has the brand name engraved into the product; and yet my business has been sabotaged by a “New” seller that has 0 Feedback. This seller jumped on my listing 2 days ago, I emailed them politely to take it down as I don’t sell anywhere else. No response. Somehow they have won the buy box and they “auto” reprice their sale price every time I’ve lowered my price to get back my buy box. It automatically goes 1 cent below what I put it at! They have also limited how many units a new buyer can purchase so you can’t buy them out of their counterfeit inventory. This hijacker has 100’s of sells in the last 48 hours of my product and these consumers are going to get a counterfeit product that will damage my brand that I’ve worked so hard to build. I can only imagine when the 1 star reviews start piling onto my listing in the next month. I’ve called amazon several times, I have emailed them 3x about it and I can’t get a response.

I’ve found a couple other sellers that are dealing with the same exact thing and nothing is being done about it! These other sellers (all sub 1000 BSR) say that the seller will stick around for 4-5 days and then disappear and then a few days later another different “New” seller jumps back on and starts doing it again. These businesses and people are losing thousands of $$$ that they’ve worked so hard at to only have some scammer completely destroy it without punishment.

Can someone PLEASE give me guidance on how to get help ASAP? The integrity of our brands are at stake and not only are we getting punished but the consumer is going to get a counterfeit product all while these scammers get no punishment. PLEASE HELP! TIA

Tags: Buy Box, Fees, Listing hijack, Listings, Pricing
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In reply to: Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho's post

Feel sorry for you but sometimes problems like that are self induced.

Do you really think the company that made your product IS NOT going to sell them to some one else. When you play that game expect it to backfire on you.

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In reply to: Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho's post

Get an attorney and file patent infringement lawsuits against each and every one of these jerks. It’s expensive, no doubt, but this is a law enforcement issue as I see it.

As far as Amazon is concerned, go ahead and start listing on other platforms to help tide you over. Then contact Amazon legal department or the Jeff Bezos executive team. If they don’t help you then it’s anyone’s guess what your future with this product would be here on Amazon.

Good Luck… This is wrong… Keep fighting the good fight!

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In reply to: Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho's post

If Amazon is not going to help you after repeated tries to get them to help, you have 2 choices.

  1. Either let the problem continue to happen or
  2. Hire a lawyer to go after the other seller you think is counterfeiting your products.

Counterfeiting is a Federal crime, If you created a brand, you need to protect it so others don’t diminish that brand and your companies reputation.

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In reply to: Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho's post

While you may feel, your case is different than the thousands of other sellers this is happening to, in reality, it is not and the most efficient solution, is to follow the advice below.

The instant you begin bringing the terms, “trademark”, “patent”, etc…, into a case, it throws the complaint into a different department, that will require a great deal of time, money and effort to resolve. Amazon does not get involved in intellectual property rights, disputes, unless you file through an attorney.

Do not make any test buys. Open orders will slow the process down, so the other seller, already has a kick-start.

You want the seller off your listing, +before+ they start getting feedback and ASAP.

Please, do not add anything extraneous to your email, if you follow the first link or if you post in the forum, through the second link. Most sellers, do both, but do not, send multiple emails, to seller-performance, as it will slow the process, even further.

Reporting Just Launched and other Scam Sellers (Proper Format).
For above, please, email your list to: [], +do not+ post list in this thread.

If you wish to post your list in the forum, please use this thread:
This weeks list of fraudulent sellers. Or “Just Launched” Listing Hijackers.

+Busy_Girl wrote:+ For those sellers who subscribe to auto pricers or have in-house Amazon push notifications set up to monitor pricing changes on their listings: contact your autopricer provider or your IT, if you are a larger seller and request that they set up a couple views:
Using Push Notifications to Track Fraudulent Accounts.

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In reply to: Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho's post

I think the scary part is that these guys pop with a new profile, screw your listing and product up; then disappear to only come back a few days later with a new profile and do it again.

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In reply to: Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho's post

My apologies, you are not the norm.

Get an IP attorney and let them handle it.

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In reply to: Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho's post

After seeing your product I would be careful.

What is your actual patent application number?

Thinking about a patent and then “claiming patent pending” is not legal, you must have filed and have your case number BEFORE you can claim patent pending.

Make sure your ducks are in the row or you will end up in more trouble than the hi-jackers.

Myself I see absolutely nothing patentable, you trademark embossed on the product is a big help and will be your only protection from hi-jackers.

I only question this because I see no features for a utility patent and a design patent for that product is easily broken.

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In reply to: Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho's post

No … that’ll get your account reviewed for misuse/manipulation of feedback.

It is dangerous as a seller to leave feedback for any other seller in your categories and product lines. It can lead to potential suspension.

If you buy something from a competitor, or someone that could even remotely be perceived as a competitor, it is best to not leave feedback.

Bad feedback could be construed as an attack or pressure being applied to another seller.

Positive feedback could be seen as helping a friendly enterprise.

Even if it wasn’t against policy, if there is a conflict between sellers, it is best to be handled in a professional manner, with paper trail, through messaging.

When disputes devolve into public thrashing in feedback and social media, nobody wins but the most damage is done to the one who has the most to lose.

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In reply to: Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho's post

That only works when you are the only one selling bottled water in the desert and 500 miles from then next town.

Fact is 80% of the sales go to the lowest price. Why is Amazon and Walmart constantly LOWERING prices.

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In reply to: Seller_6RxkyAIf8xNho's post

NEVER leave seller feedback! It is considered feedback manipulation and can get YOU suspended!!

Misuse of ratings, feedback, or reviews:

+Any attempt to manipulate ratings, feedback, or reviews is prohibited.+

  • Ratings and feedback: The rating and feedback features allow buyers to evaluate the overall performance of a seller, helping sellers to develop a reputation within the Amazon Marketplace. You may not post abusive or inappropriate feedback or include personal information about a transaction partner. This also includes posting ratings or feedback to your own account. You may request feedback from a buyer, however you may not pay or offer any incentive to a buyer for either providing or removing feedback.

  • Reviews: Reviews are important to the Amazon Marketplace, providing a forum for feedback about product and service details and reviewers’ experiences with products and services—positive or negative. You may not write reviews for products or services that you have a financial interest in, including reviews for products or services that you or your competitors sell. Additionally, you may not provide compensation (including free or discounted products) for a review. Review solicitations that ask for only positive reviews or that offer compensation are prohibited. You may not ask buyers to modify or remove reviews.

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