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Error 8040 , 5665. Endlessly waiting and going around in circles

by Seller_Kn7PE9rhSYXk9

Current pending case IDs : 15516163641 ; 15494585731

So my issues started about a month ago. Out of nowhere, I was no longer approved to sell under my brand name. All parent listings were destroyed, all listings were search supressed. After going back and forth with support which did not help one bit, I re-applied for brand approval. Got it. Then reuploaded all 3000 of my listings. This fixed the issue.

about 2 weeks later, I lost brand approval AGAIN. I applied for brand approval again. Got it. However, this time I could not upload my listings again to solve the issue. It still says that I'm not authorized to sell under this brand name. On the template, it shows as error 8040. When trying to list a brand new product through the other tool, it says I need to apply for brand approval. According to seller support, they say that's error 5665

Please note that this is the EXACT same loading file I used previously to upload which had no errors previously. Only now is it giving me these problems.

When I go to search supression in my inventory, they say that the color & department attributes are missing and only the brand owner can make changes. And yet, from my 3000 listings, about 20 of them are working normally and they recognize me as the brand owner for those, but not everything else.

I've seen multiple posts recently regarding a similar/same issue as this. So Mods, if you actually do take the time to read this, please DO NOT GIVE ME SOME GENERIC ADVICE. I've read all the generic advice and none of it works. THIS IS AN INTERNAL ERROR. If you have some way of actually solving it or can please escalate it and follow up with someone about what is happening, I'd greatly appreciate it. My store is dead and there is seemingly nothing I can do about it besides complain here.

Tags: Add a product, Listing deactivated, Listings
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In reply to: Seller_Kn7PE9rhSYXk9's post

This is happening to us also. There are multiple threads on this issue and no resolution.

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In reply to: Seller_Kn7PE9rhSYXk9's post








Someone, ANYONE, please help. This is not the only post where people are suffering with this issue and mods are seemingly ignoring it and/or giving generic answers. It's clearly a problem with the backend and support keep giving us the run around saying stuff like '' Please wait 24 hours " and then nothing happens. My store has been dead for weeks and I can't do anything. Nobody on any post has a solution and not one single Mod is following up on this issue. A lot of older posts even have mods saying '' I will follow up with this '' and then the post is locked and no responses. PLEASE HELP SOMEONE

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