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Booksellers - Invoice from Ingram not being accepted -What are you doing when a trademark complaint appears?

by Seller_IUhBk4EzVGwV0

Amazon is not accepting our Ingram invoices, why?

Ingram is the first Amazon supplier when Jeff started the business.

They are not being accepted to appeal trademark complaints. We need to understand why otherwise our account will be suspended soon. We are complying with everything below. We have a doubt with this one, our Ingram account is under our LLC, "Includes your name and address, matching the information in your selling account."

When amazon says "name" does it mean the legal account name LLC, or my personal name?


Invoice Requirements (Document must meet the below requirements)

Dated before the date of your notice.

Includes your name and address, matching the information in your selling account.

Includes the name and address of the manufacturer, distributor, or retailer.

Order quantity is sufficient to fulfill the units sold since the invoice date.



Tags: Account Health
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In reply to: Seller_IUhBk4EzVGwV0's post

Hello @Seller_IUhBk4EzVGwV0,

Thank you for posting about your trademark concerns.

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They are not being accepted to appeal trademark complaints. We need to understand why otherwise our account will be suspended soon.

Can you advise what type of violation you are specifically experiencing, as shown in the account health page? You mentioned a trademark complaint. Did you receive a complaint ID and rights owner information as a performance notification? Depending on the type of complaint, such as received complaints, we may require a retraction if this was in error, or a letter of authorization for the use of the intellectual properties.

If this was a suspected intellectual property violation, these are typically identified by amazon as having some type of inconstancy within the listing details, or images. These require listing updates, or a LOA to show proof that you are authorized to use the related intellectual property in its current state.

Since this is a trademark concern, this can include logos, brand names and other related attributes as an example. Have you reviewed the listing for any inconsistencies, or incorrect information? If after reviewing the listing, you still do not find any violations, I encourage you to use the help feature to create a case to have the listing reviewed for compliance. You can provide the case created here, as it will add more visibility into your situation so we can continue offering support or next steps. I would suggest additionally reviewing our help page on the intellectual property policy for sellers, which offers guidance and next steps for different types of infringement.

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When amazon says "name" does it mean the legal account name LLC, or my personal name?

This would depend on how the account was registered, we need to verify the recipient of the product, so if the account is registered to an LLC this would need to be your recipient as an example. If there are concerns with verifying the owner, we may ask for proof of payment using a related bank statement, but this is upon request.

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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In reply to: Seller_IUhBk4EzVGwV0's post

Welcome to Amazon, invoices don't do justice anymore on here, you need a letter of authorization to sell the brand.

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In reply to: Seller_IUhBk4EzVGwV0's post


Interesting. I am curious about this one. Did the trademark complaint take you below 100 points in your account health? Or was it a constant notice?

Usually, trademark complaints do not take you below 100 or when you know it is possible because each infraction doubles in points you know that you may have to refrain from selling books. I am not sure if you are doing the drop ship method from Ingram, but as anyone knows trademark and IP complaints are frequent with that strategy. I am just curious as to how many your eceived that actually resulted in possible account suspension.

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In reply to: Seller_IUhBk4EzVGwV0's post

"When amazon says "name" does it mean the legal account name LLC, or my personal name?"

In this case, possibly BOTH!

When I applied for Brand Registry I had to show two things.

I manufacture under one LLC and I sell on Amazon under an entirely different LLC.

I had to send in the copies of my LLC registration forms from the state showing that I owned BOTH of them.

If your seller account is under "XTH Books" and the Ingram invoices are under "GYW Sales" you will almost certainly have to show common ownership.

And, GOOD LUCK if the two are at different addresses and you have no way to show common ownership.

Additionally, as @Seller_41YKljs3sPEsS notes, Amazon is cracking down so just having an invoice might (or might not) be enough. LOAs are being required in more and more categories.

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In reply to: Seller_IUhBk4EzVGwV0's post

Hello @Seller_IUhBk4EzVGwV0,

Thank you for following up and providing this information.

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Trademark on Product

May 17, 2024

Ball Book of Home Preserving

ASIN: 1087884799

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books dont have brands....they may have an issue with a brand being mentioned. but that should be a fight between publisher and brand , not sellers who are caught in the middle.

The concern with this type of issue is the brand or rights owner identified an unauthorized use of their brand or intellectual property, issuing a complaint to Amazon, as a result the listing was removed. Anyone who was selling on the ASIN will have received the same. This will apply to any misuse of an intellectual property, and if confirmed can result in legal action from the rights owner. This is not just limited to the publisher and brand, this applies to anyone listing any product without proper authorization.

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INGRAM is Amazon's book supplier too, so you know them perfectly as I explained. Invoice has our LLC on it, date is correct, quantity is 10 units, and product is showing there with the ISBN13 too. Why are you rejecting it if everything matches the required standards of appeal?

Even if this supplier is used by Amazon, we may have some type of agreement with the publisher or intellectual property owner. We never suggest assuming that you have authorization because we or someone else use a supplier. You need to individually receive authorization to use an intellectual property to ensure non-infringement.

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-- A retraction from the rights owner to be sent to Amazon directly. You can find the contact information of the rights owner in the listing deactivation communication you have received.

If we cannot accept the invoices, or if a letter of authorization cannot be provided, you may want to reach out to the rights owner to explain the situation. If they agree that this was in error, they can issue a retraction. Please do be aware that a rights owner has no obligation to respond.

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I am not sure if you are doing the drop ship method from Ingram, but as anyone knows trademark and IP complaints are frequent with that strategy.

This is a good call out, and depending on how exactly you are sourcing the products the invoices may not contain all required information to be accepted. Does your invoices show you as the purchaser and recipient of the products?

The forums community and I are here to support you. Please let us know how we can help you from this point forward.


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In reply to: Seller_IUhBk4EzVGwV0's post

This site is "Do as I say not as I do." This has never been more clearer. This post is case and point.

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In reply to: Seller_IUhBk4EzVGwV0's post

"When amazon says "name" does it mean the legal account name LLC, or my personal name?"

Who is your up commercial account with Ingram set up under? You personally, your name Trading As AABB, or under your LLC business name

No matter which is used on your account, the name and address should match your Amazon seller Account.

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