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Verification suspension

by Seller_N8bfnYRZrIDGl

Hey guys! I really need your help If it’s something you can advise on I would really appreciate it!

I recently registered as a seller on amazon. 10 days after, my account was suspended.
I provided a bank statement. Driver’s license back and front and a utility bill all In PDF form. ( not before I sent it as a picture and got suspended) I have my first last and “Middle” name on my Driver’s license but only my middle initial on the other 2 documents could it be the problem? If so I’ll change them all to my full name.
Or since I provided a mobile phone bill perhaps they don’t always accept it. All I have left is an internet bill so I can try that.

I have submited a few Plan of Actions already so I don’t want to waste time on trial and error and I heard the more I send the further back I get pushed in line. I have to place an order soon but can’t till my account is reinstated. I have called seller support many times, they say they don’t have access to tell me in details exactly what the problem is. One told me the names have to match exactly but my Driver’s license has my middle name but on my internet bill I just added my initial and the statement will only be availbale next month but they could not add my full middle name due to too many characters. I really hope all 3 documents don’t have to match letter for letter. Cause i can’t have my full name on all 3. Oh and on my W-4 I only my first and last name apear. I also checked my payment method amd It have my full first middle and last name on the banking details althogh only firat last and middle initials show on my bank statement and my CC I pay the subscription with.

Here is (some) of my correspondence with Amazon.

Aug 16 "Hello, We have finished our review of your account.

Aug 27
Your Seller account has been deactivated.
Why is this happening?
We were unable to verify information related to your seller account, or did not receive any new information regarding your listings or selling history. We may not respond to further emails about this issue.

Sep 5
Hello, We have reviewed the document(s) you recently provided. We were unable to verify the document you provided because it was illegible.

Please provide the following updated documents and confirm there is a valid credit card on file:
–Utility bill with name and address visible
–Business license
–If you have active listings, include copies of invoices, receipts, contracts or delivery orders from your supplier issued in the last 90 days.

(well I am not a business and I don’t have one)

Sep 6aHello, We have reviewed the document(s) you recently provided. We were unable to verify the document you provided because it was not dated within the last 90 days.
We were unable to verify the document you provided because you did not provide all pages of the document, provided screenshots, or did not show all of the required information.
We were unable to verify the document you provided because it was illegible.
Please provide the following updated documents and confirm there is a valid credit card on file:
–Utility bill with name and address visible
–Business license
–If you have active listings, include copies of invoices, receipts, contracts or delivery orders from your supplier issued in the last 90 days.
You can send files in .pdf, .png, or .gif format. These documents must be authentic and unaltered. You may remove pricing information, but the rest of the document must be visible. Please submit your documents by following

So I did send all they asked for by now.

Sep 10:11 am
Your Amazon selling account remains deactivated. Your listings have been removed. Funds will not be transferred to you and may be held for 90 days or longer. Please ship any open orders to avoid further impact to your account.

Why is this happening?
This decision was made after reviewing both your account and the information provided.

We may not respond to further emails about this issue.

Sep 10 9:25 am

We have finished our review of your account.

You may now sell on,, and

If you have further questions about selling on Amazon and wish to talk to someone about your account, click the Get Support link at the bottom of any page in Seller Central. That was the last I heard from seller performance.

Now I am not going to semd nothing till I know exactly what I have to provide I hope I still have some hope.
Thank you so much for taking from your time to read this very long cry for help:)

I’ll never give up!!!

Tags: Address, Bank account, Credit card, Payments, Registration, Verification
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In reply to: Seller_N8bfnYRZrIDGl's post

According to this note, your account has been activated and you can sell again. Did you try it?

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